Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Hopes and dreams

I'm so excited. *So excited*. So excited, in fact, that I might just let a little bit of wee out.



OK, maybe not that excited.

So why am I excited, you might ask? I'll tell you why: because I've just got back from a summit meeting with comics pal Graham about our future artistic direction. Ohmygod! So many ideas! So much potential! Are you excited yet?!

First of all, we spoke about Grenwald the Great, which if it really was that good you'll recall that I posted the prologue here a short while back. We discussed its creative direction, plot points, characters, and all that jazz; did you know that I've always wanted to write a science-fiction story set on a planet called Chlamydia IV? Well that dream is going to be realised, my friends!

Graham showed me some of the concept art he's done for Grenwald, and he's nailed the look and feel of Grenwald as a dapper vintage action-adventurer in one! I seriously meant to take a photo of it, but was so giddy I completely forgot. His work always looks great, but I really think he's moved his style forward a bit. I hope my writing is equal to the task of Graham's stunning art.

Next up we talked about my February book project, for which I want some detailed little black 'n white illustrations done once I finish the story. The more I talk about the idea, and write up specific scenes at lunchtimes, the more excited and eager to begin I get. And I think I've got a title; I've recently taken to calling it by the name of the fictional town it's set in, but now I think I'm just going to call it what it is - Picture Novella.

Oh, and Graham also threw some thumbnail sketches my way and asked if I could come up with a story to go around it. Can I? Hell yeah! In fact, I began writing a rather epic script for a graphic novel based on, of all things, David Bowie songs a couple of years back, but abandoned it because I thought it was turning into a bit of a monster, and it'd probably be nigh on impossible to get the rights to it. But here I figure I can strip out one of the storylines and mould it into something new...

So all in all, exciting times for two fledgling comics creators...!


Perhaps the only downside to going up town to meet Graham was the fact that I had to walk down Oxford Street during rush hour. I lost count of the amount of times I felt compelled to wave my arms around like a maniac in an effort to get stupid pedestrians out of my way.

And, goddamn, those frikkin' free newspaper vendors!! Geez, the amount of London Lites and TheLondonPapers I was offered tonight was off the scale - if I'd've taken one every time one was offered I would've been weighed down in seconds! The vendors are like damn parasites! At first I kept giving them the ol' Obi Wan style "these are not the droids you're looking for..." thing, but like the Borg they seemed to adapt to that and were soon immune. I almost resorted to taking a paper and whacking said vendor over the head with it until he collapsed to the floor and adopted the foetus position while screaming like a baby.

Next time, my friends, next time...


  1. Always carry a little pad and pencil for when you have ideas for the comic. Worst thing ever is forgetting.

    As for the London Lites, I quite like trying to read the paper without actually taking it from them. They keep trying to give it to you but they FAIL.

  2. I've got shitloads of obsolete Star Trek business cards that I carry around for just such a purpose. They're also good for bookmarks, and for popping in phoneboxes to confuse the perverts.

    I might try that with the papers next time - d'ya think I could get away with asking them to turn to the TV page?

  3. Hee. Awesome.

    And double awesome for the writing! This is so cool. Whoo!

  4. It is cool, Dinah! I'm excited!!

  5. I can't wait to walk into my fave comic book store (titled like 7 million other comic book stores as "Fan Attic") and see your's and Graham's work there! You have to sign it for me, though. You don't get out of that!

  6. T-Bird - It will happen! I vow to you, here and now, that it. Will. Happen. And sign it for you? I'll send you bagged and boarded complimentary copy!

    And what a great name for a comic store!! I've never heard that one before!

  7. I will even find out where there is a comic store, and then go and buy it. Unless I can get it online, in which case I could do that, but I like going in person and telling the cashier how great the author is (which I have done before, but in a bookstore...).

  8. YAY!! I'd love a signed copy. Could be worth something, but I'll keep it bagged up 40 year old virgin stylee! I loves me a comic.

    Fan Attic? You have to walk up the stairs to get there, geddit? The dudes are a bit over-excited to get girls in there too. Their idea of courtship is to axe you about your lack of knowledge of ep 6.2 of TNG. Nice to see testosterone always finds a way to express itself, even among our gentle comic book guys.

  9. Dinah - I could send you a bagged 'n boarded copy too!! In a sort of reverse situation, I had a shop assistant tell me how much he loved Hunky Dory by David Bowie once - he really bigged it up, and I loved the album, which was good.

    I love it when people express their passion for something in a mundane everyday situation - it's such a nice surprise!

    T-Bird - You'd love one? You're getting one! Even though it's not been written yet, you're on THE LIST!

    Fan Attic sounds cool - like a secret comicy hide-away. The comic shop I go to is awesome - all the people there are really chatty and friendly, and they sometimes invite me into the back room to check out the comics before they go on the shelves!
