Friday, December 01, 2006

All by myself

OK people - last Xbox-related post until I actually get my grubby little mits on one.

So, here I am. As you can probably guess, I'd sort of planned to base this weekend around stupid amounts of Xbox malarkey. No Xbox, no Xbox-based malarkey.

And so I find myself with an empty weekend ahead...


Well. I plan on spending tonight settled on the sofa reading I am Charlotte Simmons and listening to Christmas songs. And before you say "that's painting a pretty pathetic picture," let me assure you that a) I really want to finish reading that book because it's very good, and I've been neglecting it recently, and b) Yaz gave me a belated birthday present today - Sufjan Steven's Songs for Christmas boxset.

I'm very much looking forward to the latter; I *big-time heart* Sufjan Steven's music, and this is five CDs worth of traditional songs and his own festive compositions, so it's quite likely that it will seriously tip me over the edge into hardcore Christmas mode and I'll start wrapping anything that comes to hand and over-eating. BINGE-PURGE-BINGE-PURGE!!!!

Just for laughs I decided to paint an altogether more grim impression of the weekend ahead for my workmates, which basically consisted of me telling them that I'd be sitting around in my pants knocking back a bottle of vodka. Now, they all know that I don't drink, and yet they all believed me. Quite possibly they were all taken aback by the horrific/stunning mental image that provided.

I then pushed the idea a little further and asked for a hug. This proved to be a step too far, as no one actually approached to clutch me to their bosom, but it's nice to know where the limits are. And to be honest I actually didn't want a hug. Although I like to think that I am quite huggable. A hugger, and huggee, of good quality.


Inexplicably I dressed very smartly for work today; black shirt, black fine-knit jumper, browny pinstripe trousers, and trainers (hey, they match, and I didn't want to look too much like a professional); hell, even my hair looked styled for a change, rather than just 'ruffled.' And for the first time ever, I was not asked if I was going for a) an interview, or b) a hot date.

The answer to both is neither. But on the plus side, although I may be sitting here alone listening to Christmas songs and reading a thick novel, I *KNOW* I look goooooood doing it...


  1. oh my GOD, that sounds like my idea of a perfect night. Just add a pizza or something and bam!

    Hope you have a great time!

  2. Aaaaccck! That is an horrific image. Vodka, indeed. Now, a bottle of cooking sherry, on the other hand...

    ((( hug )))

    Eww! Eww! Eww! WV was vag qeri

  3. Dinah - I had a chicken korma curry, does that count? I had pizza twice last weekend so I kinda feel me and pizza need a bit of a break. Y'know, just a little time apart. Maybe see some other people.

    I had/am having a super time - the Songs for Christmas boxset is amazing (there's stickers, a comic book, and song book that also features Christmas short stories in it too!). I'm *SO* going to have to take it to Sparky Ma and Pa's on Christmas day and hijack the stereo. Mum loves Sufjan anyway, so I can't see there'd be any problem with that.

    Almost finished Charlotte!

    Inexplicable Device - Booze is all the same! Hell, let's mix it all up!! I'm pretty sure I'm got some white spirit round here too...

    I'm huggin' right back. Anyone else up for it? GROUP HUG!!!!!!!!

    I'm not quite catching the last bit there. Would it make sense if I actually did have some vodka, or were you just banging your head on the keyboard?

  4. 'I've.' I'VE got some white spirit.

    Not 'I'm.'


  5. Elongate vag (What three letters could possibly go on the end? Double Eww!) and qeri becomes query...

    Oh, ignore me. It's just my dirty mind. Or the Host's. Or his subconscious etc etc...

    Now. Pass that white spirit. Got any black ghoul, too?

  6. Vagrant?



    I pretty much figured it out by half-closing one eye and saying it out loud in a slurry voice.

    Now I'm going to hug the freezer and shout "YORRR MAH BESHT FRIEEND!" from my bedroom window.

    Maybe save throwing up in someone's letterbox for another day?

    Black ghoul? If that's another term for Pepsi Max then yes!

  7. god it's very Bridget Jones around here - everyone drunk and hugging people. Well, Tima drunk and hugging people and that little bit of throw up in a letter box.....

    I'll hug you back Tim. I'm all about the hugging!!!!

  8. Dora - HUG!

    Miss T - HUG!

    (I'm the best at playing-drunk! And - BONUS - no hangover the next day!)
