Sunday, February 04, 2007

Me versus the Huxtables, apparently

So there I am this evening having a post-run, pre-dinner go on Star Trek on the ol' Xbox, and this dude enters into a battle with me. Must be said - he liked his microphone. Him and all his family, apparently.

I don't use my mic so much when I'm playing Trek; I don't know why, it just seems more suited to Project Gotham Racing malarkey. When I'm trying to blow the crap out of someone's starship I don't particularly want to know what the weather's like in Utah.

Anyway, as I said, this guy was rocking the mic big-stylee. I couldn't quite make out what he was saying, but he wouldn't shut up and the word "asshole" was definitely said when I blew him up the first time. And I could hear all this yammering in the background - it seriously was like I was playing against the Huxtables or some other stereotypical family all gathered around the telly. There were "ooos" and "aaahs" and gasps, singing, and a few other choice 'rudy' comments. I bet Captain Kirk never had to put up with this sort of behaviour.

So do you know what I did? I only went and submitted a player review and listed him under the category of 'off-putting, inane, or senseless chatter: avoid this player.'

Yeah, you know I did. Snaps.


This weekend's not all been about being verbally harrassed by someone in Queens, oh no. Writing on my novel(la) is proceeding apace! I'll openly admit that maybe I'm not throwing myself 100% into it, but I figure it's healthy not to spend every waking hour glued to the computer; firstly because I don't actually want to glue myself to my computer, and secondly because I'll probably go nuts. No, when creativity dips, I bugger off and do something else for a while, such as read a book, watch some telly, or be verbally harrassed by someone in Queens.

I've been pretty consistant about writing, though; two hours on Thursday, and four hours spread over Saturday, with another four-ish today. Friday was a bit rubbish because I got stuck in traffic on the way home, then went to play badminton. All in all, though, I'm quite happy with how things are going, and I can definitely feel the story unfolding. Of course, there's still some unknown, unplanned patches ahead of me, but that's half the fun, right?




  1. Ha hah! Next time you should get Skillz 'round to do his Malcolm Jamal-Warner (or whatever his neame is) dance in the background. I know 'The Huxtables' won't be able to see it, but it'll be funny. And you can narrow your eyes sinisterly (see, I've read the previous posts, even though I wasn't around at the time).

    Skidding into the unknown/unplanned patches of writing are exciting - quite often they bring up something you would never have thought to include. You might even end up on a different track, but still going somewhere good.

  2. 'keep that shit REAL yo.

    Er hm.


    Can't wait to hear excerpts from the novella. I just hope it's similar to Adrian Mole's attempt at writing:

    "The fried egg spluttered in the frying pan like an old man having a tubercular coughing fit in a 1930s National Health Service hospital"

    "The tea was welcome. He sipped it gratefully, like an African elephant which has previously found its waterhole to be dry, but then remembered, and walked to, another"

  3. Inexplicable Device - I'll buy the Xbox webcam, then Skillz can do his Jamal-Warner dance for all to see!

    So far I'm adhering to the track, but some little details are changing here and there, which is excitemondo!!

    Skillz - You bet I'm keeping it real. Yo.

    Can't say it's tooooooo much like Adrian Mole, but you have just reminded me that I've got a cup of tea here. I hope it's not gone cold...

  4. Someone better start doing the dance...I demand it.

    Good for you, sticking it to the man by reviewing him as some kind of Huxtable-yokel hybrid. I ass-ume you're not going to play against him again?

  5. Dora - Skillz'll do the dance, I'm sure. I get the impression he's been practising it...

    The hell I won't play that ass again! And I'll kick his ass if he ever gets within range of my photon torpedoes again!

  6. Good for you for serving that guy up a review (that rhymes)! That's annoying. You might've saved other focused game players the frustration of stumbling into that guy's playing area. It reminds me of people who would chatter on Yahoo IM nonstop and provide everyone in the chatroom a large quantity of meaningless insults. It became very boring, so I got rid of Yahoo IM. That showed 'em.

  7. I saw the big Huxtable boy on a show with LUKE PERRY as some sort of apocalyptic futuristic plague survivors. Not as good as it sounds, but he had cool dreddies.

    Tim's hag cheer squad sez: Keep up with the writing! Yaaaaaaaay!

  8. As requested...


  9. Where the hell did my comment go!? I wrote out a nice, amusing response to Tara, T-Bird, and Skillz, and it's just gone!


    And I'm not going to write it out again just incase blogger slaps it in, then I'll look like Johnny Spacker who posted his comment twice.

    Bah! I'm going to bed...

  10. ooh, T-Bird I forgot about that show.

    Watch - next time you take on the Huxtables, you could find yourself on the receiving end of a very important lesson.

  11. I think what I was going to say last night was...

    Tara - Damn right! The thing is, if he continues doing that and everyone avoids him, he'll eventually have no one to play against! Muwahahahahahaha!!!!!

    T-Bird - I never saw that show, but I remember it! Wasn't it by JMS who did Babylon 5? I hated that show.

    Skillz - Whoa, check out dat boi busting dem moves! He is whack!

    (now we want to see YOU doing the dance)

    Dinah - Do you know something about the Huxtables that I don't...? Were you, in fact, one of the Huxtables!?

  12. Oh Skillz, that MJW dance is truly top notch. Especially the little hip-nudge he gives Bill at the end.

    Chambourcy? As in chocolate mousse? i.e. Very good?

  13. *exactly* IDV, sweet like Chambourcy

  14. Damn you both! Now I have a combination of Michael Jackson squealing "Shamon!" and 'Sweet Like Chocolate' playing in my head!
