Monday, May 14, 2007

Cranking up the randomosity

Sorry, I've got nothing really cohesive to say, so this is just going to be a spatter of little 'bit's; vignettes, you could say. I hate to use the word random, because it's awfully overused in the blogosphere, but there's going to be some random… ness here.

Right, down to business.

Satuday. I went for pancakes with the lovely Jo at My Old Dutch in Ealing! They have clogs hanging off the wall, but sadly not the waitress who used to work there who looked like Subcommander T'Pol from Star Trek: Enterprise. But how could I stay sad about that when the pancakes were so good? I had a pancake with vanilla sugar, three scoops of ice cream, and a pot of chocolate sauce. It was awesome – and so big I could've gnawed a hole in the middle and worn the damn thing as a poncho. I also had a coffee milkshake, which might sound gross, but it was some quality shit my friends.


On Sunday I finished off an article that I'd started writing last year (hey, I make the deadlines, I can break the deadlines, mmmkay?), because it was just sitting there on my desktop making me feel guilty every time I booted the 'puter up. There - done now. I followed that up with a bike ride, despite the fact that it was pissing down with rain. High point? Cycling in the rain is good fun. Low point? Having a chavvy little munter shout "TWAT" at me. Between that and last week's attempted spitting incident I'm beginning to think that I might need to change my route…


Sunday evening - Supernatural. How good is this series, and how HILARIOUS was last night's episode? This was my favourite scene:

Seriously, since The OC finished this has become my personal TV highlight of the week.


We've got some newbies starting at work soon, and one of them phoned up the other day.

"I'm the guy that's going to be starting there soon," he said.

"I'm the guy that sits in the corner and swears a lot when things go wrong," I nearly said.


Oh, god - um, YAYNESS! I got tickets to see Prince at the O2 in August (which, as regular readers will know is also where I'm seeing The Rolling Stones), and by my own admission, I got effing awesome seats. I'm soooooooo looking forward to it; gosh, I hope he plays 'Batdance.'

Anyway, in anticipation, I've slapped my Prince greatest hits CDs in the car and have been listening to them pretty much constantly. I'm also quoting lyrics from 'Gett Off,' one of my favourite Prince songs, quite a lot, although I'm hesitant to think that "so here we are, here we are in my paisley crib" is an especially good line to use when inviting people round my place, mostly because my crib ain't paisley.

Oh well. Back to the drawing board.
"Now move your big ass 'round this way
So I can work on that zipper, baby
Tonight you're a star
And I'm the big dipper"
Nah-nah-nah-nah, nah-nah-nah-NAH!


  1. * snnrrrrkkkthppththp *

    Nothing beats a good old probing followed by smooching to Lady in Red!

    Yayness indeed for the Princetastic August! I keep trying to think of my favourite Prince song, but I can't narow them down. I Would Die For You, Raspberry Beret, Alphabet Street, Darling Nikki, Oh they're all fabulous!

  2. Ooh I'm seeing your comments differently, have you changed em or is my Mac acting up?

    Okay, I would happily eat those pancakes (bar the chocolate sauce) and a coffee milkshake sounds like my kind of drink!! I now have to source one from somewhere....

    Also, my friends Paddy and Marcellus are in a Prince tributey band thing, which might sound gay, but they're actually really good!! If you're interested (you don't have to be), as loathe as I am to promote MySpace, they have a page:
    It's free to listen!!!

    Oh my god, I'm a sell out.

  3. Inexplicable Device - It's the little alien hands around the dude's waist - so funny!

    I like the aformentioned 'Gett Off,' and '7.' Oh, and Batdance. In fact, I love the entire Batman album.

    iPandah - IDV was seeing my archive in a variety of european languages last week, so I think it's blogger playing little tricks on us! Ooooh, what a wheeze. Damn blogger!

    The pancakes were delicious. I meant to take a photo, but only remembered when I'd finished it. I'll just HAVE to go back...

    I am going to head over to myspace for a listen! And you might be a sellout - but we still like you!!!

  4. hah, i understand your feelings towards the word 'random'. i went through this phase in college where i labeled all my mix cds some variation of random - 'random', 'more randomness', 'even more random', 'randomest ever' - and after such abuse i've been tired of the word ever since!

    ooh, prince is AMAZINGGGG in concert -- you're going to have such a great time!

  5. Missy&Chrissy - To be honest, random was never a particularly favourite word of mine, so I was loathe to use it here anyway. Maybe we need to come up with a new word! We need something more... random...


    Ooo, ooo, ooo! Have you seen Prince?! I've wanted to see him for a while (he's one of those people I think you HAVE to see if you get the chance), but missed out the last time he was over.

    According to the billboards all over Londinium, he'll be "per4ming his greatest hits 4 the last time ever!"

  6. I love pancakes. Dr. house on TV was eating macamademia nut pancakes last night, and I just about licked the screen.

  7. "What you wanna eat? (ribs)
    Naw, girl I don't serve ribs..
    You better be happy that dress is still on, I heard the rip when you sat down..."

    I have Prince's greatest hits CD too, and that's one of my favorite songs. I also love "Let's Go Crazy" and "When Doves Cry".

  8. Hehe... that reminds me of the Big Train sketch which has Prince in it...

  9. Dinah - I almost licked the screen whenever Taylor Townsend was on in The OC. Ooo - and it had pancakes, albeit in rabbit form!

    Tara - Someone knows that song too well!! I also like '7' and am in the midst of memorising the complete lyrics to 'U Got the Look,' which may or may not be the saddest thing I've ever admitted to on this blog...!

    Skillz - I'm-a gonna go check it oooot naaaaah!!

  10. That was insane!

  11. Hilarious! Good find, Skillz.

  12. i did see prince! so i speak from experience when i say he puts on an amazing show...

    i didn't quite know what to expect and wasn't necessarily as excited to go see him as i had been for other artists, but he probably put on the best performance out of anyone i've ever seen. so you're in for an excellent time!

  13. Chrissy! Or Christina!! Are you trying to confuse me? I get confused easily. I might need to sit down...

    I'm *really* looking forward to Prince - he strikes me as the sort of person who would put on a real show, rather than just stand there and simply play some songs - and the tickets were an absolute bargain, so BONUS. Between him on the 3rd, and The Rolling Stones on the 21st (I think), August is shaping up to be pretty gig-tastic!

  14. It's the way he runs...

  15. Yes! Quite feminine, yet clearly quite effective against those stupid jockeys!

  16. apologies for the confusion! i don't know how my real name made it into that comment. i like to go by chrissy to be mysterious. like Prince...

  17. The Artist Formerly Known as Christina! Have you got a squiggly symbol too!?
