Monday, May 28, 2007

If there is one thing decorating has taught me…

… It's that you girls pay *way* too much for a French manicure.

Seriously, all you need is some white gloss and a slap-dash approach to painting. Fabulous!


  1. I think you have a future as a hand model.

    If that is your real hand.

  2. Dinah - Do you think so? Thtat really is my hand with gloss paint under the nails. Also, I wonder if, like Joey in Friends, I could find my hand-twin?

    Be glad I didn't use the other hand - that one is covered in paint and blisters. Nice!

  3. This is the second time I've been here, and I *still* can't think of anything to say.

    I think I've used up all my with at MJs.


  4. Used up my spelling, too. That was supposed to be 'wit' not 'with'...

  5. Just remark on how white my cuticles are.

    But please get the spelling right; I'm not running a school for slap-dash spellers here, y'know!

  6. Yay! The suns's out (briefly, I suspect) - I feel better already!

    My! What big, strong, well-manicured hands you have!

    What was that, Tim?

    All the better to what me with?

    * shocked *

  7. Hmm, I'm slightly scared by this. Men with manicured hands are a tad disturbing, it's all a bit 'camp guy on QVC.' Course, if you'd had green paint, that would have been quite cool, in an ecto-plasmic kind of way. But if you'd done em black, it'd have all been a bit too 'emo.'

    I watched ST Nemesis last night. Natch, I thought of you.

  8. Now, those Remans certainly did have some super-bitch manicured nails, didn't they?

  9. My fingernails are black, but that's because I had to dig a grave with my bare hands last night.

    Damned hookers, why'd they have to be so sass-mouthed all the time!

  10. Inexplicable Device - Um, slap you?

    iPandah - Don't worry, they scare me too. So I've just cut them off! Just the nails, I mean, not the actual fingers.

    Ooo - I watched the first 30 mins of Nemesis with Sparky Ma and Pa, then zipped back over to mine and had it on in the background while I was decorating. I braced for impact when Captain Picard warned me to.

    IDV the Second - My, aren't we a chatty Kathy now!

    Skillz - I told you to go with the high class ones, not the sassy ones! Damn sassy hookers!

  11. Hello Tim, I'm MJ from Canada.

    That scabby Inexplicable DeVice sent me here. We call him IVD now for obvious reasons. Beware of his warty wand. It's been around the block a few times if you catch my drift.

    Oh, I use Wite-Out correction fluid for my French manicure.

    I'm hoping to see your Spring collection of nail colours in near future.

  12. Hello MJ from Canadinia-land!

    Ugh, I don't want to think about IDV's warty wand. I suspect the end will snap off if he keeps twitching it.

    Sadly, I don't think there will be a spring nail collection - all the decorating's now done, so me and paint are no longer friends. Although lime green on the landing might be quite nice…

  13. Anonymous12:51 pm

    Ohhh... Spank (sorry, 'slap' wouldn't work).

    I see MJ's up to her usual muck-spreading...

  14. This hand is your hand, this hand is my wait that's your wait...that's my hand!

  15. Is "Chatty Kathy" IVD's drag name?

    Tim, perhaps you could paint your toes next. You're a natural nail model.

  16. Kathy - Scarily I'm reminded of the Kate Bush lyrics "Heathcliff, its me--cathy.
    Come home. Im so cold!
    Let me in-a-your window"

    It's the sort of thing I'd expect from IDV…

    Dinah - I'm now reminded of the Raconteurs lyrics "Girl, you get them hands"!

    MJ - Possibly… maybe his device fell off again… As for my nails, well, only if I could paint using my feet. Hmmm… I wonder if I can paint using my feet… Interesting…

  17. you could be just like Daniel Day-Lewis!

  18. You mean I'm not already!?

  19. Rrrrrrroowwwwaaarrrrggghhhh!

    I've been humming Wuthering Heights all morning, dammit!
