Friday, December 28, 2007

I survived

I'm back! So, how the hell was everyone's Christmas? Mine was pretty good - lots of lovely presents (including my very first saucepan, courtesy of Yaz - I can cook packet soup!), with the only downside being the fact that my grandparents were ill and didn't feel like coming over for the day, so we ended up doing the first Christmas where it was just me, Simon, and Sparky Ma and Pa for, ooo, the best part of 10 years or so. Fun was had, nevertheless.

I've spent the days since (not that I know what day it is - every time someone tells me my general response is "what? Really?!") in a weird blur of Xboxing (Bioshock and Mass Effect, if you want to know), and zooming around the immediate countryside on various errands; I'm on Jude feeding duties as I was last year, and despite promises from Sweatband that he wouldn't be, he is actually being a bit gay and keeps showing me his pencil sharpener while standing on my groin. This is after I've disposed of his poo, and while I was trying to watch Futurama. Oh, and I made a badly misjudged attempt to hit the sales in Kingston; I actually parked OK, but the shops were freaking heaving with stupid people grabbing and purchasing anything that even resembled a bargain, even if it didn't fit or suit them. I saw a nice pair of shoes (proper shoes!) but simply couldn't be arsed to try them on because the shop was like a goddamned mosh pit. I might go back over the weekend, because they were a bargain at the princely sum of 30 of your English pounds. I also want to buy the Battlestar Galactica TV movie, Razor, and the Cold War Kids album. Isn't it shocking that we all get lots of awesome stuff for Christmas, then can't stop thinking about going out and buying MORE stuff? I'm such a whore.

I've just been to se I Am Legend at the cinema with Jo, her niece, and her niece's boyfriend. We were aiming for the showing at 18:40 (for which I skipped out on the offer of pancakes at Sparky Ma's), but that was sold out so we had to wait for the 21:10 showing. We spent the intervening hours in McDonalds, where we bought the cheapest things on the menu to justify sitting inside. It was like being 16 again, and that's not a good thing. Still, the film more than made up for it, and was quite enjoyable. Perhaps the only surprising thing was that the dog, named Sam, was actually a girl (short for Samantha), and Will Smith's kid in the flashback scenes, who I thought was a little boy, was actually also a girl. I expect the producers intended for the first words out of my mouth after the film to be something like "wow!" or "that was awesome!" and I expect they'd be a little disappointed that I actually said "there was lots of gender-confusion in that movie." Still, I expect I won't be so troubled if I see it again in the future (note to self: both the dog and the kid are ladies).

Must also apologise to Jo's niece and her boyfriend; evidently they live quite close to me, and must of thought I was some sort of stalker-weirdo after I tailed them in my car for about 10 minutes.

Anyway, did you all get nice presents or utter crap? Do tell!


  1. Nice presents! I was just so excited I seem to have blurted it out. Also, I genuinely laughed out loud at the gender-confusion line. If I go see the movie, I might laugh in the middle of the theatre!

  2. But did you GET nice presents?

  3. Sounds like you had an eventful Christmas! Hope your grandparents feel better soon! Cats are famous for showing people their unseen anatomy when people least expect it. Quite rude, but cats just don't care.

    Sauce pans are good for popping up popcorn, too. Oh and I didn't see "I am Legend" but I did just see the sequel to "National Treasure" and it was pretty good!

  4. we didn't see any movies, gender-confusing or otherwise, but did receive some nice presents and are continuing to purchase MORE nice presents for ourselves every day don't worry, you're not the only shopping whore!

  5. I can't wait to see that movie! Cheers for clearing up the gender confusion, I bet I would have had issue with that. Actually, aren't dogs really boy sort of creatures anyway? I mean, girl dogs are really boyish. And cats, they are girly. Does that make sense?

    Anyhoo, I got awesome presents too - my first mix master, and boy is it a doozy!

  6. Tara - It was an eventful Christmas! And certainly memorable! I'll have to miss National Treasure 2 - I've got a weird dislike of Nicholas Cage and have avoided everything post-Raising Arizona…

    Missy&Chrissy - Ooo, whadya buy?! I can't believe I went shopping and bought *nothing*. Well, actually I did buy a coffee.

    T-Bird - It makes no sense whatsoever, but that's cool! As for your presents, what the hell is a Mix Master?! I'm thinking either a blender, or something for sampling records for your new career dropping beats at raves.

  7. Mix Master is a Constructicon, one of the evil Decepticons! I can't believe T-Bird got him - That is so cool!

    I got nice presents this year. Hardly any crap. The most surprising was a remote control Dalek from Indescribable and her boyfriend.
    Sadly, however, the exterminator doesn't appear to work. I pointed it at The Father, pressed the button and expected him to disintegrate. I was most disappointed to find that he still lived...

    I think I'll see I Am Legend, after all. I kind of agreed with CyberPoo when he said he wasn't going to see it because Will Smith had become too pompous (much like Tom Cruise), but after your report of gender confusion, it seems like I might be able to overlook the pomposity.

  8. A Decepticon! An evil Decepticon!? Destroy it!!!

    The Dalek sounds cool. Maybe you need to fiddle with the innards to get it exterminating properly. Have a go with your sonic screwdriver.

  9. I might just have to do that.

    Now where is the dratted thing? All I can lay my hands on is my hydro-spanner...

  10. Have you been putting jelly babies in it?

  11. Only brown ones, the evil little buggers.
