Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The dark side

I'm wondering if my slight obsessiveness about emos and the emo way of life is having a detrimental effect on my life.

Let's review:

1. I am a HUUUUGE fan of Panic! At the Disco. So much so that I'm seriously considering getting a ticket for the Reading Festival because they're playing one day. Please note: I do not do 'festivals'; congregating with hippies and stoners in a muddy field to watch a band is NOT my idea of fun. If I do decide to go, though, it should be relatively easy to convince my bro to go with me; the Red Hot Chili Willies are also playing that day, and he likes them.

2. I've seen a stripey hoodie in Gap that I think I might buy.

3. I discovered the other day that I can do an awesome emo impression. It consists of a quick "huh," a roll of the eyes, and a flick of an imaginary fringe (all done within the space of one second). I seriously thought about recording myself doing it and posting it here, but I'm not convinced that me doing an emo-impression would be a very auspicious start to video-posting.

4. I have downloaded 'This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race' by Fall Out Boy from iTunes. Don't judge me - it's a good song.

5. I am considering downloading another Fall Out Boy song from iTunes. Go ahead, you may judge me now*.

The whole Fall Out Boy thing is kinda troubling because I always start out hating their songs, then they grow on me until, after about two weeks I can't get enough of them. They're like musical herpes, and there doesn't appear to be an over-the-counter remedy.

Is this acceptable behaviour, or do I need a serious slap? Either way, you should definitely check out this youtube video that was emailed to me today. If you're not singing "I'm a little man, and also into cats" whenever you hear this song from now on, there's something wrong with you.

*Please bear in mind that I will NEVER wear skinny jeans or eyeliner (even if it will bring out the colour in my eyes).


  1. *cringing* I love Fallout Boy. I even love that stupid Take a Look at my Girlfriend rip the singer does with Gym Class Heroes.

    I don't think they are too emo. I think they are a bit more punky... so that makes it ok.

    Oh, and I totally perved on a dude with skinny jeans the other day. Those damn emos are taking over!

  2. Dude, you are *sooooo* emo... Written any dark poetry lately?

  3. Oh wait, that's goth.


  4. T-Bird - You totally know more about Fall Out Boy than I do! Take a look at my girlfriend rip?! What!?!?

    I also think they're kinda OK though. Except for when Pete Wentz appeared in One Tree Hill because he SOOOOOOOO can't act to save his life.

    I'm convening the coven to put you into some serious therepy. Perving on an emo?! What on Earth were you thinking?!

    Skillz - That's Goths!

    Skillz Part II - Exactly! I'm so not emo, am I? say it's not so!

  5. hee, love the equating of fall out boy to musical herpes!

    and i think the hoodie being from the Gap negates the emo-ness of its stripes.

    so you're not super emo...yet...but one more panic! cd and we might change our tune!

  6. I don't know...I'm a little worried about the eyeliner thing. One late night, one Panic! song too many, who knows what could happen...

  7. Missy & Chrissy - Phew! I might just buy that stripey hoodie then! As for Panic! … Well, I couldn't NOT buy their next CD, so how about I balance it with buying, I dunno, two Rolling Stones CDs for every Panic?

    Dinah - Don't fear! I do not own any eyeliner, nor would I know where to buy some late at night if I was overcome by Panic! I'd be too embarrassed to buy some anyway. And I'd probably have an irrational fear of getting it in my eye.

  8. That's a hilarious video. Also into cats, assface, hee.

  9. "I'm a little man, and I'm oh so evil. Also into cats, also into caaaaaaaaats!"

    Grrrrrrrr... While your emo-ness is still up for debate, and therefore not yet deemed slap-worthy, the irritating catchiness of that... that... song is.

    * S L A P ! *

  10. Hey, now I know I posted a comment here! ERRRGH!

    What I posted before was, you should definitely post a recording of your emo impression for us.

  11. Dinah - I cannot listen to that song now without hearing "also into cats" and seeing a little kitten in my mind!

    Inexplicable Device - How VERY dare you! I am NOT emo! And you're slapping me for someone else's song? That can't be right. You need to slap Fall Out Boy!

    Tara - Is that damned word verification causing problems again? IDV struggled with it for a while a few weeks back!

    And an emo-esque recording? Um… no!

    (I don't think the world is quite ready!!)

  12. I wonder what the future teenage fads we'll be complaining about in the future...

    "urgh... fucking samurais"

  13. I downloaded some Panic! and Maximo Park (what are they classed as?) the other day, which worried me slightly also. As a Demi-Goth who likes metal, I too started to feel confused as to where I was heading in life. I still have no idea, but all this talk of Fall Out Boy is making me edgy, and I feel an iTunes store visit coming on.........

    I think I'll become a Gothemo Samurai Punk, sounds like fun.

    I also HATE the verification thing, it always takes two attempts to post anything >:0(

  14. Skillz - No doubt the samurai kids will cut themselves, huh? Although whether it's intentional, what with those massive swords, or not we'll never know!

    I look forward to complaining about damn robot kids as well.

    iPandah - Millions might disagree with me, but I don't think Panic! are too emo. They strike me as being a bit - a tiny tiny little bit - like Jane's Addiction, and I really can't see that they cry that often. Maximo Park are definitely not emo, so you're safe there.

    The beauty of iTunes is that you can buy these individual tunes without any recriminations. It's not like Amazon, where you might buy a Fall Out Boy album, and then the next time you go there the entire homepage is covered in Fall Out Boy 'recommendations for you!'

    Yeah, I hate word verification too; Unfortunately, I hate spam comments offering me viagra and penis extensions more!!

  15. "Millions might disagree with me, but I don't think Panic! are too emo"

    Granted I've only heard a couple of songs, but I distinctly remember hearing the lyrics "..let's get these teen hearts beating faster faster". My ears did the equivalent of the eyes-popping-out-their-sockets thing.

  16. Really? I thought it was "two hearts"?

    Either way, that's not terribly emo, but it is pure filth!!


  17. Actually, I just listened to it again and I think you're right - it is "teen hearts."


  18. Dudes, if 'samurai' is a fashion choice in the fuuuutuuuure... I think I might just succumb.

  19. OK. Apologies for doubting your non-emoness. However, I still stand by my slap. After all, you are the one that brought that song to the masses. Well, us, anyway...

    "Also in to caaaaaaaaats"

    See?!? See!?!

    Anyway, samurai, eh? I'm with T-Bird on this one. I've been looking for a new look.

  20. P.S. I'm having no problems with WV at the moment.

    * cringes at famous last words *

  21. T-Bird - I can picture you as a samurai. I think you should do it now, just for the hell of it!

    Inexplicable Device - I'm not sure I can claim to have brought Fall Out Boy to the masses. If I did… I WANT MY CUT OF THE MONEY!!!! Muwahahahahaha!!!!

    Samurai this week, but I reckon with the release of 300 it'll be 'sweaty Greek' next week. Fashion is such a fluid thing these days!

    And, oh, you might not be having WV problems but someone is! Grrrr!!

  22. I HATE that thing on Amazon that tells you what you might like. Especially when I buy things for other people, and then next time it says you like things diametrically opposed to your own tastes. Stupid computer, thinks its smarter than me...

  23. Dinah - I feel your pain! There should be a preference where you can cliiiiiiiiiick that it's a gift and no, you WON'T be buying something like it in future; it's a one-off transaction: deal with it, Amazonians!

    On a related note - have you ever been tempted to cliiiiick the gift wrap option even when it's for yourself. I have!

  24. If Sweaty Greek is to be the next in thing, I'll have to tone up my abs a little more.

    I wonder if I can get an ab-roller gift wrapped on line?

  25. Or smear kebab juice on you. I don't know which one is easier…

    An ab roller! What a genius idea they are! I bet Amazon do them. In fact, I double double dare you to order a gift-wrapped one from them!

  26. I have absolutely no problem with the Ronin life. As long as I get an ace bike and sword a la Kill Bill.

    And for the record: Jeebus, Buddha, Allah, Jewish God and Tom Cruise please please PLEASE make the new trend sweaty Greek BC!

  27. With 35 degree heat and 30% humidity, I'd've thought that everyday was sweaty Greek day!!
