Sunday, July 01, 2007

Good times at Marsha's mailer party

I've just gotten back from a wicked afternoon/evening at The Luminaire in Kilburn, where Xfm DJ extraordinaire Marsha put on an awesome party for those of us who've signed up to her weekly music mailer.

There were three announced acts playing, and two secret acts. And they were…

Jay Jay Pistolet was up first, armed only with an acoustic guitar and a voice that reminded me a little bit of Will Young (whose MySpace page I will not be linking to), but in a good way, because I know Will Young can sing, it's just that I don't like his sort of music that much. Anyway, Jay Jay was great, and a cracking start to the party.

Next up was secret act the first: Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly. Now, I'll be truthful, I've not really been a fan of the stuff that I've heard on the radio, but in the setting of a tiny, tiny venue, playing acoustically with occasional backing from a laptop, I was completely won over. Really, really good. REALLY.

The third act was Luke Leighfield, who I thought was particularly brilliant. A dude, a keyboard, and some cracking songs, that's all I need to say. I mean, seriously, anyone who bills himself 'a second rate Ben Folds' is automatically pretty damn awesome in my book.

Fourth on were secret act the second: Scouting for Girls, who were celebrating their first top 40 hit (in at number 31, pop-pickers), and the fact that they were on Popworld. They were also really good, and very, very funny, which is always a quality trait at a small gig. And Yaz and I even got to chat to them while Yaz was on a ciggie break outside; for some reason Yaz decided that she wanted to stroke the bass player's long hair, and I just encouraged him to get more drunk than he already was. Good times!

The last act on was Sam Isaac. We missed, like, the first minute or so of his set because we were hob-nobbing with Scouting for Girls, but fortunately it was only a minute, because he was also pretty damned good.

What's funny, is that Luke Leighfield and his keyboard apart, it was all acoustic guitar stuff, but every act sounded so very different. And they were all brilliant. It's really put me in a rather nice, chilled out vibe, so much so that I'm going to swap out all the rock CDs from my car and pop in some lovely indie stuff, like Sufjan Stevens and Death Cab for Cutie. And I think I'll certainly be making a number of purchases based on today's experience.

Good times indeed.


  1. I was in Kilburn the night before. In fact I'm looking for a flat there.

    Also, Scouting for Girls are from Harrow.

  2. Are you stalking me?

    Ha ha!!

    *looks slyly out of the corners of eyes…*

    Seriously, dude, get yerself on Marsha's weekly mailer and come to the next one!

  3. Grrrrr. This is when you make me envious of your dearth of musical venues in the UK. I mean, you can go and see small bands and stuff, but anyone whose CDs you own means a trek either to the other side of town (argh) or to some smelly venue where the toilets smell better than the stage.

    Sounds like it was a very awesomoh powah night!

  4. We do have a lot of cracking little venues hidden away… but seriously, *all* toilets at gig venues reeeeck big-stylee.

    In a related vein, Yaz and I went for a Nandos before going on to the party, and some dude in there was in the toilet for at least 30 minutes. I was wondering if he'd had an aneurism or something while straining to push one out.
