Thursday, February 15, 2007

We all like to put it in our ears occasionally

I've been thinking about music a lot today. This has been for a number of reasons:

Firstly, I've woken up every morning for the last couple of weeks to find some kind of eighties power ballad rockin' my brain. I'm blaming Marcosy because he insisted on playing Bonnie Tyler's 'Total Eclipse of the Heart' in his car the other week, but I'm not exactly innocent either; there was, of course, that spontaneous T'Pau-based karaoke session in the office the other week. Other early morning power ballard examples include 'I Want to Know What Love is' by Foreigner, 'Too Shy' by Limahl, 'Nothing's Gonna Stop us Now' by Starship, 'Physical' by Olivia Neutron Bomb, and 'If You Leave Me Now' by Peter Cetera of Chicago (which, admittedly, I love).

Then, Scanner Dave and I had a musical conversation at work this morning. And by musical conversation I don't mean we chatted in the medium of song and dance, rather we chatted about songs. Because - and I promise you now that usually I'm not judgemental about other people's taste in music - Dave's taste in music is pretty shitty. We did, however, eventually find a song that we both like.

I think you'll agree, that is a beautiful thing. A snapshot of a glorious era. It's a stunning example of car-crash viewing. I mean, really, this could've been the end of not one, but two of the world's premier singer-songwriter's careers right in front of us, but they pulled it off big time. Those clothes go against everything that's good and holy though. And what's with all the flailing arms? Could've had someone's eye out.

Geez. I can't stop watching it. I think I know what'll be playing in my brain tomorrow morning…


Another reason for the musical focus was yesterday's Brit Awards. My thoughts on that? The Killers were awesome even through Brandon Flowers dances like a mental monkey, Amy Winehouse is hideous but has an interesting voice, Joss Stone is off her tits these days, Flea from the Red Hot Chili Peppers needs to put a top on because at his age and in this weather he'll catch his death of cold, and after 10 years I *STILL* hate Oasis.


I'll round off the last couple of days worth of Valentines posts with this handy hint for people who've forgotten the big day: the last time I sent a Valentines card I sent it after the event, but by turning back the date on the franking machine at work I made it look like the post office was responsible for its late arrival. And that, I think you'll agree, is officially *TOP THINKING*.


  1. I love 80s songs. As soon as I saw the title "Total Eclipse of the Heart", I starting singing in my head.."Turn around, every now and then I get a little bit lonely and you never come around...Turn around.." Ugh! Thanks, that'll be in my head all day now. :D

  2. I love 80s songs too. Thank Sparky Pa - many a car journey was fueled by Steve Winwood, Hall and Oates, and the like. Good times!

    I have a bit of a soft spot for 'Total Eclipse,' but not at the volumes Marcosy was playing it in his car.

    Glad you're sharing my pain now though! A problem shared is a problem halved!!!


  3. And the top thinking award goes to......

    Are you trying to make your post titles sound even more saucy? We all like to put it in our ears occasionally implies all sorts of skullduggery....

  4. T-Bird - If you think that's saucy, you ain't seen nuthin' yet!!


  5. Ooh, sauce!

    Olivia Neutron Bomb - Heheh!! Have you heard Sophie Ellis Bextor's version? Much better, I think.

    With top thinking like yours, you could take over the world! Well, someone's gotta get there before Beaky does...

  6. OH MY GOD how had I never seen that before? You know how sometimes you think, gee, my life is complete and then you think, well, how could it have been considering I had not seen that video? My favourite part was going to be when Mick drank the random beer off the street, but then he topped it when he implored us not the forget the motor city.

  7. Inexplicable Device - my smut-filter is on overload!

    Sophie Ellis-Bextor did a version?! Nope, that one passed me by, though I did see her singing Radio Ga Ga on the Al Murray show last week. I also saw her in Shepherds Bush cinema before Christmas - very wide head, almost told her that her mum was great on Blue Peter.

    And I can see a Sparky Vs Beaky confrontation on the horizon - I'll 'ave him!

    Dinah - And how could we forget the motor city after that startling vision of the 1980s!? I love the bit where they're leaning out of doorways when it's their turn to sing. *Amazing*.

  8. Anonymous8:22 pm

    Total Eclipse, but nothing can beat I Need a Hero, especially to the final scene in Short Circuit II.

    Jagger and Bowie both look like charicatures of themselves in that vid.

  9. Damn you Skillz! Now I Need a Hero is playing in my head!!

    On second thoughts, do you even think that's actually Bowie and Jagger? Did they call in the lookey-likeys out of sheer embarrassment?
