Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Muddy funster

I was thinking the other day how I've done three sporting challenges this year of which I'm rather proud: the Dysart Dash 10k, the Richmond to Windsor bike ride, and the London Freewheel bike ride (which I'm including because despite the course being only 8.7 miles long, you have to take into account that I cycled up to London, and then back from London in a rather circuitous route; I don't know exactly how many miles I did on Sunday, but suffice to say it registers in the millions).

Anyway, you'd think that trilogy of sporting excellence would be enough for me, and that I'd sit back on my lovely sofa, kick off my sportin' shoes and watch the Battlestar Galactica season three boxset that conveniently turned up on Monday. But no. I'm kind of finding myself itching to do something else, something that'll top the lot. And that's how I found THIS.

Which quite frankly, sounds insane.

Nevertheless, there's something in my tiny tiny brain telling me to do it, and I think I might have to give in to it. I've actually been putting out feelers today to see if any of mah pals are up for it, because I think it's one of those things that you'd be so emotional at actually finishing that you'd need a good hug and a cry with someone who's been through the same experience, but aside from a few who haven't replied (I think because they're busy rather than that they're ignoring me), the response so far has been decidely lacklustre. The only positive one was from Marcosy, who said he'd pay money to see me running around in mud.

Which quite frankly is a little bit weird.


I've been wearing my new jeans today, and dear-god-of-all-that-is-good-and-holy they are *sooooooo* comfortable. I actually described them to Marcosy via email as feeling like my lower half is wrapped in kittens, which admittedly is a little bit of an exaggeration, but the denim is really soft. That said, they're quite a dark blue, so I'm half expecting to take them off later only to find that I've got blue legs, and quite frankly I don't have the time to sit in the tub and scrub my legs because Heroes is on at 22:30.


  1. That Run, Wade, Crawl challenge sounds extremely fun, and if anyone could have the guts to do that it would be you! Go for it! And if none of your friends meet your challenge then I'm sure by the time you and a bunch of strangers are done with the course you will have bonded anyway. So do it. That's an order.

  2. Do it, if only for the photos that can be posted afterwards! As long as you have your cyberton friend of yours along!

  3. Tara - it actually sounds a bit mental, but I'm taking heed of your order!

    T-Bird - Chunty's already said there's no way he'll do it (he doesn't run). Maybe he'd like to be official photographer though?!

  4. i agree that you should do the GRIM - sounds like you're up for such a challenge!

    and the new jeans sound heavenly...i just hope the kittens you feel like you're wrapped in aren't of the drooling variety!

  5. Ummm... How would you know that your jeans being as soft as kittens is an exaggeration?

    Unless, you've actually worn trousers made of kittens!
    Just don't wear them while doing the mud run...

  6. Missy and Chrissy - I totally think I need to do the GRIM, if only because I've now mentioned it to many times to too many people!

    No drooling kitten-jeans!

    T-Bird - And definitely no scratching kitties!

    Inexplicable Device - Yes, I have some kitten trousers. They tend to squirm a bit, though, so I don't wear them that often.

  7. I don't think a pair of anything made out of my kitten would be comfortable. He makes pain with his claws.

    And I'm guessing no part of your lower half wants pains from the claws.

  8. That's a VERY good point.

  9. However, it may give you the ability to jump really high. That kind of skill will always come in handy!

  10. Like the bionic woman!? Or was it the Six Million Dollar Man? I can't remember…

  11. Didn't they get married or something?
