Monday, November 26, 2007

Jumping on the technomalogical bandwagon

Three things worth noting:

• I hate the sound of my voice.
• The still of me on the first clip makes me look semi-retarded.
• It takes fookin' ages to upload videos to blogger.


  1. Shit! This thing is fucking amazing!

    Too awesome. And, may I say, quite attractive. And I'm not just talking about the Christmas tree.

  2. Gah! I wanted to be first!

    Awwww... Just as cute as in real life.

    And is that Evil Tim in the still at the end of the second clip?

  3. Bless you, Dinah, my bookcase does look nice, doesn't it?

    Inexplicable Device - Well you can't - you're second! Tee-hee, bless you, too! Evil Tim? Naaah, you'd know Evil Tim by the frown and grimace!

  4. I really like the end freeze of the first video, you looks so very very, inexplicably pleased. Sweet!

    Much more pleased, in fact, than in the end freeze of the second, which will haunt my nightmares.

    I ought to think of something insulting to say, considering your most recent comment on my blog was 'tit', but I won't. Yet.

  5. The whole freeze-frame thing is quite scary, as shown by static image number one. I must remember to not gurn in future.

    The end one was a bit Blair Witch, wasn't it?

    And I said 'tit' in the friendliest way - honest!

  6. Okay, I can't turn up the sound right now because management and students are hovering around, but I love the light-up Christmas tree and the world premiere of Mr. Sparky himself on video! I'll play this when I go home for lunch today, definitely.

  7. Awesome videos, I finally got to turn on the sound! First of all, love the accent. I don't see how you can hate the sound of your voice, it's great. The bookshelf is very impressive and I LOVE the color of your walls! Great red tone!

  8. Hurrah! Let there be sound!! It's totally weird hearing yourself like that, though I suppose the fact that I'm so used to my accent is why it just sounds stupid and boring.

    My walls are cool, huh? I was dead set on red when I moved in - much better than the horrible dull blue that was there before. I'd love to do a more thorough tour of Sparky Towers, but that would involve carrying my computer around, which is probably inadvisable!

  9. that christmas tree is awesome!!

    i think you and the tree deserve your own holiday tv special...

  10. I like your pointing gestures, they were very cool and were probably my favourite part! I'm going to start pointing at stuff with the opposite hand, groundbreaking stuff!

    I also like the Christmas Tree, you can get fairy lights too you know, depending on how festive you're feeling.

    Your accent was entirely what I expected, but exciting nonetheless! It's nice to hear a Southern accent every now and then, Hefty and I have one but are surrounded by Northern monkeys who say "Reeet,' and 'Nowt.' Shudder.

  11. Hahaha! That still of you at the end of the last one is very scary.

    I am always amazed at how Britland is such a little country, but you all have such different accents. I have to admit (sorri iPanda) that I sort of dig the northerner's accents...

    I feel the need to video blog now. Or do something exciting. If I didn't sound like such a yokel.

  12. It's okay, some of them are alright, it's just that I can't understand what they're saying and they look at you like you're retarded!

  13. Missy&Chrissy - It is, isn't it?! It only cost seven quid (about $14?). Can you get me a TV deal? Half an hour of me waving my tree about! Hurrah!

    iPandah - I like pointing at stuff!!! I've got a rope of lights from Habitat that go round the pillar by my stairs - it looks well cool.

    How have you and Hefty got southern accents? Did you flee the south to escape a mysterious and dangerous past?

    T-Bird - You're saying I'm scary?! Go video blog!!

    iPandah - I have that problem with strong accents. I usually just nod and go "mmm-hmmm…"

  14. iPandah: Yeah, the really thick accents suck, but I am crap at understanding people at the best of times.

    Timbo: Yep. Very, very Blair Witchy and scary!

    I think IDV will be with me on this one: next time we need to see some chest hair. Come on, make a crazy cat lady happy, will ya?

  15. Chest hair? Do you want me to post you some?

  16. loving the video blogging.

    I'm really struggling to figure out how you managed to say "Not really got too much to show you" through the side of your mouth?!?!

    Some sort of heathen ventriloquinism?

  17. It's my impression of Milo Ventim- Ventimig- Ventimigl-

    It's my impression of the dude from Heroes with the wonky mouth.

  18. I am *so* with T-Bird on the chest hair thing.

    And not postage. Frontage!

    P.S. The Milo 'impression' is just sooo endearing.

  19. Now what made me think you'd be seconding T-Bird's request? Hmmm…!

  20. Well, you know how agreeable I am...

  21. Hefty's from Staffordshire, which is South from here (I know it's tenuous), but he just has this Southern accent. I was privately schooled and everyone spoke properly there, and it appears to sound Southern as people often ask me which part of London I'm from. Also, I support West Ham due to the lack of good football teams in sunny Lincolnshire (where I was before I moved here), which probably adds to the confusion!

  22. Ah, I see. Or are you lying? Do you have guests round and talk all posh, then when they leave you're all "eee, by 'eck!"

    I am.
