Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Seeing is believing

So this is the novella, all printed out and ready for proofing…
…And these are the are art pages ready to be submitted.

I'm a little bit excited. Or, in the words of a teenage chav: "I is a 'ittle hexcited, innit?"


  1. Eeeee! This is awesome, and it looks fantastic. Congrats!

  2. "But there was no sign of Annie Taylor" - I already told you: She was outside my living room window! That was a year ago, so you're probably too late to find her now.

    The art work looks cool!

  3. That's exciting stuff - what's the next step?

  4. Looking at these, I get the impression that I will be able to say "I totally annoyed Tim Leng before he got famous!"

    Yay! I bet this one will get picked up by a publisher somewhere along the line. Do you have a literary agent to do your thang, or did that whoring worshop tell you differently?

  5. Dinah - Wait until I format it properly - I'm going to pick a nice font and have drop caps and everything! It'll be well exciting, and will also bump up the number of pages.

    Inexplicable Device - Stop zooming in on the picture to try and read it - be patient!

    The Pirate King - Arrrr, there be pirates 'ere! Welcome! Well, given my past form, I'll probably procrastinate for a few months, then get snowed under watching Gossip Girl, Chuck, and My Name is Earl, then wonder why I've not done anything productive since 1994.

    T-Bird - Ha! And you totally can afterwards!! I think I'll just whore myself - I'm like a pimp and ho all rolled into one.

  6. Yay! Your novella looks all crisp and ready for stardom!..But first to the proofreader!

    Interesting art, too!

  7. So you have a gold tooth, feather, cane and knee high boots on right now?

    I bet you do, don't you?

  8. Tara - To the proofreader indeed!

    T-Bird - Don't forget the cravat!

  9. Anonymous9:53 am

    Very cool artworks. When does the whoring begin? The whoring of the book i mean. I have a feather boa you can borrow, in fact I have two, one is pink.

  10. Anonymous1:51 pm

    I love the artwork. I should like to read that until my padded tits explode.

  11. * ducks to avoid titsplosion *

  12. Looks really interesting. Tried to zoom in on the pages but my glasses are smudged or not powerful enough.

    Can't wait to pick up a copy

  13. Watch*Paint*Dry - Straight away, I think! I'll bear the feather boa in mind, but I'm not certain I'll need it…

    Sylvie Girl - Whoa! Be careful, we can't have detonations going off all over the place! Will I need to limit you to one page per day?

    Inexplicable Device - I think some landed on your shoulder.

    Cyberpete - Maybe I made the photos too small … on purpose! Can't be giving all my secrets away just yet!

  14. Anonymous8:17 pm

    Yes. And these will become padding once read. My aim is to be as large as Cunning Stunt by the end of the week. Keep it coming.

  15. You'll need a monocle to protect your working eye (we all know the other one hasn't been the same since the Crimea) from all the padded tits exploding.

  16. Sylvie Girl - Crumbs!

    T-Bird - Screw the monocle - I might need goggles!

  17. All that feather downy stuff is going to blind you in your remaining eye, Baron Von Timhoffengen.

  18. Anonymous10:15 am

    Everyone needs a feather boa!

  19. I think I'm with T-Bird on this one - I'm not convinced I could (or would want to) carry off the boa-look!

  20. Oh you clever man eh?

  21. Perhaps the Baron could wear that new fangled invention that will never take off - the bifocals. Sort of like Gary Oldman in Bram Stoker's Dracula, they could be shaded a colour for no apparant reason.

    Unless Dracula was dyslexic.

  22. Cyberpete - I wouldn't quite go that far…

    T-Bird - Or goggles! I'd look great in goggles.

    Wouldn't it have been great if Dracula needed a blind dog?

  23. Now, just how far would you go....



  24. I've kind of lost track of what we're talking about, but I suppose it depends on the situation.
