Monday, November 20, 2006

Counting down the days


In one of my very earliest posts - I actually can't be arsed to go trawling through the archives to find it and link back - I wrote about how I was thinking about getting an Xbox 360 just because there was an awesome looking Star Trek game coming out on it. Well, that day is around three weeks away, and I cannot wait.

I'm practically vibrating with excitement.

What's even more exciting is that I was reading that you can actually perform a lot of the ship-based maneuvres from the films and TV shows!

And this is great why?! Well bear in mind how I spend my working week - I practically wrote the book on these things - or at the very least commissioned the text, edited it down, and wrote the picture captions!

I don't think I've felt this nerdy since the day I said "congratulations on your Emmy" to William Shatner and he looked at me and replied "Thank... YOU!"

So in about three weeks time, if this blog goes quiet for a while, I'm probably sitting wide-eyed in front of my telly, hands fixed rigor-stylee in the shape of an Xbox controller, all pale and sweaty and quoting dialogue from Star Trek.

It's gonna be the most awesome thing EVAH.


In other news, check this out - scientists have pieced together a photo-fit image of what Jack the Ripper supposedly looked like. Now, bearing in mind that ol' Jack was pretty thorough in completely killing all his victims and basically smearing their insides around quite a bit, these 120 year-old corpses have helped provide a highly detailed image.

An image that seems to show that Freddie Mercury was responsible for the crimes.

I don't know about you, but I think I'll file that one in the "hmmm..." drawer of my unsolved crimes filing cabinet...


  1. I used to love watching Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack...such a great premise for a show. Especially since it induced the fear that the missing robber/kidnapper/prisoner/murderer was right outside your door.

  2. Oh! First AND second!

  3. Ha ha - that reminds me of Crimewatch over here - basically they try and solve, er, unsolved recent crimes. So there they are doing recreations of violent crimes, and what's the last thing the presenter says at the end of every show?

    "Don't have nightmares!"


  4. I love the shows that have the psychic detectives - you know the ones like Derek Acorah who are all about the cold readings?

    Addicted to them.

    Ooh, and review the game! Your public awaits.

  5. Derek Acorah is scary!

    Miss T - when I get the game you can be damned sure I'll be reviewing it. If I can tear myself away from it, that is!

  6. I want a console. Should I get an XBox? Or shell out on a PS3 or Wii or what? Which is best? Things have come a long way since the SNES...

  7. Will, I feel you pain. Or confusion. Things were much simpler in the SNES days, huh? Many a late night was spent with me and my bro playing Mario Kart until we passed out from exhaustion.

    The N64 version was shite though.

    Anyway, I'm not too sure I can help you here, based on the fact that I'm only buying an Xbox for the Star Trek game. I have been told that there are a few other quality titles out on it (Gears of War, Test Drive Unlimited...), but If it wasn't for the Trek game I'd probably get a Wii because I like the fact that the controller brings a new dimension to the gameply (although I wonder how many third party developers will actually make proper use of it?). It also has the potential to make the player look a bit of a twat if they forget to close the curtains.

    The PS3 is a complete no-no for me. I've owned both the previous PlayStations, but £400 for a console is a lot to stomach, blu-ray player or not. Also, none of the games I've seen so far really appeal to me.

    So to cut the crap, I say you should get a Wii if you want something a bit different and often have people round to join in the craziness with you, and an Xbox if you want a more traditional gaming experience.

    And particularly if you like Star Trek, because the moment that thing is out of the box I'm going to be online blowing the crap out of anything that moves.

  8. Thanks for the advice. My poor head doesn't know what to do. Maybe I'll just dust off the old SNES and whack on Super Probotector. Hold on, does this mean you haven't got an Xbox yet?

  9. I know, things were so much simpler in the early 90s. Ah, for the simple pleasures of a Mode-7 generated race track and some explosive mushrooms...

    No, I haven't got the Xbox yet; I'm literally going to get it the day that Star Trek Legacy comes out. My initial plan was to get it, play Legacy, then sell it, but there are a few more games on the horizon that kind of appeal to me, despite the fact that I'm a Mac user and the thought of buying anything Microsoft branded makes me feel dirty.

  10. I loved SNES. Some days I would pay a lot of money just to use it again.

  11. Them were the days, eeeeyy?

    Mario All-Stars... Zelda... Aaah...

    That was an awesome console. And my brother had a Megadrive, so I had the best of both worlds - get in!!!

  12. Holy crap. You're all speaking some sort of mysterious boy language. I. Have. Absolutely. No. Idea. What. You. Are. Talking. About.

    Some sort of matter transporting machine?

    I used to have a box that let me kick people's arses with Tekken. It was a black box and I always broke it.

  13. It's not a boy language! Well, not how I talk it. I only miss it for Donkey Kong and Mario All-Stars, and the ones with Yoshi.

  14. Miss T - sounds like someone had a Saturn! Or a Megadrive. Dreamcast? I seem to recall that Tekken was a Sega only thing...

    Dinah - Oh, Mario All-Stars! Was that not amazing? I gave my Mum my SNES after me and she became adddicted to it too. She now has a DS so as not to hog the TV while Dad wants to watch Dad-style programmes.
