Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Erm, stalker...

I think I'm being stalked by a Mini dealer. Basically, I got an email from BMW the other week asking if I was interested in checking out the new, new Mini.

Well, durrr, yeah.

So I clicked the link that said 'YES!'

Now, let's back-pedal a bit here. I've owned three cars in my life - a reasonably ancient Ford Fiesta, which, bless it, was an awesome first car; even when the window-winder broke off, the exhaust fell off, and it dumped various fluids on the floor. I nevertheless have very fond memories of the Fiesta.

Next up was a Mini Cooper - one of the very first of the new style Minis back in 2001. Again, an awesome, AWESOME car. Loved it to bits. But then I caught a glimpse of the Cooper S... and, well, just over two years later I decided to ... indulge myself.

And so we arrive at the Mini Cooper S, my current ride of choice. An absolutely stonking little motor. LOVE. IT. TO. BITS. Sometimes I've been known to hug it, but not in a special way. Just a normal hug.

Anyway, I've got no intention of changing my car just yet, but I'm happy to accept any invitation to check out a new car - especially a new Mini. And bearing in mind that I've bought both my Minis from the same dealer (a dealer who, when I popped in yesterday to BOOK A TEST DRIVE OF THE NEW ONE, which they have penciled in for me, actually remembered my name from about two years ago!), I sort of figured that they'd be the ones to, y'know, give me the chance to play with the newbie...

Think again. Seems another dealer has managed to nab my details.

Saturday afternoon: I can't quite remember what I was doing, but I recall that I was a tad dazed. I might've had some food in my mouth. Anyway, my phone rang. So, I pick it up, and there's this guy on the other end who immediately starts off on this ramble about "blah blah blah blah Mini blah blah blah..." and I'm just about remembering to blink and breath.

So he goes on a bit more, then says "is that OK then?" and I say "yes. What were we talking about?" And he laughs, says he'll call me back, and hangs up.

And I go "huh?"

Anyway, today is the first day of my week off, and I'm still in bed at about 10am, and my phone starts ringing. Now, I'm not one of these people who don't answer if they don't recognise the number, but seriously, this was just rude. I looked at the number, didn't recognise it, put the phone down, and rolled over. After a minute or so my phone beeped: a voicemail...

By this time I was kinda awake, so I picked the phone up, and listened to the message.

"Hello, this is [name withheld] at [a Mini dealer I do not frequent]. just calling to let you know that I've put a brochure in the post for you, and I'm ready to talk to you as you move forward with you purchase. We've got the launch on..." And so on.


Minutes later I stumble downstairs to find two letters on my doormat - a bank statement and a LETTER FROM THE MINI DEALER I DO NOT GO TO!

And how does this letter end?

"Once again, thank you for choosing [Mini dealer I do not frequent]."

Erm... I didn't?


I've done some freakin' gardening today! Well, in the loosest sense of the word, anyway. Y'see, I've got this creeping bush thing round the side of my house that has kind of crept round the front and over the front door, making entry a tad difficult. I thought that the cold weather we've been having would kill it, but it seems quite resilient.

So I borrowed Sparky Ma's garden... pruning... things with the intention of tastefully cutting it back a little. It seems, however, that I got a little carried away, and now all that is left is a small wooden stump sticking out of the ground.


The way I see it, though, is that it'll grow back eventually, right?

Gardening is fun!


Just got an email from Marcosy with the title 'cute puppies.' I haven't opened it yet, but knowing him, that means it's a picture of some boobs.


  1. Heh! You said 'boobs'! And 'bush'.

    Actally, I was thinking of cutting back the passiflora climbing over the end of my house, but noticed yesterday that it's flowering. In November. Global warming seems to be getting a little carried away.

  2. What's a passiflora? It sounds like something that should be shot with a tranquiliser.

    Seriously, though, if your flowers are still flowering in November global warming can't be all bad, right?

    Heh heh...

  3. Heh! You said passiflora!

  4. Anonymous3:04 am

    thats funny...my friend always called her boobs "puppies" and i thought it was so strange! but i guess i'm just out of the loop on the boob terminology...

  5. I don't ever call my boobs 'puppies'. I have toyed with the idea of naming them Burt and Ernie, though

  6. Dinah - I so did! And I'm going to say it again: passiflora!

    Missy & Chrissy - That email from Marcosy did contain boobs! Pictures of Jeri Ryan, who incidently, refers to hers as 'the girls.'

    Miss T - How about Starbuck and Apollo?

  7. How about old boob and gay tit?

    Actually that is a verrrryyyyy long running joke with Tina. Y'all will think I'm a dickhead for even putting it, but we're both laughing about it.

    Stalker, eh? Be careful how you handle that one, you don't want them to come around to your house and start knocking on the doors and peaking through the windows....

  8. Dora, I think you need to let us all in on the joke...!

  9. Ummm... old boob and gay tit? WHICH ONE IS WHICH????

    I would prefer Starbuck and Apollo. But does one have to get really out of shape and whine like Apollo? And my Starbuck one can be a rebel against the constrictive of the establishment.

    Hang on, that's what happened to Tara Reid.

  10. constrictive nature. Gah - maybe there is something in this whole proofreading malarkey.

  11. Miss T - exactly - we need to know which one we're addressing!!! How about Kirk and Spock?

    Proofreading?! Bah! Wing it - walk in the out door, live life on the edge!!!!!!!

  12. Kirk and Picard is my final choice. I think I'll call my favourite boob Picard...

  13. Picard would be the boob that would be all sensible and demand restrained bras, while Kirk would rush in where angels fear to tread and want to wear slutty lacy things!

    Erm, I suspect...

  14. Aren't all bras slutty lacy things??
