Friday, May 25, 2007

You're a yeasty codpiece

Ha ha - only kidding! Just got back from seeing Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, and that was my favourite line in it. It was actually a slightly longer line than just "yeasty codpiece," but it was too complicated to remember, and Yaz and I both latched on to that bit; no doubt we'll be calling each other "yeasty codpieces" with alarming regularity come next week.

So what did I think of the movie? Well, on the whole I loved it. I stand by my past belief that the Pirates films would be standard blockbuster fare were it not for Johnny Depp's Cap'n Jack Sparrow, but fortunately he's in this one pretty much all the way through, and I was very close to pissing my pants whenever he said something. I also stand by my belief that there's something slightly 'special' about Orlando Bloom, and Kiera Knightley has a few too many teeth in her mouth, but I don't think I can mark a film down for physical abnormalities in the cast. Oh, the undead monkey's in it again, too; I do like some quality monkey action. And talking of the undead, Keith Richards is great in it as well.

All in all, it was well worth almost three hours of my life. Not quite as good as Zodiac, but a peg-leg above Spidey 3.

Splice my main-brace!


I seem to be all about films at the moment. Zodiac on Wednesday, Pirates today, the possibility of catching a film over the weekend (lord knows what - though hopefully not Lovewrecked…), and next week I'm off to see Pan's Labyrinth; Yes, yes, I know I should've seen it already, and it's out on DVD an' all, but I missed it first time round, and it looks like a film I think should be seen on the big screen. Now there's a cinema up-town showing it for a limited time, and former work pal Sarah has convinced me to see it. Apparently the cinema is cheap as chips and has real armchairs too!


  1. ooh, real armchairs!

    I probably wont' see pirates in theatres, but might see it eventually. yarrrrr.

  2. oh, and what's Lovewrecked?

  3. I haven't seen "Pan's Labyrinth", yet, so let me know what you think of it. I'd like to rent it if it's out in the U.S. My manager liked it but I try not to go on his word anymore after a few of his other movie reviews. Glad to hear you liked POTC! I need to see the last installment, however long it is. Plus, I've gotta see my Capt'n Jack!

  4. Arrrrgh! When be it tork loik a poirat daaaaay? Verrrry soon I hopes!

  5. Dinah - I know! Real armchairs!! I shall be reporting back on this!!

    And just fer you - Lovewrecked is…

    Tara - I'm quite looking forward to Pan's Labyrinth. It came out over here then disappeared quite quickly - then it won loads of awards and people started showing it again. I shall be reporting back on this too!

    T-Bird - Arrrrr, me covetous wench, I be hoping it be tork loik a poirat daaay soon too! I'll be a'googlin' it now!

    Bugger! It be Septembaaaaaaarrrrr the 19th!! Blast!

    Well, surely there be nothing wrong with making Evarrrrrrryday tork loik a poirat daaay? Savvy?!

  6. Avast, me hearties!

    And the like...

  7. Aye, that's more like it! Arrrrr!

  8. Arrrrr! Ye be a bunch 'o Depp luvvin yeasty jockstraps!

    I know 'serious' movie critics are smashing it, but there's nothing like a codpiece or two and some mindless action to while away a few hours.

    Arrrrrr! There be a little poirate in all ov us! Pete be his name!

  9. I think serious movie critics need a slap with a wet fish sometimes. There's a time and a place for every sort of movie. Well, most sorts of movies…

    I thinks I wants to be a poirat!

  10. Arrrrr! I've just seen Pan's Labarrrrrrrrrinth on DVD. It shivered me timbers good n'proper!

    Enjoy! Arrrrrr... I mean: Godspeed!

  11. I'm still giggling at the thought of us all have a pirate named Pete inside us. Arrrrgh.
