Thursday, October 04, 2007

It's frakkin' over

I'm a bit inconsolable at the moment. Y'see, on Tuesday evening I spooled up the FTL drive and watched the final (five, fittingly enough) episodes of Battlestar Galactica's third season.

I won't set a course for spoiler territory, but suffice to say it was as awesome as awesome can be, totally teased us with a cryptic cliffhanger, and without a doubt left me wanting more, more, more.

Now, I do like watching a good DVD boxset over the course of a week or so, but I totally watched this one in an obscenely short period of time; four days, to be precise, Saturday to Tuesday - which doesn't sound that bad until I tell you that I only watched two on the Saturday. That leaves 18 episodes spread across three days, which is a bit chicken oriental, especially when you take into account the fact that I was at work on two of those days.

The thing is, now I'm in a bit of a post-Battlestar Galactica slump. It's like the end of a relationship; I'm trying to keep myself occupied (not like New Caprica, I should add) by doing other things so I don't think about it, such as throwing myself into my work and putting on a brave face when people ask if I'm alright. I've even just got back from my first run in days - I think I'd gotten soft and comfortable with BSG, a bit like Apollo when they popped him in the fat suit, and I need to look my best now we've gone our separate ways.

It's just like when The OC finished, and you know what I was like then.

Anyway, life goes on; I've got a stack of comics that need to be read, a few articles to write, a super-awesome evening with Jo tomorrow, then three - yes THREE - Gilbert Hernandez books waiting for me. I think good times are ahead.

Although Battlestar Galactica is definitely one ex I certainly would friend on Facebook. Rawr!


  1. Sometimes when I'm the first commenter, I feel like a blog stalker or something. I should be glad to be first, right? Like a race? I don't know.

    Anyway, I was thinking of buying the box set of the first season of "Scrubs". It's too funny. I have box sets from "Seinfeld" and from "Dead Like Me", so I should build up my collection.

  2. Tara, you completely need to rub it in everyone's faces and say FIRST! And then call us all suckers or something!

    Ok, I completely was blown away by everything in that entire season. Who would've thunk that final five? Not me, that's for sure.

    And that music? Awesomness.

  3. I watched Veronica Mars in two days, and a season of Scrubs in a weekend. The only other seasons of shows I have are Arrested Development, Degrassi (Old School), and Beverly Hills 90210. I love immersing myself in a show in a short period of time...but there's definitely a letdown when it's over.

  4. That was my Deadwood experience! When it was over, I was let down and wanted to hear some more people getting called "cock suckers".

  5. Tara - I second T-Bird; you should totally be rubbing everyone's face in it by being first. Particularly IDV, who *loves* being first.

    And buy Scrubs!

    T-Bird - I'm not totally convinced they are Cylons… I think more shocks await in season four!

    Dinah - Dammit! I still want to see Veronica Mars, but it's not available over here!! Yeah, I love watching a DVD boxset in a short period of time - I'm not bothering to watch the latest series of Smallville on telly because the DVDs are due out this month!

    Dora - I remember when you were calling us all cock suckers. They were good times. You need to watch some more Deadwood!

  6. This happened to me with 24 season 5, I did much the same thing. I'm holding out getting this box set though because I hate having to wait too long for the next one and it'll be forever until there's more galacticy goodness :(

  7. Actually, I *love* being last now. So there!

    * gets in base star and unleashes a thousand Cylon raiders on Tara *

  8. Willowc - Just get it! Don't wait! I think the Razor straight to DVD movie will then tide you over till season four!

    Inexplicable Device - What have I told you about unleashing the Cylons?!

  9. No it won't, I can watch that in an evening! I won't be able to hold out much longer, mind you, and then I'll need something to entertain me after. Which is why I'm still looking pointedly at your Boston Legal box set.

    Hug Jo for me please!!!

  10. * shoos Cylons back into their box *

    Oops. Sorry.

    Yay! Last!

  11. Willowc - Well, some Battlestar is better than no Battlestar!

    Um, it's a different Jo so it might be a bit weird if I tell her I'm hugging her for you … but OK!

    Inexplicable Device - So not last! Muwahahahaha!

  12. What? Why aren't you convinced that they are Cylons? Have you noticed something I haven't?

    It would be all a bit too neat, coming to think of it. Dammit, now you have made me doubt my conclusions!

  13. I don't know, T-Bird, there's just something in my gut that says it's too convenient… Although Ron Moore has apparently said they are definitely Cylons so I should probably just shut up!

  14. And that's the end of that chapter.

    Yay! Last! Again!

  15. Are you still here? We've all moved on…

  16. Well, I just like being an old stick-in-the-mud.

  17. Or 'stuck in the shorts' as the case may be?
