Monday, March 24, 2008

Hair update 03: Wolverine edition

Without further, or indeed any, ado:

Good grief. This isn't getting ridiculous at all. Next.


  1. Whoa! I thought for a sec that was Hugh Jackman. ;)

    That is too awesome. I like your claws, Wolverine! Indiana Jones next. You'll need the hat.

  2. * tuts *

    I thought you were going to do the swept back, Seagulls style hair?!

    * pouts *

    Still, good improve with the pens.

    You don't know how much I wanted to add an extra i...

  3. There was an extra e, though: Improv. IMPROV!!

  4. Tara - I felt more like Hugh Jass.

    Um, Indy might be difficult because I don't have the hat, which would mean me being all photoshop-tastic. I'll bear it mind though, even if it does mean my hair will actually be covered!

    T-Bird - What, for next week? Or here?

    Inexplicable Device - Like I could be arsed to do that? Really. And you keep your 'i's to yourself, you understand?

  5. You could be Indiana in those split second scenes when he loses his hat, though. Or you could borrow the hat I bought in Canada.

  6. ErosWings has a hat he could lend you - I'll drag him into the mirror too.

  7. If you can do Charlie Bucket from Willy Wonka I'll be very impressed. It doesn't even matter that you're not blonde, I just think it's a triumphant do.

  8. Well I would like a Freddy Krueger one, that's what I was voting for.

    This was sort of reminiscent of him, but not enough...

  9. whoa! awesome pic - i can't decide if my favorite part of it are the pen-claws, or the 'SNKTT'!

    we're torn (hee) between indiana jones or freddy krueger for the next one...

    we also like IDV's flock of seagulls suggestion (if that's what he was suggesting).

  10. IDV: Leave Bingowings alone *HRMPF*

    Those are really practical if you need to write something down. You have them at hand

    As for the next one, do Flocks of Seagulles hair. I saw them on VH1 on Sunday.


  11. Missy & Chrissy: That is exactly what I was suggesting - Yay!

    CyberPoo: Ah, the shoe's on the other foot now!

  12. You should not kick people lying down

    but if you must, please wear your best shoes, I refuse to get kicked by a pair of Ecco's or Crocks


  13. Tara - I think Indiana sans hat would be easier for everyone than Indiana with hastily-borrowed-hat-Fed-Ex'd-over-from-the-States!! I shall bear it in mind!!

    Inexplicable Device - That's a rootin' tootin' proper cowboi hat, if memory serves!

    iPandah - Lovely to have yee back, but OHMYGOD NOT FOR ALL THE WONKA BARS ON THE PLANET!!!!

    T-Bird - With Tara or Eroswing's hats I could do Indiana Jones AS Freddy!

    Missy&Chrissy - I was particularly proud of the claws; practical on-set effects are always a little more complex than VFX added in post production.

    Cyberpete - It's always handy to have a pen around. Three's even better. SNKTT!

    And I draw the line at Flock of Seagulls. With my pen-claws.

    IDV and Cyberpete - Boys! Stop bitching and flirting!

  14. That's fine, I've done it on Ozzy instead.

  15. You know who also reminds of Freddy Krueger?

    Pizza the Hut from Spaceballs.

    Can you do a Pizza the Hut shot as well? Pleeeaaasse?

  16. iPandah - Now THAT I want to see!

    T-Bird - It's been ages since I've seen Spaceballs - I'd have to do some research!

  17. Ack! An MJ!

    Don't say you're a member of the Anti-Hoody League?

  18. I hope you aren't a member of the AHL, MJ!

  19. I have just become the owner of a darling red hoody!

    Someone was taking note...

  20. This could be like the McCarthey witch hunts all over again!

  21. Do you know, I felt a shiver of excitement when I left that last comment. And now I know why: STC sharing... That means we've practically 'done it', Tim!

  22. Ugh, I just vomited. A red hoody!? Are you trying to turn into me?!? Am I to be a victim of identity fraud of the most bizarre kind?!

    I feel violated!

  23. And the battle for 2008 rages on... red and hot.

  24. Like IDV will be … when I turn my FLAME THROWER ON HIM!!!!

  25. You *do* realise that is somehow going to be construed into something filthy now, don't you?

  26. Oh, Tim. I'm already flaming, but perhaps you can just turn on?

    (That's the best I can do on such short notice, T-Bird)

  27. T-Bird - Realise? I expect it. Sadly.

    Inexplicable Device - Is that all you've got? Pathetic.

  28. I actually thought it was rather good!

  29. It was sadly lacking a little something, I thought. Sorry.


  30. I could give you a big something, Tim?

  31. I doubt that very much.

    *reaches for magnifying glass*


  32. This is pretty much an even tie at the moment, gentlemen. We need someone to drop a massive bomb to end this particular battle.

    Who will it be? Will it have to do with wangs? Stay tuned!

  33. Ha ha! Mad you look, made you stare, made you lose your underwear!

    Mwah hah hah hah ha!

  34. Shit! I nearly steered into the SS Garland with my SS Joanna Lumley!!

  35. T-Bird - Homer Simpson said it best: It's all about the wang.

    Inexplicable Device - No you didn't. Nothing you could ever do would make me lose my underwear. Stop being so childish!

    T-Bird - Engage your proximity detectors!

  36. I'll have to launch some repellant at you two shortly! Get out of my STC space!

  37. CP, I saw A Flock of Seagulls in concert a few years back! but they weren't wearing their signature 'do, but still rocked out...

    CP, you must now get a hoodie, as we hoodlums unite against the AHL to form the superhero group, Boyz In the Hoodz!

    Tim, are pens retractable? Are they adamantium or gel?

  38. IDV: You bought a Kylie style fashion hoodie?

    Bingowings: Not on your life, I'll be a proud anti hoodie person for the rest of my life

    Sparkly Tim: It appears your running has flatlined. Do we need to bring in the crash cart?

  39. No, CyberPetra. It was a gift from a secret admirer who'd taken note of my admiration for Juno & Kylie's hoodies...

  40. Eroswings - I'm a crap member of Boyz in the Hoodz today… I've gone for the shirt and jumper combo. I'm sure the hoodies will return though!

    Are the pens retractable? if by 'retractable' you 'dropable' then yes, they are; excitingly, two are red ink pens, while the central one is a permanent black pen for writing on CDs!

    Cyberpete - Join the club, c'mon! I don't know what's going on with my running graph - it certainly didn't look like that when I uploaded it!

    Inexplicable Device - You want to dress like Kylie and Juno? That's not weird at all!

  41. Oh, how sweet! A secret admirer!

    I'm just going to drop over to yours, IDV and set off your escape pods at the home base.

    After this boys, I am Switzerland.

  42. What - land-locked and renowned for your chocolate?

    Don't go showing off your Toblerone!

  43. *Sings "Climb every mountain" while scaling T Bird's grand peaks* ;)

  44. The peaks are grand, and the valleys are lush and verdant. Come holiday in Switzerland!

    Actually, I meant that would make a pretense at neutrality, but secretly play both sides against the other and make wads of cash in the process.

  45. Hmmm, we need to see this Kylie Juno styled hoodie - on you IDV

    Get going clickety click

    You need to go running Tim

    Run Tim, run like the wind!

  46. Eroswings - How about 'River deep, mountain high' by Tina Turner?

    T-Bird - Gasp! You have a secret money-making plan?!

    Cyberpete - Do we? I don't think we do. Plus, he probably wouldn't know how to use his new digital camera if it jumped up and glove-slapped him in the face. And he certainly doesn't have a computer!

    I do need to go running - 13 weeks until the 10k!

  47. I think we do, but you are very right. He wouldn't know how to work that new digital camera and yes, he has no computer. Heh.

    Well good luck with the running. Apparently I've had enough running after the annual stiletto run MJ was talking about. God, I hate running.

  48. No, I'm pretty sure we don't. And so are you.

    I can imagine running in stilettos could be painful. Try trainers. Maybe even a hoody!

  49. Yeah - it goes like this:

    1. Make Tim think I am on his side
    2. Make IDV think I am on his side
    3. ????
    4. Profit!

  50. Curses! Damn you, vile woman!

  51. *sigh*

    Well, I can't really help it. There was that whole transporter split incident...

  52. I hate wearing flats Tim

    Heels give you better posture and trains your um pelvic region

    There is no way you'll ever get me into a hoodie, and I wouldn't wear trainers if you paid me.

    I'd be shunned

  53. T-Bird - Which one is the good T-Bird, and which is the bad!?

    Cyberpete - You don't know what you're missing out on. Joining a street gang, for one.

  54. Mwahahaha! I'll never tell!

    *hides scratch mark on face*

  55. Ah, the one that is lit somewhat dramatically and appears to be wearing a little too much mascara.
