Sunday, February 11, 2007

Cast your freakin' vote

OK, so if you're reading this you'll probably have noticed that I've been faffing about with the appearance of my blog. What you won't notice is that I'm writing this with a spoon in my mouth (I'm just about to have some soup).

And if you haven't noticed (about the appearance, not the spoon) look up. Not at the ceiling, at the top of the page. Yes, there.

What do you think?

Now look, I'll be honest with you. It's pretty much taken me all weekend to do that (which admittedly isn't quite as bad as it sounds when you factor in that I've slept SOOOOOO much over the last couple of days), and I actually didn't mean to. It's just that there was something gnawing at me Saturday lunchtime that kept pushing me to meddle. So meddle I did. And I'm not afraid to tell you that the air turned blue in Sparky Towers. HTML is *NOT* my friend.

By about four o'clock Saturday afternoon I'd just about wrestled everything back to how it was, but I really wanted to get that new banner heading up because it's been sitting on my desktop since about last May waiting to be used. So this morning I got up and INEXPLICABLY STARTED MEDDLING AGAIN.

Thing is, because I'm so used to the old-style heading I'm not too sure about the new one now. So I'm going to do what I always do in these instances - ask someone else to decide for me.

Cast you votes in comments, people!

I thank you!


  1. Wow! No mistaking you for anyone else. I like it. Thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much!

  2. Inexplicable Device - Hurrah! It's growing on me too, especially now I've worked out how to put some functionality into it - HTML is my bitch now.

    Well, almost.

    That's two votes for (T-Bird made her opinion clear in the previous post), and none against!

  3. What kind of soup did you eat? I hope it was tasty!

    I love the big, bold letters and really like the quote. Where is it from? Well done.

  4. I like it! It's so big and bold.

    Did you really spell your name Mit? That's adorable!

  5. Tara - It was Heinz tomato! I actually had the choice of regular tomato or the limited edition tomato and basil (that I accidently bought - it's actually a bit gross). I decided on the regular because it has one more calorie in it and I was going for a run so I thought that calorie might come in handy.

    Thanks for your thoughts on the new title! The quote is from Spock's funeral in Star Trek II, though Kirk says "human" rather than "inane."

    I think calling Spock inane at his funeral might've been a tad inappropriate…!

  6. Whoa! Dinah snuck in out of nowhere!

    Thanks Dinah, and yes, I did spell my name Mit. I don't remember doing it, but my Mum assures me I used to sign pictures that way when I was in infants school!

  7. I think it's dynamic. And you can't go wrong with a good Star Trek quote.

  8. Thanks ipandah! I agree, you can never go wrong with a Star Trek quote. Except in business meetings; I've often found that they don't go down too well in business meetings…

  9. It's an anagram of KY slam yak raper

  10. Ohmygod! You've just ruined my blog name *forever*!

  11. I too am loving the new top bit, and sympathising with your HTML plights. DAMN YOU HTML.

  12. Ta muchly, Will. I think the only negative comment so far came from me ol' mate Marcosy, but he doesn't like change so the new top bit has probably made him go a bit dizzy. He'll come round, I'm sure; probably by the time I'm ready to change it again...

    HTML is a bitch, isn't? Yes, DAMN HTML, DAMN IT TO HELL!

  13. we give it two thumbs wayy up!

  14. Hurrah! Thanks Missy and Chrissy!
