Monday, July 30, 2007

Dear JJ

So, I'm still sitting by the phone waiting for you to call about this whole 'Kirk thing,' but I've heard nothing from you. Maybe I missed your call? Maybe you've misplaced my number? If so, maybe you could get your people to get in touch with my people? Well, actually, I don't have any people, so maybe you could just, y'know, email me?

Would it help if I said I've got my own phaser?

Dude, I've got my own phaser.


  1. That's a fine phaser. I don't have anything like that. I have a gun that shoots out soft suctioning arrows, but it's not a phaser.

  2. Thanks Tara, I like it. It used to make phaser noises too, but then the batteries ran out and I can't be bothered to change them. I expect the post-production team will put the noises in for me later. And the beam of energy that shoots out the end.

    Hey! A gun that shoots soft suctioning arrows is pretty cool!Are they good enough to actually stick to someone's forehead if your aim was good and steady? It always used to disappoint me that any suctioning toys I used to have never stuck to anything unless you really pushed it on.

  3. Oog. I can't get that high pitched, grating whine that phasers make out of my head now.

    For Christ's sake JJ, get on the blower to Tim now!

  4. A high-pitched grating whine?

    Has someone been listening to their Blue CDs again…?

    Oh, sorry, I meant cassettes - I doubt you've got a CD player, have you?

  5. Well I haven't dared to aim the arrows at anyone's head, but I suspect that I'd need to attach superglue to the ends in order for it to stick. Hehe....(evil thoughts, evil thoughts)

    The arrows did stick to smoother surfaces, though! I used it for my Princess Leia costume last Halloween.

  6. Tara, as Yoda would say, do not suspect - do (or words to that effect anyway). Aim at those heads and pull that trigger while laughing maniacally!

  7. Why you cheeky whippersnapper!

    I'll have you know, I've got 3 CD players (one's in Car, so I don't know if that counts). They are quite elderly, though, and they don't like playing this modern so-called-music that todays 'youf' seem to enjoy...

  8. Three players of the compact discs you say?

    I hope you've got enough needles should one break!

  9. We drive an old man's car and don't have a CD player in our car. It's quite annoying. But on our upcoming 12-hour trip I plan on entertaining my dad with my recently re-discovered Spice Girls cassette.

    Since reading this I have "I am smart, much smarter than you, Hib-ert!" in my head.

    That's a very nice phaser, Tim, but I"m sure you hear that all the time.

  10. Oh Dinah, your Dad's in for a treat x12!!!!!!

    Thanks, I think it's a lovely phaser too - dead batteries or no dead batteries!

  11. a phaser!!

    now you are officially our coolest blog friend.

  12. If only girls were that impressed when I was at school…
