Saturday, March 01, 2008

That book thing that everyone is doing

Well, everyone else is doing it, so why can't I?

1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people*

Margaret had to leave early so Ange is removing my makeup today. I ask her if she's got a menthol blower (the minty apparatus that, when blown into an actor's eyes, produces tears), and I borrow it to take home for rehearsal for tomorrow. Hair and makeup removed, I jump in the car and head to the hotel.

This is from the book I'm currently reading, which is My Boring-Ass Life: The Uncomfortably Candid Diary of Kevin Smith. And uncomfortably candid it is - and yet also very entertaining. This passage is taken from the section where he's filming the movie Catch and Release in Vancouver, where he later gets into a bit of trouble for talking - candidly, of course - about the production of the film. What did they expect? He's Kevin Smith! Which means unlike, well, pretty much all of Hollywood I expect, he actually likes to interact with his fans. And it's not like he spoils the movie in any way. In fact, what he's written about it actually makes me want to go seek out Catch and Release.

Score one for Smith, zero for uptight, shortsighted Hollywood execs.

Anyway, it's a good read, so if you liked those three sentences I recommend all the others in the book. Available now in all good bookshops (I've always wanted to say that)!

* I can't be bothered to do this - do it if you feel like doing it. See if I care.


  1. I'm a fan of this style of tagging...I never know who to tag anyway. The book sounds really interesting. I have a fond spot for Kevin Smith's movies, well, most of them. I think i would love this book.

  2. It is a funny book Dinah. I've been a big fan of Kevin Smith since I saw Mallrats ( which remains my favourite film of his) - hell, I even like the much maligned Jersey Girl!

    This book is made up from his my boring ass life online diary ... I think its up on his website if you're intrigued!

  3. I agree with you about Jersey Girl. I loved it. I also really like Catch and Release which I just saw last Friday. I didn't even know he was in it, but was pleasantly surprised.

  4. I quite like Mallrats. and Dogma. And, to some extent, Chasing Amy. I'm a big fan of early Jason Lee.

  5. I don't know who he is.

    * sigh *

    I suppose I'd better start clciking on links and the like...

  6. 'clciking' is, of course, the noise made when the key doesn't depress properly.

  7. Sounds interesting. I like Mallrats and Dogma. I really really hated Chasing Amy - it was just the most boring thing ever, almost.

    I could consider reading that book, if it's available in good bookshops in Denmark with a fair pricetag (I buy books, I don't rent)

  8. T-Bird - Yeah, Jersey Girl was a good, solid, warm, fuzzy film. I don't understand why so many people ripped on it so much. I might have to check out Catch and Release soon!

    Dinah - I love Mallrats big time. It was the movie that introduced me to Kevin Smith. I remember catching it late one Friday night on BBC1, and having to tape the last half of it because I was so tired. I then made an effort to watch his other movies - love 'em all!

    Inexplicable Device - YOU. DON'T. KNOW. WHO. HE. IS!?

    Get clicking, or clciking, or whatever, and educate yourself man! I think you'd particularly like Dogma.

    Cyberpete - I wasn't a fan of Chasing Amy when I watched it the first time, but then I saw it again and really liked it.

  9. I have Chasing Amy on DVD but I've sworn like with Boomerang, I will never watch again.


    I'm sure IDV will love Dogma, just the intro is fantastic!

  10. Or intro alone

    that's the correct way of saying it, yeah?

  11. Give it another go… go on. I dare you.

    Yeah, I think IV will like Dogma. He'll probably take a shine to Jay…

  12. I haven't seen "Catch and Release", but I've seen the movie trailers. It looks like he has a good role in the film.

    I love the title of his book.

  13. Not in a million years, I would be screaming "I want my 108 minutes back" the entire time

    I think I'll watch the second part of Cleopatra

  14. Tara - Kevin Smith says in his book that he was surprised at the size of the role … and was surprised he was even asked. Modest fellow!

    Cyberpete - Oh. And you wouldn't be screaming that at Cleopatra? (Comin' atchya!)

  15. Dogma > Mallrats > Chasing Amy > Clerks.

    As for the three sentences...

    Homosexuality in many animals, and even in humans, is sometimes interpreted in a similar way, just as a mistake. Birds with elaborate courtship displays can be induced to strut and flutter and sing for stuffed birds or even for just a few appropriately coloured feathers. male sticklebacks will fight with very simple dummies and even their own reflections.

  16. I also love Kevin Smith's love of Degrassi. He's such a huge fan, especially of the original series.

    I'm almost to opposite way, Tim. I liked Chasing Amy a lot the first time I saw it, and then a little bit less each time. Sort of like with The Breakfast Club.

    Dogma just has so many good parts.

  17. Skillz - I wouldn't disagree with that… What about Clerks 2, Jersey Girl, and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back though?

    And what the hell are you reading?!

    Dinah - I *SO* want to see Jay and Silent Bob do Degrassi, but it's not available over here! Damn my European market!

  18. Cleopatra is one of the greatest movies of all time along with Ben Hur, Spartacus... you know classic epic movies

    Now THOSE are classics

  19. Aaaaah… like Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.

  20. Or Weekend at Bernie's.

  21. Ohgod! I love Weekend at Bernies!
