Sunday, May 20, 2007

Gosh - who is this mysterious stranger?


  1. make that a HOT mysterious stranger.

  2. Who is that HOT mysterious stranger?!

  3. That's Superman!

  4. Well, whoever he is, I sure hope he didn't get the white trainers...

  5. Help! Help!

    I'm falling/stuck in a tree/tied to railway tracks and about to get run over by a massive train/etc. Save me!

    Mwah hah hah hah ha!

    Oops! Did I just evil-laugh out loud? Now I'll have to go back to stalking.


  6. Tara - Yes, ma'am, it sure is!

    T-Bird - He hasn't bought any yet, but they would go well with his shirt…

    Inexplicable Device - Lois, is that yo- wait. You're not Lois. Are you wearing Lois' clothes? And… And is that Lois' hair? Did you cut off Lois' hair and glue it to your own head? Don't lie to me - I can see the copydex on your forehead; it's dried to look like peeling skin. And is that a device I can see!? Lex Luthor's pulled some crazy-ass sh*t in his time, but this takes the biscuit, mister.

    I'm tempted to let the freakin' train run you over, but that would violate my belief that all human life is sacred.

    There better not be any kryptonite in your pocket…

  7. Anonymous11:36 am

    Say NO to white sneakers!

  8. Natalie Portman?! Welcome!! Can I just say that I've respected you as an artist ever since you shaved your head for V for Vendetta, and despite your work in the Star Wars prequels when I had to ask if it was you or Jar Jar Binks that was computer-generated due to your increasingly wooden performance and laughable clown makeup as Queen Armadillo.

    I will take your trainer comment into consideration, despite the fact that it's easy for someone with millions in the bank to make a statement such as that when you can undoubtedly afford a new pair of trainers every day!

  9. Anonymous12:24 pm

    But I would never buy white trainers for several reasons:

    1) The get dirty so quickly

    2) Only knobs seem to wear them

    and more importantly

    3) I would never go down on a dude with white trainers.

  10. Natalie Portman has a good point with 3 because of 2. I wouldn't either, because as well as 2. there'd be the danger of catching a glimpse of them and getting blinded. Unless they were 1.

  11. Sage advice from Natalie Portman and fake Lois Lane.

    Oh you wise, wise women!

  12. Is that you opening your shirt, or was the shirt already open and you're just tweaking your nipple?

  13. Anonymous5:06 pm

    From the look on his face, I'd say tweaking his nipple.

  14. I was actually just opening my shirt, but y'know, while you're there…

  15. Anonymous1:23 am

    You'd probably get someone else to tweak your nipples for you if you had any other trainers on other than the white ones.

  16. Take a ticket, and get in line!
