Sunday, March 11, 2007

Book update

OK, so I might not have written much of my book over the last couple of weeks, but work continues on it apace! In fact, Graham has been busy working on illustrating a flashback sequence I sent him, and I thought y'all might like a looksy.

I think you'll agree that, even at this early stage, it's kinda awesome…


  1. Very nice.

    Though if you could add in a few sketches of Theoretical Secretary that would be even better, what a rack!

  2. Careful mister, or Theoretical Secretary might have you up on theoretical sexual harrassment charges!

  3. wow!! That is fantastic!

    Are there spooky things under there? All those people look so sad! Graham is amazing!

  4. Nope, no spooky things! Sorry!! I'm so glad you picked up on the sadness aspect though because it's quite an important part of the flashback sequences!

    I think I get to see the finished art today! Yay!

  5. More than kinda awesome...totally awesome.

  6. Thanks Dinah! I'll pass that on to Graham; he'll probably giggle like a giddy school girl!
