Thursday, February 14, 2008

A big thank you

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to write a quick post to say an unbelievably big thank you to everyone who has commented, emailed, texted, or called over the course of the last week - I've been left utterly speechless* by your kind words. I don't think I could possibly begin to tell you how much they've all meant to me. You know those wonderful people I mentioned in my last post? That's you lot.

I think normal service might resume soon – but in the meantime (and this won't be everyone's cup of tea), the words of this song have also been a source of comfort during this difficult time. I hope you like it.

*So really you've only got yourselves to blame for me not posting recently :D**

**OK, that's the one and only time you'll ever see me using a smiley emoticon.


  1. Hey Tim.

    I'm glad you're back, albeit (Big Bang) briefly. Take your time in resuming normal service - Not too much, mind!

    As for the song - I'll look/listen at home as all I can see from here at work is a white square.

    P.S. I don't like tea.

  2. What? All British people like tea. Did you once have an unfortunate tea/monocle incident?

    My continued thoughts are with you, Tim. I look forward to normal services, but as IDV said, do take your time.

  3. Just as long as you're ok, I'm happy. Still sending lots of virtual hugs.

  4. Dinah, you've knocked the nail on the head. Plus, the splash ruined my bowler hat!

  5. Aaaah, bless you guys! I really appreciate all your messages!!

    And IDV, you don't like tea? Really? No redbush for you then!

  6. Redbush is the most vile of teas, but I find almost all tea unpalatable.

    The exception being "Tea! Earl Grey. Hot." No milk and no sugar.

  7. Oh my god, you pretend you're Jean-Luc Picard, don't you…?





  8. I most certainly do not!

    We just so happen to have the same taste in tea, that's all.

    * gets up, performs The Picard Manoueuver and strides off *

    "You have the bridge Number Two"

    * smirk giggle *

  9. no joke, that's exactly what my dad says when he wants tea.

  10. I dread to think what you're pulling down on when you do your version of the Picard manoeuver…

    Dinah - Does your Dad have a starship!?

  11. Sadly, no...just a love of tea.

  12. Or has he just not told you…?

  13. That's true...and also a very, very funny image.

  14. One of these days he'll hand you the keys…

  15. if he wouldn't let me drive his crown victoria, i doubt he would let me drive his starship.

  16. Good to see you back, I hope things can return to normal for you as soon as possible! It's just not the same when you're not blogging. You've been missed!

  17. Prepare for snozzles, Tim!

    Phew! That was one big snozzle.

    Dinah, you've had me giggling uncontrollably over your last comment up there!

  18. thank you! it's funny because it's day i will tell you the exploding car story (if i haven't already).

  19. Isn't a Crown Victoria nearly as big as a starship?

  20. I vote for the exploding car story - coming to a Dinah Blog Near You!

    Oh, and Tim. You have just used your first emoticon of many. The door has opened, and evil has a foot through it.

  21. I like my tea like I like my women: sweet.

    And in a mug.

  22. Dinah - I bet he does have a starship. Maybe it's cloaked? Have you ever bumped into a mysterious invisible object on your front lawn like Catherine Hicks did in Star Trek IV.

    The Crown Victoria is just a front, believe me.

    Tara - Awww, thanks! I think things are slowly getting back to some semblance of normality…

    T-Bird - Whoa! Biggest snozzle EVAH!

    Dinah - We demand you tell us! I'm betting it involved a malfunctioning photon torpedo that your Dad had to cover up.

    IDV -I really like Crown Victorias. There's something unashamedly North American (sorry Dinah, don't mean to offend!) about them.

    T-Bird - Don't worry, I've nailed that particular door shut ;)

    Eeek! :(

    Double eek!

    Skillz - Not loose leaf and required to stand for five minutes before trying?

  23. Star Trek IV was filmed on Dinah's front lawn?

    Does she know??

  24. Thank goodness you're back.

    IVD was inconsolable.

  25. IDV - More importantly, does she remember where we parked?

    MJ - So I hear!

  26. Even more importantly, was she even born in 1986? Oh, I suppose she was a bit.

    So, when does the consoling start?

  27. I don't know … maybe she did a slingshot around the sun?

    And, um, how does quarter past never sound?

  28. I was alive in 1986...and this would go a long way to explaining why I inexplicably love Star Trek IV so much.

  29. Wow IDV really is a stalker over here..

    If you need to hide out somewhere IDV free you can always come over for a cuppa Tim


  30. Dinah - Bless you, although there's nothing inexplicable about it - what is there not to like about Kirk and Spock rescuing a pair of humpback whales named George and Gracie? And Catherine Hicks' mime routine when she bangs into the cloaked ship is one of cinema's finest moments.

    Cyberpete - He is, isn't he? Every time I open the comments box his great big eye is staring back at me. It's like Sauron from Lord of the Rings.

    A cuppa, eh? Milk and two sugars, please!
