Tuesday, January 29, 2008


My original idea for this post was to respond to IDV's tag-thing where I'm supposed to write about six seemingly unimportant facts or quirks about me. Unfortunately, I couldn't think of any - or at the very least any that wouldn't either a) bore you to tears, or b) make me sound like a borderline psycho.

With that in mind, I think I'll just plod on with the regular drivel. Unless, of course, there's anything you want to know about me? Heck, we could do another 'Ask Tim!' post, because that was such an unmitigated success first time round - maybe this time with more than about three questions though.


Moving on!


Good news everybody! I think I'm finally winning the war against the mutant cough from hell! It's certainly subsided a little bit since I last moaned about it, which gives me hope that I might be able to get back to my regular pastimes of running and, er, not coughing in the next couple of days. It is fighting back a little bit, though; in fact, about 10 minutes ago I coughed so much I literally vommed in my mouth a little bit. Fortunately I swallowed it back down - nice!

Helping me with the fight-back once again today was my friendly neighbourhood barista in Secret Starbucks. After upgrading me to a venti misto on Friday, he told me I should try honey and milk to ease my cough. I laughed, said "sounds like a plan," and didn't try it. Today, however, he asked if I'd tried it, and because I'm nothing if not honest I replied "um… yeeeeee- no." Damn my inability to lie spontaneously. He frowned at me disapprovingly, which made me feel about five years-old, then said "I've got some honey here, I'm going to make you some." "Oh, don't worry," I replied. "No problem," he replied. Shit, I thought.

A minute or so later I found myself with mug of coffee and a takeaway cup full of some wacky honey and milk concoction. "Knock it back in one," he said as I walked to a table, cursing the lack of plant pots in which I could dispose of it. With little other option than to - oops! - 'accidently' knock it over, I decided to just shut up and knock it back. It tasted … awesome. With all things awesome tasting, I can't believe it's actually going to do any good, but it was a freebie, so whatever.

Rather embarrassingly, though, FNB later made me take the lid off the cup in front of a queue of other customers to prove that I'd drunk it all. They must have thought I was either a) a special, or b) that they'd happened upon the world's only fascist-run Starbucks ("You vill drink your beverage and you vill ENJOY IT! UNDERSTOOD?!"). I hate to think what he would've done if I hadn't…


Now, I'm not one to be seduced by advertising often (um, yeah, right!), but while in Sainsbury's last night I couldn't help but pick up a box of Tetley's new redbush tea. 


Redbush. Tee-hee!

Anyway, let it be known that I didn't buy this tea because of the adverts - I've actually liked redbu- tee-hee! -sh tea for a few years now. But, I will admit that I do love the advert nevertheless.

Isn't she just wonderful? It's awesome the way she just mouths off at that alligator and it turns round like a shot. I know who rules the plains of Africa my friends, and it ain't no overgrown lizard. Hell, she even gives a verbal beat-down to a lion last thing at night!

Respect to Mama Bimkubwa!


  1. Borderline psycho or boring? Go for broke! If *I'd* been tagged by IDV (huff) you'd all be backing out of the room with your hands up, murmuring about getting the authorities. DO IT!!

    Honey and milk is a time honoured tradition in our family. Also, hot water, the juice of half and lemon and honey works. I suppose you could just eat honey, but the warm milk or hot lemon water melts it nicely.

    Glad you are feeling better!

  2. T-Bird - You should just do it anyway. Heck, I'll tag you myself: do it! Do I have to? I can't think of anything exciting…

    Honey and milk is awesome - I think I could just drink it all the time. Next time I go into a pub I'm definitely going to say "a pint of your finest milk with a honey chaser, barman!"

  3. Maybe drinking a cup of Redbu-(giggle)-sh will give you the power to mouth-off to your cough? Then the cough'll get scared and go away, and you'll be cured.

    Next time I have a cough, I will try the honey and milk concoction.

  4. Tara - The redbu-snigger, I just can't say it without laughing-sh is apparently full of antioxidant, which can only be a good thing. I think…

    I definitely recommend the honey and milk thing. As T-Bird said, you're supposed to whack a bit of lemon in there too, but FNB didn't have any.

  5. you have the nicest baristas! when i had my 4-month super cough last year mine never offered me remedies...i'm glad its helping!

    and i'm on a tea kick myself lately -- i've never spotted any redbush here - teehee - what does it taste like?

  6. True story: when I was little and had a cough, my gran used to make a concoction of warm milk, tons of salt and tumeric, and make me drink it in one go. The logic was that it tasted SO vile that it made me puke up all the nasty in my throat.

    I think that's what did it.

  7. I don't know whether to be sad or happy about the cough - hurrah it's not annoying you, but bah that this means you'll be able to do that creepy sitting-completely-still in the cinema thing next week. But yay anyway!

    p.s. Honey is supposed to be the best thing in the world for coughs, apparently proven in some study to be as effective as cought mixture, milk is...not.

  8. Oh, I am still gagging from the milk, salt and tumeric remedy. That must have tasted awful!

  9. Yuk! Redbu - smirk snigger - sh tastes and smells like TCP. The Father insists on drinking it, and even brings it with him when he visits me, as he knows full well that I don't buy the vile stuff!

    As for the meme: DO IT! It's not supposed to be exciting.

    T-Bird: I'm sorry I didn't tag you. One, because NO ONE ELSE HAS DONE IT (except ErosWings) and I know you would have. And two, because there's so much huff in here that I can barely see my hand in front of my face!

  10. Missy&Chrissy - I totally do! I'm such a regular they now all know my name, which clearly has it's benefits!

    Now Redbush (tee-hee) tea, despite what some OTHER people might've said here, is really nice. It's got a little sharp kick to it and is caffeine free. It's also called Rooibus (or something like that) and well worth checking out!

    Skillz - That sounds vile! Was she trying to kill you?

    Willowc - Be happy; you'd soon tire of it. Hell, I have. And I think I might just turn creepily to you mid-film and go "BOO!"

    Heh heh…

    Willowc (again) - tit.

    T-Bird - She was trying to kill him!

    Inexplicable Device - Your Dad's got the right idea - it's delicious, so SHUT IT!

    I might get round to your meme thingy. Oh, and if I do - T-Bird, don't worry, I'LL tag you!

  11. He doesn't drink it because it's delicious. He drinks it because it because he thinks it might make him live another couple of hundred years!
    Selfish old bugger. I want to inherit the mansion sooner, not later!

    And seeing how it seems to be in fashion now: * huff *

  12. It'll never be yours! Muwahahahahahaha!

  13. Your loss. Instead of being imprisoned in a mansion, you'll have to put up with my 2-bed terrace. It might be a bit of a squeeze...

  14. I *sigh* was also not invited by IDV to share, but do really want to read your facts, Tim!

    My dad is really big into the redbu-hee-sh tea. Once I had to go all over Toronto looking for some in loose tea form.

    I love that woman on the commercial! I wish I had half her confidence.

  15. IDV - That's a shame. I wouldn't want to take up precious room, so maybe it's best I remain in my house. No, really.

    Dinah - He's a bitch, isn't he? I'll do it - and I'll tag you too!

    I flirted briefly with loose tea a few years ago, but it just pissed me off. Bags all the way!

  16. Drat! Fine. Stay in your own house, then See if I care!

    * HUFF *

  17. *huff* Either do the meme, or send a photo of your bottom to MJ so she can post it. It's either or.

    *unhuff* Well, if you hypothetically did the meme, and then *huff* tagged me, then I would *huff* do it.

    Actually, I am known for my huffs out there in the real world too. Although it's more of a protracted, exasperated sigh when someone says something silly. Or when they don't tag me.

  18. Forget about the meme, it's not either or - Send the photo. SEND THE PHOTO! SEND IT!!

    P.S. T-Bird: There's an Autobot called Huffer. A little truck-thing. But I bet you could out-huff him!

  19. Inexplicable Device - Um, OK, I will.

    T-Bird - Don't huff, I'll do the meme at some point (and tag you!). I don't think anyone needs to see a picture of my arse.

    Inexplicable Device - Whoa! Calm down soldier!! There is NO photo to send. Someone needs to take a cold shower…!

  20. There isn't?

    Must be my old, mushy brain playing up.

  21. I repeat: There is. No. Photo.

  22. MJ has lots of lovely gentlemen sending photos of their bottoms to her. I just thought you'd like to share the love with the world too.

    If we request it, Tim's bottom will come.

  23. Honey, milk, and and earl grey teabag is nice, too.

  24. Ooo, Heather - that does sound nice…!!

  25. Anonymous1:46 pm

    Thats a crocodile in the Ad. They dont have alligators in Africa.

    I know who rules there a little better (lol)

  26. You should write to Tetley to tell them of their factual error - you might get some freebies!
