Thursday, August 16, 2007

I'm a guru!

And to prove it, I've got my very own protége!

Last night I played badminton with Sweatband. We've been meaning to play for ages, but she kept wimping out with excuses like "oh, I've go too much work," or "oh, I've not played in years, I'll be all spackerish." After endlessly harrassment, however, she finally caved in and I booked up a court.

Truth be told though, work's been a bit mental this week, and we both admitted that if I hadn't booked it a week ago, we could've done with the time to carry on with our respective day jobs. Still, it was a nice, and probably much-needed diversion from our computer screens, so, er, hurrah!

Sweatband was still complaining as we wandered onto the court. "It's been five years since I last played, blah blah blah," so to shut her up I made a concerted effort to whack her with the shuttlecock. I think I got her left thigh and this seemed to have the desired effect of forcing her to make more of an effort and stop complaining. Sweatband is the last person I expect to show a lack of enthusiasm for sport, y'see; earlier this year she ran the London Marathon, and she kept reminding me of this as we knocked the shuttle around, almost as if I'd suddenly say "shit - you're hardcore," and concede the match. At one point in her badminton-fuelled delirium she actually shouted out "I won the London Marathon," which was pushing it a little bit too far.

Anyway, aside from reintroducing Sweatband to the joys of badminton, it also gave me the opportunity to put my long-dormant teaching skills to use - can you believe I actually qualified as a badminton instructor about 12 years ago? I shit you not, kids. Never used it aside from helping mates improve their skills, but it looks good on the CV. So yeah, there I was telling Sweatband what to do, and she was actually doing it. How cool is that? She was like my little jedi padawan, the Saavik to my Spock! She called me her badminton guru!!

And bless her, she did the most hilarious little dance when she scored her first point. If I'd had my phone on me, I promise you now that thing would've been straight up on youtube.


  1. Aw, you're impressing your skills upon another generation. Sort of. Not really, I guess. But it's still cool!

    I'm the worst badminton player ever. In high school the gym teacher took pity on the class and played against me so no one else would have to.

  2. I love badminton, but I haven't played in awhile either. I've never played on an actual court for it either, just in someone's backyard. It's really fun. Congratulations on your guru status oh wise Jedi master! We await your orders.

  3. Dinah - Sweatband's older than me … so while I technically am impressing my skills on another generation, its not the right one…

    Tara - You await my orders!? Awesome! You don't know how long I've been waiting for someone to say that! Erm, orders will be forthcoming - standby!

  4. bandminton instructor! is there anything you can't do?

  5. Well… I'm terrified of flying, so I can't really leave the country.

    Damn island country!

  6. "so while I technically am impressing my skills on another generation, its not the right one…"

    unless we're all aging backwards!

    Also, don't you have boats and chunnels and such? Ooh, do you like, evaporate if you leave England?

  7. Aging backwards!? There was an episode of Star Trek about that!

    Yeah, the boats and chunnel only go to France and Belgium though. I want a tunnel to America!

  8. Hee. Can you imagine walking under the water all the way to America? And the people you would meet? I would totally watch a tv show about that. Preferably a dramady.

  9. I'd met mer-people!
