Thursday, June 05, 2008

Nature is exciting/a tease

It's not every day you see a human-sized rubber duckie in Hammersmith high street, but fortunately for me, today was that day.

Notice how that woman thought I was taking a picture of her, and how that bloke is carrying his small loaf like it's a tricorder.

And in other nature-based news, I just flicked the TV over to BBC2 ready for Heroes, only to find Springwatch was on. And as I turned away Bill Odie said "I can assure you there's a pair of tits there."

Apparently they were talking about some birds, but by the time I'd turned around again the camera had gone to a close-up of Kate Humble. Saucy.


Sorry for the lack of updates - I've been a bit busy with some bits and bobs. On the plus side, if I do some stuff with fellow bloggers I don't actually have to write about it.

Good times!


  1. That bloke in the red, he looks like someone I met in London some years ago when I made a failed attempt to crack into the hotel cleaning business there.

    He was nice.

    The yellow duckie is definately kooler than the Star Trooper down by the London Eye.

  2. Haha....Sorry chick with the gigantic leather purse, he was taking a photo of the OTHER chick behind you!

  3. Cyberpete - I should've posed with the duck, shouldn't I?

    Tara - That is a massive bag, isn't it?

  4. You're blogging next week's quiz, Mr Murphy.

  5. You should have!

    That would have been awesome. Of course, I never posed with the Star Trooper either.

    Never crossed my mind

  6. Willowc - I am? We better make it exciting then!

    Cyberpete - It would've been embarrassing if it had followed me home, then tried to get in the bath with me.

  7. Yet strangely exciting, no?

  8. What's with all the bread? Tall bloke with the black rucksack looks like he's got a loaf under his arm!

  9. And what's with the jam-based wordage?

  10. Anonymous10:00 am

    Was the duck there for a 'flogging you something silly' or do you think someone just felt like wearing their duckie suit?

  11. You've been busy with your Timbits?

  12. Cyberpete - Um, I'm thinking … no.

    Inexplicable Device - Everyone wanted to feed the ducks, of course.

    Watch*Paint*Dry - I think it was just a pervert in a suit.

    MJ - Always.

  13. I'd have thought it would have been weird in the good way.

  14. Nope; at the end of the day it's still a dude in a duck suit.

  15. Hehehe ok.

    Are you sure it's a bloke though? Couldn't it be a hot girl in there?

    Ducks aren't the most masculine of birds yanno.

  16. I can see it's Bill.

  17. Is Bill Oddie a massive perv or something?

  18. I've always suspected he might be…

  19. If anyone was going to be the perv, I would have thought it would be Tim Brooke Taylor.

    Something about his clean-cut Maggie Thatcher loving appearance.

  20. I think they're all pervs. Goodies my arse.

  21. Oh Tim. You really shouldn't make final statements like that - You never know who might come along and turn it into something untoward.

    It's a good job the next commenter was me. Otherwise, who knows what kind of filth may have been unleashed?

  22. That's very true - thank god such a virtuous person as you came along!


    Was the the heavens opening and a chorus of angels singing? Or a group of rogue hula dancers? You can never be too sure.

  24. Anonymous12:36 pm

    What duck?

  25. T-Bird - Sounds like Jeff Buckley to me!

    Sylvie Girl - I don't know. I think I was hallucinating. It's not there anymore so I must've been.

    Maybe it migrated!

  26. * clasps hands together whilst smiling a beatific smile and squinting because of the too-shiny halo *

    P.S. I expect the reason you haven't posted for a while is because you're working on your submission for the Unnamed Project? Am I right?

  27. That light is because you're standing in front of the sun. Sit down!

    The reason why I haven't been posting is because I'm too bloody busy! Although I've just done one.
