Friday, August 24, 2007

Loose ends

Well look at that - doesn't time fly when you're having fun? It doesn't seem like five minutes ago since I was sitting here last Friday, in my captain's chair, looking forward to my week off with high expectations. And now, here I am sitting in my captain's chair with just a weekend and a bank holiday Monday until I have to roll back into the office and regal the troops with my tales of excitement and derring-do.

While we've covered the excitement of this week's excessive gigging, that's not all I've been upto over the last few days. So put your feet up, grab a snack, and enjoy the blogging-equivalent of the special edition bonus disc cut scenes…


After Monday's immense Sainsbury's shop I kind of feel like I've descended into some merry junk food hell which, combined with my shocking absolute lack of exercise over the last nine days has conspired to make me feel a little "meh." I'm justifying today's diet of a McDonald's, a chocolate and vanilla cheesecake (in a little glass ramikin no less), and a packet of Hula Hoops as a special holiday treat, and shall tackle my lethargy when I resume running and cycling next week. Now, where's that bar of lard…


Although Tuesday was, of course, dominated by The Rolling Stones at the O2, I spent the earlier part of the day in Kingston in an attempt to carry out two very important duties; the first was my annual financial review, which was scuppered by a computer failure in the bank (a reminder, perhaps, that we really do depend on technology), while the second was a much-needed haircut. This time around I've shunned asymmetrical styling in favour of a more conventional short cut because the asymmetrical cut had become so familiar that it felt conventional, so I thought I'd be daring by returning to a conventional style. Does that make sense? You better believe it!


Wednesday: financial review the second, this time with working computers. I love financial reviews, because it's nice to have someone impartial tell you you're not a total f**k-up and you actually seem to be doing something right with your life and money.

Best piece of advice this time round? When I hit 60 I should "blow the lot on a Ferrari, drop a load of acid and just go crazy."

Good times!


If I was a Sesame Street toy, I think I'd be 'Tim'll be emo' rather than 'tickle me elmo.' After Wednesday's Decaydance Festival, you see, I seem to have become the clown prince of the emos. How do I know this? Well, the heaving mass of comments that appeared in my inbox after I posted six videos from the aformentioned gig on youtube are a pretty good indication. And bless them, they're actually quite sweet. Terrible at spelling, but quite sweet. Maybe we've been too hard on the emos in the past? I mean, they might sulk, mumble, and have horrific fashion sense, but essentially they're nice people. One even smiled at Yaz at the gig, albeit in a way that implied he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. And another admired my trainers. I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt - at least while they're rating my videos so highly.


Post financial review, I received a letter from the bank along with a handful of leaflets - you know, the ones you pretty much bin without actually looking at them. One did catch my eye though:

Holy crap! I thought I was starting a pension, not signing up!


I've started watching my second season boxset of Boston Legal. God, I love this show; it's both funny and startlingly eye-opening - one of the episodes I just watched had an incredibly touching moment where one of the lawyers opened a trial by steering the jury toward considering what would happen if their families where in the same position as the guy she was representing. In contrast, a previous episode had William Shatner shooting a fish.

Anyway, I'm about five episodes in, so I've got 22 left to go. That being the case, you can pretty much expect me to start writing in the style of Denny Crane; God help them when I go back to work and start making inappropriate comments while a cigar is stuck in my ear.


  1. Please can I borrow that box set off you once you're done? What I caught of the first series was hilarious. I don't mind lending back in kind....OdourEaters? Cheesecake recipe?


  2. Your offer is offensive! My feet smell devine!!

  3. Don't let those emos lull you into a false sense of security!

  4. Maybe the emos in the southern hemisphere are more violent? They were remarkably well-behaved at the gig!

  5. That diet sounds great... is it some sort of MorganSpurlock style sciencetriffic experiment?

  6. No Skillz, it's pretty much my usual diet. It would be a sciencetriffic experiment if I tried introducing fruit and veg to my diet though…

  7. I've never watched "Boston Legal", but I should since I'm a James Spader fan. Totally addicted to another show called "The Closer" with Kyra Sedgewick, wife of Kevin Bacon. It's a great detective show.

  8. Tara - You *have* to watch Boston Legal. I'd go so far as to say it's my very favourite TV show at the moment!

  9. Good gods! I'm away for a few days - OK, a week or so - and you start talking to, and possibly even sympathising with, emos.

    * S L A P *

    Honestly. Pull yourself together, man.

  10. Ah, I see someone's got their decrepit old equipment working again!

  11. what are Hula Hoops? they sound like a fun snack!

  12. Hula Hoops? They're awesome:

    Look at that - can't even manage a proper link… I apologise!

  13. It's amazing what a quick charge with a spare taser and a flick with the feather duster can do. The equipment was up and running in no time.

  14. And what about your internet box?

  15. What? Oh, that. Who cares when I was having so much fun!!

  16. So your device is working again, huh?
