Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Be better

Well, here we are in 2008 and it feels pretty much the same as the end of 2007, which is a tad disappointing. Seriously, every year I sit there on New Years Eve expecting there to be some sort of mighty flash, then suddenly 'the future' arrives and everything's like something out of a science-fiction movie. But no; instead I'm just left sitting there half-wrapped in bacofoil while everyone looks at me like I should be sectioned under the mental health act.


So today was the first day back at work after my incredibly long, incredibly relaxing Christmas holiday. I think everything went OK. I say 'think,' because I kind of just sat there with a blank expression on my face looking a bit dazed and confused (kind of like when I realise that no one else is wearing bacofoil). I smiled when people spoke to me, but in more of a special way than a 'look at me - I'm super-happy' way. Fortunately it's not been as traumatic as I feared it might be, so I think I'll probably go back tomorrow. Unless it snows; there are reports that it's going to snow tomorrow, and I really don't think I can be bothered dealing with snow-covered roads. I wonder if "I'm sorry but it's snowing" is a valid excuse for not going into work? Maybe I should get a doctor's note?

Anyway, what I really wanted to talk about was New Years Resolutions. I think I come up with one every year, but they're usually reasonably lame, like "I'm going to run more," which is stupid because I've been pretty good at keeping up with my running, aside from the beginning of last year when I had full-on man-flu, a bit in the middle when one of my knees went a bit wonky, and the rest of the year after my birthday when I just couldn't be bothered that much. That being the case, I genuinely am going to run more this year. I'm actually going to go out tonight, pending-snow be damned, although I might see if I've got some gloves to wear because I don't want my fingers to turn blue and fall off. 

I digress.

Right, my real New Years Resolution is, I think, a rather good one. Unfortunately, I can't claim it as a resolution of my own creation, because I was inspired, as I often am, by the mighty mighty William Shatner. He did a little seasonal video clip, which I strongly urge you to watch HERE, where he was superimposed against a shockingly bad living room interior. That's nothing to do with the resolution, I jut wanted to point it out. I don't know why they superimposed him into the living room and didn't just put him in a real living room, but I'm sure they had their reasons. They did a really poor job, though; the matte-lines are shocking. Anyway, Shatner's resolution, the one I loved so much I stole it, is this: 

Be better.

That's it. Pure and simple: Be better. 

I love it. I think it's a really honest, good guideline for how to live your life. I'm going to endeavour to be better at everything I do this year. It might be a bit of a tall order, but when Shatner demands it of you, you simply have to rise to the challenge.


  1. Chin up, I just ordered Zodiac and World War Z on your recommendation and my dad just whipped through Boston Legal season 1, which I got him for Christmas, and promptly bought the second. He's one of those grumpy dads who don't like ANYTHING, so it must have been the perfect present. What with that and my drunken questionings via text on NYE, methinks you are becoming my Entertainment Guru.

    So I think that your other resolution, meshing nicely with the first, should be: gather followers, take over world.

    I'll have Cyprus, please, as a reward for my loyalty.

  2. p.s. considering we know a gentleman who once didn't come to work because his toe hurt - and got away with it! - I would say snow is a perfectly valid excuse.

  3. "Be better" is a whole bundle of resolutions wrapped into two words. I like it! Best of luck!

    As for the snow, I do recommend finding some gloves. Sometimes just because there's snow on the ground and all around, doesn't mean you'll be freezing. But I don't recommend making snowballs without gloves.

  4. Are you getting the new 2-disc edition of Zodiac? I was well annoyed about that. And how did I find out about the new edition? The bare-bones disc I bought had a trailer on it. Humph!

    An entertainment guru? Awesome! I stand ready to provide inspiration and … more inspiration in the year ahead! As for my potential followers, the first 50 might get special badges. And Cyprus - yes, you can have it. To be honest, I don't think anyone's massively bothered about it - you could probably just rock up and proclaim yourself queen of Cyprus and everyone would just shrug and get on with their day.

    P.S. We do? Was that a certain nemesis of mine? I honestly don't think I could use snow as a reason to take the day off, though. It's a slippery slope - I'd claim snow first, then "I had a bit of a lie-in, got up, watched Trisha and This Morning, then didn't really think it was worth coming in. Maybe tomorrow?"

  5. Tara - Wise words. I do have some snowboarding gloves, but they'd look ridiculous when I'm running because they're massive - like Darth Vader hands. I'd look like a gorilla. I also have some nice ones, but I'm loath to get them covered in running sweat. I could wear my old gym gloves, but they were for weights, and fingerless, so I'd look like an 80s throwback.

  6. I'm not sure, it's the one in the sale - it doesn't seem to be boasting anything exciting, so probably the bare bones one. Ah well, you get what you pay for, and I'm only paying six quids.

    Yep, it was indeed your nemesis. If you follow his lead, you have a good way to go before you have to blame Jeremy Kyle, including: "It's raining a bit" and "But I came in yesterday". Keep your eye in a jug for extra sympathy. Just don't steal my damn transparencies!!

  7. p.s. You know the new series with Katee Sackhoff in it? Bionic Woman? Have you seen who's playing the lead? Zoe frigging Slater from Eastenders. Are they out of their tiny minds??

  8. Sounds like the bare bones. Probably wise though - you might hate it - LOL!

    Ah, him. Hmmm… I've got some new stories about HIM. Well, one, anyway. I expect his new year resolution is 'be more of a cock.'

  9. As for Bionic, yeah - crazy casting. I read that it's looking likely it might get axed. Better, faster, lower ratings!

  10. It can't be, he's already the perfect knob-end, there's no higher to aspire to.

  11. Everyone needs a dream…

  12. He doesn't even qualify as a nightmare, he lacks the backbone.

    And as for the Bionic Idiots, serves them right for not paying proper attention to their imported BBC channel.

    p.s. my word verification is ohfunki - brilliant.

  13. He lacks lots of things, including a personality and table manners.

    How come I never get decent WV?

  14. Oh God, you've just made me feel all guilty. I blew off running yesterday for the couch and some movies...

    Be better, nice resolution! I just have to decide what I am going to be better at...

  15. Be better? Yes.

    If there's world taking over to be done, I bagsy head of your nefarious air troops (Broom has just been upgraded, after all). I also don't mind covering for absence in the Internal Affairs division.

    Just a thought.

  16. Don't feel guilty T-Bird! Everyone needs downtime at some point, and you shouldn't be ashamed that yours coincided with this post. There's no point forcing yourself to do something if you'd rather sit and watch movies - another day you'll feel differently!

    Inexplicable Device - Or General Device, as I'm calling you: the job is yours!

  17. happy 08!

    despite the shoddy quality and the random cough in the background, that was by far the most inspiring video i've seen in a long time.

    we're jumping on the shatner resolution bandwagon with you and will be better this year!

  18. Tim, you've gone all Anthony Robbins on us, and SHIT I FUCKING LOVE THIS THING!

  19. T-Bird: Be better at watching movies from the couch - That's what I'm aiming for...

    In fact, that's an order, soldier!

  20. General DeVice will have you in and out of a uniform in no time.

    Mark my words.

    The bossy bitch.

  21. Missy&Chrissy - And a Happy New Year to you too! Glad to hear you're on the Shat-bandwagon!

    T-Bird - I totally had to Google Anthony Robbins! And I totally appreciate the well-placed bobble-hat quote!

    Inexplicable Device - Exactly! It can be applied to anything!

    MJ - Oh crumbs! I think I need to discharge him for dishonourable conduct before he has a chance to conduct himself dishonourably!

  22. ooh, lets call it the Shatwagon.

  23. Done! It sounds like an awesome low-riding car!!

  24. Awesome. I hope being better involves living every day like you're looking through Shatner-vision.

  25. I think every day would be an awesome adventure if you did!

  26. General Device sounds like something saucy from the adult store...

  27. Or an everyday implement…

  28. I prefer T-Bird's interpretation.
    Yours makes me sound common...

  29. Well, as Chekov once said: If the boot fits, wear it!

    (actually, he said "vear it," but I won't be picky)

  30. I can't. The bunions and horny old toenails make my feet look like Crewman Dax's.

    (Just kidding - I've got normal feet. Well as normal as can be expected. Feet in general are just gross!)

  31. You'd complain if you didn't have any…
