Thursday, November 01, 2007

It's Christmas, bitch!

And as if to confirm it, the very next song that played on my iPod after I bought this was Pearl Jam's cover of the Jackson Five song 'Someday at Christmas.'

Ding dong merrily on high.


  1. Gah! Christmas! Poor Thanksgiving. Over here it is almost totally ignored except for the eating part. Maybe I should draw a cartoon about that. Anyway, I don't get into the full mood of Christmas until the last minute. However, the Christmas songs start to seep in and I find myself gleefully humming to them. Yay!

  2. Ah, over here we have no such obstruction as Thanksgiving - it's all downhill to Christmas from about late August.

    I actually saw a house with a Christmas tree up on the way home.


  3. Yay! This makes me happy. I'd forgotten that drinks and cups were part of the preparation!

    That's what I like about having Thanksgiving in's well over by the time I feel Christmassy.

  4. How could you forget that drinks and cups were part of the preparation!?!

    Yaz and I just had Creme Brulee lattes, which were rather sickly in a this-is-a-kind-of-weirdly-festive-treat-that-I'd-definitely-have-again-but-not-on-a-regular-basis way

  5. * sighs and resumes wrapping coal *

  6. Prepare, IDV, PREPARE!

  7. It's hard to feel Christmassy in 40 degree heat, the sweat pooling at the small of one's back.


  8. I imagine so. It's depressingly mild here at the moment; not 40 degree warm, but a lot of people are still wearing shorts and strappy tops. I want some proper cold weather!

  9. By 'a lot of people', do you mean you, Tim?

  10. Sadly not - I'm in turmoil over this oddly mild weather and keep putting on inappropriate amounts of layers. There's probably a strappy top under here somewhere…

  11. I know what you mean, actually. I only needed a T-shirt on while doing the garden yesterday.

    Well, and jeans, naturally...

  12. Ohmygod, pervert! You were gardening in just a t-shirt! Somebody call the Police!
