Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Running club III

I'd promised myself that I wasn't going to write anything about running club this week, but then I decided I would, because something wonderfully unexpected happened there, and a trilogy worked for Tolkien with Lord of the Rings.

Oh, and there might be a treat for putting up with all my running nonsense - of which there's been plenty recently, I know. More on that when you've ploughed through this.

Right, so tonight was my third time going to running club and I was totally flying solo because Sweatband wasn't there, and all the other people I've gotten to know over the last couple of weeks were either absent, injured, or only turned up to go to the pub after. That being the case, it was quite nice that there was another newbie there, and we ended up chatting - mainly because one of the other guys said "hang around Tim - he knows what's going on."

My reaction to that was kind of like "me!?" because I didn't have a clue what was going on and was just going to latch on to anyone I recognised and then follow them around until we started running. Turns out though, that I just needed to latch onto the woman who led the interval training last week, because she was leading another torturous session and I'm nothing if not a glutton for punishment. So I latched onto her, newbie latched onto me, and all was well with the world.

Tonight's session consisted of running through Richmond Park to the polo field where we separated into pairs. Each member of the pair then had to run half a lap of the field, before tagging their team member who would then run the other half - kind of like an ongoing relay. We did this – I am not kidding you – for 25 minutes. Initially me and newbie were hanging around the middle of the field, but then that wonderful thing I mentioned took place - we started moving up the field. OK, it wasn't a race or anything, but we were a good, consistent team. I was certain that it was my teammate who was doing all the work, but then I realised that I was definitely holding my own. Before I knew it, we were in third. Then second. Then in the very last segment I found myself pacing the leader, mere footsteps behind him. And as we rounded the last corner onto the straight I realised it was now or never - so I mustered every last ounce of strength and really went for it. I pulled one of my now almost-legendary sprint finishes out of the bag, and overtook him. I heard him laugh in a "I-can't-quite-believe-it" way as I headed toward the line and - yeah, I know I said it wasn't a race, but y'know… - took the victory!

Two relative newbies taking victory over established club runners - hurrah for us!

Unfortunately, as this was just a training session there were no medals or anything, but in my head this goes down as one of my finest running moments so far. Ruined only by the fact that I've just realised I've been wearing my vest inside out all evening. 



Right, I promised you a treat, didn't I? Come back here tomorrow and I might just show you the cover of my book…


  1. Aah! I was totally good and didn't even peek at the bottom of the post, and now I'm so excited.

    Hurrah for you! You should make yourself a medal out of tinfoil and wear it proudly.

  2. Bah. I was hoping for some topless pictures. Oh well, the cover of your book will have to do...

    Congratulations! Both on your non-race victory, *and* having a cover for your book.

    P.S. When the other runners said to newbie "hang around Tim - he knows what's going on." They didn't mean Tim the dog, did they?

  3. Hehehe! Nice one, IDV. Where was Tim the dog in all these proceedings?

    Yay! Winning! Yay! Book cover. You'd better post it, buddy.

  4. Anonymous10:20 am

    lol @ IDV.
    You are getting really good at all the running, may come I handy when all the fans of your book are chasing you... Because you know they will.

  5. Anonymous10:21 am

    What is 'I handy'?
    I meeannnn 'in handy' Bah!

  6. Dinah - I think I might. Or I could just go buy one. A chocolate one! Mmmm… choccy medal…

    Inexplicable Device - No, they did not mean Tim the dog. he was one of the ones that was absent. Slacker! You're always hoping for topless pics. Pervert.

    T-Bird - The book cover is coming!

    Watch*Paint*Dry - Don't encourage him!

    Is 'I handy' like 'eye candy?' but a bit more … handy?

  7. But whatever would you do if I stopped perving over you? You'd only sulk.

  8. Well done! Doesn't matter if it's not supposed to be a race. You're all running, so somebody has to take the lead! :)

  9. Inexplicable Device - Um, I'd probably manage…

    Tara - That's exactly what I thought! Ta!

  10. Anonymous9:31 pm

    He doesn't need any encouragement. He can manage all on his own methinks.

    Hmm Handy Eye-Candy, yes, that makes sense.
