Friday, April 04, 2008


Highlight of the day is summed up in one word: Tramp.

As longtime readers will know, I have a habit (some might say slight addiction) of trying to get shout-outs on the radio, particularly if I'm a bit bored. Today was no different - but rather than get a shout-out for myself, I aimed to get one for Yaz.

Weekday mornings are now taken up by listening to the George Lamb show on BBC 6Music, which plays some rather awesome music in combination with the most inane banter I've heard in a long time; so inane, in fact, that it a) ranks right up there with the kind of inane banter that Yaz and I throw at each other over coffee at lunchtime, and b) has led to lots of online petitions to get the show taken off 6Music because it's not the kind of show that many listeners to the station want to hear. Another aspect of the show is the shout-outs to listeners, which generally take the form of 'SHABBA!' (as in the classic Shabba-Ranks lyric) or 'TRAMP!' (as intoned by what I imagine to be a sassy black woman) depending on whether they're intended for people who've done something … well, shabba-able or trampy. There's also 'CHARLIE MURPHY!' and 'BAM-BAM!' but shabba and tramp are the most important ones.

Of course, I wanted Yaz to get a tramp. I told Yaz I was going to get her tramped, and she was well up for it; giddy with excitement, in fact.

So, to get the full-on trampage, I had to jump on the slightly surreal bandwagon of 'diva-watch' - basically emailing in a faked sighting of a diva, preferably with some form of meat-based clothing.

After no thought much thought, I went with: 

Just spotted Aretha Franklin riding Ronnie Corbett down the Goldhawk Road; she's wearing a honey-roast ham dress, rump steak shoes, and a meatball necklace. Any chance of giving my mate Yaz a tramp?

And tramped she was, on national radio*. Good times.


I was asked this afternoon what my theme tune was. My initial response was that I'm not a tellybox programme, so I don't technically have a theme tune. But it's an interesting question, not least because I remember the storyline on Ally McBeal where she had to find a theme tune and I was always intrigued by the thought of what mine would be. So I reached for my iPhone in order to scroll through my songs in search of a quality theme tune.

Now, I'm not the sort of person who wants to change his theme tune every other day - I want a classic that will see me through the good times and the bad, so after much scrolling, I settled on Shine a Light by the Rolling Stones (not influenced in any way by the new rockumentary of the same name - I liked the song first!), although it's got to be the version off the Stripped album. I was almost swayed by a couple of tracks of the new Panic at the Disco album, but it's too new to really know how the songs will stand up over time (though I think they will). Anyway, I think Shine a Light is a good choice. 

So, my question to you is: what's your theme tune, hmmm…?

*If you want to hear it, go HERE and click on Friday's show in the 'listen again' section - it'll be up till the end of next week!


  1. ok, if our radio programs over here were as cool as that one sounds then just maybe i would actually tune in to the radio!

    love the idea of a 'theme tune'...we will need to ponder & get back to you on this!

  2. I've always thought "Everyday is a Winding Road" by Sheryl Crowe was a good song for me. It's just so true, but not just for me, for everyone.

    Good job on the radio shout-out! You sound like a fun friend!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. That is a tricky one... I am going to have to give it a good think.

  5. Ok, I have to go with my first thought...

    Blue would still be blue by the Guillemots.

  6. IVD is busy and has asked me to comment in his place.

    His theme song is "I Feel Pretty" from West Side Story.

    I feel pretty
    Oh so pretty
    I feel pretty and witty and gay
    And I pity
    Any girl who isn't me today

  7. Anonymous11:14 am

    Lol, I bet the Tramp rocked. I can't seem to get my head around George Lamb's show, I can't manage to get through a whole show. I usually end up listening to Gideon Coe's show from the night before. Funny, I don't have a problem watching George Lamb on telly, wonder if it's because he is an extroadinarily good looking man? hmmmm
    Theme tune? I think I would be fickle about it. The Smiths, 'What difference does it make?' is this week's one.

  8. Missy&Chrissy - The beauty of it is that you can listen to it on the tinternet, in realtime and on playback, if you want! In fact, they've had some guy from Chicago on not so long ago…

    Tara - That is a good song, and very apt, I think! Also good is 'All I wanna do' by the Crow!

    T-Bird - That sounds like a very melancholy song. Is it?

    MJ - That song would be just perfect if you cut the words 'pretty,' 'pretty,' um, 'pretty,' and 'witty'!

    Watch*paint*dry - Well, heeeeeeeeeeello! The Tramp totally raaawked!! Give Lamby another go - he's off on holiday for a couple of weeks, but his show is funny once you get into the mindset. Listen back to Friday's show for the Tramping!

    I thought your theme tune would be a Ryan song? Maybe 'New York, New York' or 'So Alive' …

  9. Nope, it's actually a very happy song! Quirky too - it makes me smile.

  10. That's alright then! Hurrah! STC COLLISION IMMINENT!

  11. Anonymous12:33 pm

    Hey hey hey
    There are too many beautiful Ryan songs to choose only one. I have daily Ryan theme tunes. The two you suggest are definitely 'up there'. 'Neew York' is definitely a theme going on my blog at the moment... hmm yes. the closest I am going to get to the big apple today is to eat one!

  12. So Ryan is more like the incidental soundtrack to your daily episode?

  13. Sorry, I was just passing through to get some supplies and green slave people.

  14. You're a MEDIA WHORE and you love it!

    Hmm, theme song...very difficult. This requires more serious thought.

    I like the header!

  15. T-Bird - Are you five parsecs out of Altair VII?

    Dinah - I totally am! Glad you like the header - I wasn't totally happy with the last one, so I thought it was best to change it rather than sit here and brood about it.

  16. Anonymous5:32 pm

    fundamental nowadays ;>

  17. Ha ha! Like the Stones are to me!!

  18. I can't think off the top of my head for that perfect indie/alternative/punk/rock song that sums up my life, so I'll just say the Big Break theme tune. "Snookering you, snookering you tonight!"

  19. Snookering me?! Snookering me tonight!?!? Good grief man - that's the sort of vile smut I expect from IDV, not you!

    I bet that pervert witch is chalking his tip somewhere…

    What about something by Kenickie?

  20. * squeak squeeeeak *

    * brushes chalk dust from trousers *

  21. Anonymous11:56 am

    Personally, I woulda given you two shabba's and one charlie Murphy for that effort!

    Good work.
