Sunday, July 22, 2007

The eighties revival starts here

I've gotten extremely nostalgic for the 1980s over the last couple of days, and not even for reasons that I think are particularly great.

First of all, I caught some of Short Circuit 2 on telly. Now, in comparison to the first Short Circuit movie - and Ally Sheedy's sterling performance - Short Circuit 2 is not all that great. It certainly doesn't have any dialogue that compares to "your mother is a snow-blower." But it does have some good points. First of all, Johnny Five is just cool, aside from when he paints himself gold at the end, and … well, I always wanted one of the toy Johnny Five's that were being pedelled by Fisher Stevens in his role as what could now be considered an incredibly offensive stereotype. It's also got one of the guys from Spinal Tap in it - clearly not cranking his career up to 11 there…

Oh, and let's not forget the Short Circuit hands*!

Next up was another film - Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol. God, I used to love the Police Academy films - well, actually this was about the last one I loved; they totally went downhill after Steve Guttenberg sailed off toward the horizon in a hot-air balloon with Sharon Stone and her curiously bad eighties hair. It's been a long time since I saw this movie, so pretty much all the jokes seemed fresh again, and even those that I did anticipate still elicited a little giggle. And, really, what is there *not* to like about a movie starring Bobcat Goldthwaite? After only about 20 minutes my bro was goading me into reviving my Bobcat impression.

Seriously, that bit 43 seconds in where he says "hi"? I can do that to perfection.

It's actually quite shocking how quotable the Police Academy movies are; despite the fact that I say it all the time, I'd genuinely forgotten that "MOVE IT, MOVE IT, MOVE IT!" was a Captain Harris quote…

And then, of course, this afternoon I caught Airplane II. And all I'm going to say about that is that Shatner just cracks me up.

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got an overwhelming desire to watch Smokey and the Bandit…


While we're here, and for all the naysayers among you, here's a pic of my pimpy new slippe- er, I mean trainers.

They're so awesome! I might even start wearing them outside soon!

*Kudos to comic shop Guy for reminding me about the Short Circuit hands.


  1. The bit where Johnny Five is locked up with just the one book to read and he's turning the pages ever so slowly and sadly makes me shed a tear EVERY time.



  2. Oh, I missed that bit. But I did see the bit where he has a breakdown and attaches a mohawk!

  3. Ew. I sneer with contempt at SC2.

    But not the PA films (so lazy. Can't be arsed to write full titles...). The Psycho bit had me tittering somewhat!

    Hmmm... Pimpy trainers don't look as bad on as I imagined. that's not to say I'm loving them, though. I may need a couple more days to get used to them.

  4. The whole 80s film-fest is making me yearn to see my favourite 80s movie - Jumpin' Jack Flash with Whoopi Goldberg! God I love Whoopi.

    The pimpy trainer-slippers are awesome-o-sexy and you know it!

  5. "God I love Whoopi" I bet you do, you shameless little perv!
    I suppose she was pretty awesome in Ghost, though.

    In keeping with your Eighties Film theme, I watched The Witches Of Eastwick last night. Ah, I could watch that again and again!

    D'you know? I think I am coming around to the pimpy trainer-slippers. They certainly don't have me retching this morning...

  6. Best Whoopi line evah:

    "I'm a little black woman in a big metal box!"

    Whileshe was being dragged around in a phone box in Jumpin' Jack Flash. Hang on a sec - didn't she do a movie with Bobcat Goldthwaite?! MUST… IMDB…

    Now I wasn't too fussed by The Witches of Eastwick - I really wanted to like it because I was/am a massive Batman fan (particularly at the time) and it had the Joke- it had Jack Nicholson in. But I never really 'got it,' if you know what I mean.

    You love the pimpy trainers. Admit it.

    And did you call me a perv!?

  7. Only a little one.

    Perv, not pimp, that is.

  8. The Littlest Pervert. There's a TV series just begging to be made.

    I can just imagine the theme tune now:

    "There's a voice, keeps on calling me,

    Pimpin' some hos, there's where I'll always be,

    Every step I take, I, er, make a new … friend?

  9. those pimptastic trainers are just begging to be in a music video.

  10. Or that really bad movie Step Up! Either way, I need to be busting some moves in them!

  11. Oh my GOD Step Up was terrible. But some pimpy trainers would have perked it up.

  12. I've not seen it, but the trailer was SOOOOOOOO bad. So bad. Could anyone in that movie actually act?

  13. No. No, they could not. My sister dragged me to see that movie, and she has been mocked relentlessly ever since.
