Monday, March 10, 2008

Hair update 01

Following on from Missy&Chrissy's wonderful suggestion, may I present to you - yes you - the first in a new weekly series: Hair update!
Yes, as my efforts to grow my hair longer continue apace, here's your chance to follow events as they unfold! The excitement is, well, exciting, so here we go:

OK, so this kind of looks better than it actually is; I've been wearing a wooly hat all day, so I had full-on hat-hair which meant that as soon as I got in I damped it down and spruced it up a bit, because there was no freakin' way I was going to post it as it was. Notice also how I'm aiming for a sizzling, sultry look; I don't know why - it was either that or mimic two annoying pre-adolescent emo girls who kept gurning into an iMac in the Apple Store yesterday, but seeing as none of you were there you probably wouldn't get the joke, and I'd just end up looking like a goddamned emo. Maybe we could turn that into another aspect of this feature - pick a stupid expression for me to model? Some unsavoury types would say a stupid expression is about all I can do…

Um, so that's about it. Obviously we've still got a long way to go. And by 'we' I actually mean 'me.' Unless you all want to join me in growing your hair, like a special hair-growing super-club. 

I'll make the membership cards. It'll be awesome. 


  1. Yay! First!!

    I kind of like the messy parting look atop angry/sultry Timface.

    Although, I'm a little scared so I won't be leaving a pervy comment.

    This time.

    P.S. I might be joining this club - Get my membership card ready!

  2. Um… it's invite only!

  3. Starting off well! I like it! You look like a sultry Star Trek villain with the raised eyebrow there and the black hoody (at least I'm guessing that's a hoody, it looks cool).

    Hmm...stupid expression...How bout an overly dramatic pensive look? Like Sherlock Holmes or something.

  4. A Star Trek villain!? Tara, you know how to butter me up! And yes, it is a hoody (which came in very handy for the wind and rain we've had today!).

    I shall bear Sherlock in mind … where's my pipe and cravat?

  5. Here ya go. It is scary that there are loads of websites out there (and probably kind of geeky of me to actually look up this info) for costumes like these. But this link takes you to the essentials. You probably don't need the whole cloak, though. It would hide the hoody.

  6. I had a scary, yet sexy, dream of you being all masterful and telling me off with that hair and expression!

    If it wasn't for damn&blasted work, I'd go straight back to bed for more stern tellings off...

  7. Engage!

    The beauty of time zones is that I'm off to bed now hoping to dream scary yet sexy dreams.

  8. Invite me to the hair growth club! Pleeeaase. I've been practising. I promise not to have sexy dreams about you!
    Oh, and er... you look a tad emo. Better watch that!

  9. Yikes! T-Bird, you're right! I couldn't possibly fancy an emo, could I?

  10. First, I really like you hair that way. Lucky you to have hair that dark.

    Second, the fishhook in eyebrow look is fabulous.

    Third, nice touch that you have a tidy room (as far as we can see as you could have just shoved everything behind the sofa or massive chair). That's always a huge plus.

  11. we're so happy you started the photo posting! i daresay if i were to hang this picture up in certain areas of brooklyn, you'd have hundreds of emo-hipster ladies banging down your door...

    we second tara's suggestion of a sherlock holmesian pensive look for the next one.

  12. Tara - Ha ha, that's brilliant! Can't I be Batman instead, though?

    Inexplicable Device - *changes expression, shaves off hair, thanks God IDV is employed*

    Dinah - Blast! I'd not noticed the Star Trek-esque pose!

    T-Bird - Of course you can join! I'll even give you access to the secret hair-growth club headquarters (tree house).

    Hang on!! Did you say emo!? I'm so not emo - my range of emotions is far too broad!

    IDV - Could you clarify your position on emos so I know which way to sway?

    Cyberpete - It's not actually that dark; damping it down a bit did that; it's more brownish. As for the eyebrow - I've been practicing that for years!

    Glad you like the clean room - I refuse to live in squalor. Well, in that room at least…

  13. Missy&Chrissy - Damn! I want to repel emos, not attract them! Suddenly Tickle Me Emo takes on a whole different meaning…

    And I'm glad you like the photo-posting! I've been blasted for it in the comments over at IDV's!

  14. I try all the tricks in the book except actually dyeing my hair black. I hate my brown hair.

    Your eyebrow trick looked almost rehearsed, you did well.

    So all your dirty hoodies ARE behind the sofa?

  15. I've never done it with an emo, so I wouldn't know about 'positions'.
    As for which way you should sway, well, I think we could certainly work something out, don't you?

    IDV wins that one!

    IDV: 3

    Tim: a sad emo 2

  17. Cyberpete - I went through a stage of hating my brown hair, but then I thought there are more important things to worry about and began to embrace it.

    The eyebrow trick is often brought into play, though I try to be more subtle, particularly if I'm using it to infer that someone is being an idiot. Which has happened a fair bit over the last couple of days!

    There's one hoody drying just over there, and the rest upstairs in the wardrobe. To be honest, I'm kind of hoping spring will arrive soon - as much as I love my hoodies I've got some shirts and thin jumpers that I'd like to wear without freezing my tits off.

    IDV - By 'an emo,' do you actually mean 'anything willing' or 'alive'?

  18. T-Bird - How can he win when we're still playing? I've just posted a witty retort!

  19. A retort too late, I'm afraid. T-Bird is the GamesMaster and cannot be questioned.

    * hopes I won't regret this *

  20. Batman would be cool and intense, but it would defeat the purpose of a new hair style cuz of the batty costume and all. But you could have the batmobile.

  21. Inexplicable Device - I think we should put it to a vote!

    Tara - That's a very good point. And yes, I would certainly take the Batmobile (though I doubt it gets many miles to the gallon…)

  22. Anonymous12:38 pm

    I thought Star Trek villain, too, but I see I was beaten to that comment by a long way.

  23. Your run graph is so nice and even! Bring back the crazy faces! (as long as that doesn't cause, you know, personal injury to yourself...)

  24. Qenny - Any comments that say I look like a Star Trek villain are gratefully received, so thank you!

    Dinah - I know, it's very consistent! And that last bit where it picks up? I was running into an epic head wind there.

    You're not the only one to voice your upset at my newfound consistency - Marcosy was urging me today to return to my previous 'run like a drunk monkey' specialness.

  25. Anonymous8:50 pm

    If they ever remake Superman II I'll be nominating Tim for the role of one of the bad guys.

  26. That's right, boys. The GamesMaster makes her own rules. If a particularly awesome zing is produced, that can and will end the bout prematurely.

    IDV just happened to have a premature commentulation that was particulary good.

    Hey - were you out running in that crazy weather? That's awesome. I'd like to see you do a Michael Jackson thriller yell into the wind while your face is going all funny.

  27. Skillz - KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!

    I can totally do that. The role, that is, not kneeling. I mean, I totally can kneel, but I want other people to be kneeling before me.

    I hope everyone got that.

    T-Bird - So IDV came first? There's something we'd never have guessed. No stamina.

    I was totally running in the wind, Earth Song-stylee!

  28. tickle-me-emo...hah!! can you dress up as that for your 3rd photo?

    hmm, sorry for the chaos we might've caused...we will go over and read IDV's comments, and protect you from the photo-posting blasting, if need be...although thus far it only looks like some lovely kitchen window shrubbery over there.

  29. * kneels before Tim *

    While I'm down here...

  30. Missy&Chrissy - Emo!? Um, no? I might think about Mr.s Snuffaluffagus!

    Inexplicable Device - *bitch slaps the witch*

  31. With what?

    * gets up off knees *

    Liking the new title. So we have you to blame for t'internet crashes and the like, hmm?

  32. Yeah take that hoodie off Tim

    Take it off!

  33. IDV - I slapped you with my … bitch, of course!

    There's teething troubles with the new title - it should be bigger but the javascript isn't playing ball. I was up to midnight last night trying to fix the bloody thing. Bah!

    Wouldn't be the first time something of mine shrank at the sight of you.

    Cyberpete - The hoodies will hibernate when the weather improves!

  34. Well bring on summer and sun

    Let's hope those skinny low cut T-shirts are fashionable again this summer

  35. I would much prefer it if it were bigger. Not that I'm a size-queen, or anything...

    Perhaps I could coax it into swelling somewhat?

  36. Cyberpete - I'm just hoping we get a summer this year; last year's was just crappy rain! Not literally raining crap, just rain ALL THE TIME.


    IDV - I'm thinking it might get even smaller. Then maybe disappear.

    What have you done?

  37. But then how would we know what your Blog is called?

  38. Um, maybe from the URL you typed in?
