Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Radio ga-ga

I finally got my copy of the Radio 2 Star Trek documentary (featuring yours truly) through the post today, and dutifully abandoned all work in order to listen to it. It's pretty good - although the focus has changed somewhat since I actually did the interview; at the time, the producer told me that it was only about the Star Trek movies, so that's all we spoke about. Now, however, some intelligent soul has clearly realised that it's the 40th anniversary year, and they've changed it to cover all of Star Trek. Meaning I only feature for about 15 seconds; yes, I'm only getting 15 seconds of fame (time is clearly short these days). Mind you, when it also features Leonard Nimoy, I think it's probably best that they dial back the Sparky in favour of the Spocky.

On a side note, every time I hear Nimoy speak I'm reminded how massively cool he is. Wait till you hear the story about him being invited to CalTech...

Anyway, back to me as this is my blog after all. How do I rate my performance? Well, I'm not quite as spackerish as I expected, but do you ever get that feeling when you hear the sound of your own voice that you come across as sounding ... well, a bit odd? I do. I always think I sound reasonably cool, and chirpy, and cheeky. But not here (but then again I am half deaf at the moment, so I'm surprised I can actually hear anything). Maybe it's because Patrick Stewart appears shortly after me, and I'm not afraid to admit that he's just got the dreamiest voice ever. On the plus side, he also only appears for about 15 seconds, which I think officially gives me the right to list my appearance as a 'cameo,' or 'special guest star.'

On the downside, though, they do present me as a writer from Starburst magazine; I haven't written for Starburst in about six years! And, erm, hello! I've been editor of four different Star Trek magazines over the last seven years!! Harumph.

Finally, though, I must admit I'm relieved they chose not to use my quote about Star Trek Nemesis. I was asked what my thoughts were on the most recent film, and being Mr Diplomatic Star Trek Editor my response was (and I remember it verbatim):

"Star Trek Nemesis? Oh, it's just a cheap rip-off of Star Trek II..."

And coming from someone who actually quite enjoyed Nemesis, it's probably best they cut that...


  1. Whooo! First.

    Oh, and I'm really happy you're happy about your performance. I'm going to think about your imaginary voice. And Patrick Stewart, too. I'm only human.

  2. Anytime that I have been recorded I sound like a spacker and always say "Do I really sound like that??". To which everyone says "yes, you do".

    The only upside to this was that when I was video recorded for work while I was teaching, I got to edit out the parts with me going off my chops at the children. I made myself look like super-teacher. Good times.

  3. So are you going to put your interview up on here in some mystical magical web skillings?

    It's either that or the wet t-shirt pics, my friend.

    Choose wisely.

  4. Dinah - You think of Patrick Stewart as much as you want! He does, after all, have what is possibly the BEST voice in the world. Ever.

    Dora - It's weird isn't it? It makes me think that somewhere in the human brain there's a little widget that makes us think we sound awesome, while we actually sound like a complete doofus. I'm certainly going into voice training classes now.

    Miss T - Look!! Go here - it's up!!!!


    I'm about 40 mins in!

  5. Yay! This is so awesome.

    The thinking man's epic!

    You sound great, I think. I had this on in the background, and when they announced you I sort of squealed a little bit. I'm a fangirl now, aren't I?

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Bugger! I forgot! I'll just have to use your handy dandy link up there. Back soon...

  8. Dinah - You're a fangirl and proud of it!! And you've made me blush a bit.

    Inexplicable Device - you forgot!?

  9. Oooh! You're right. The first movie really was a bit 2001, wasn't it?

    I fell asleep during 2001.

    You didn't sound like a spacker at all! Well done! That was really, really cool. I enjoyed the whole documentary!

  10. I fell asleep too! Boring!

    Unlike this documentary. Especially around the 40 minute mark.

  11. Miss T - It was. There's bits in it that I like... And lots of bits that are boring. I like it a little bit more every time I see it, but I think that's more to do with me growing up (a bit).

    And thanks! I still say I sounded like a spacker, but if enough people say otherwise then I'll go with the majority!!

    Dinah - Oh you're too kind! *blushes*

    Ooo - maybe I could get my own radio show!!

  12. Clear. Articulate. Concise.

    Well played old sport.

  13. Skillz - I think you sir!

  14. Hmmm... I actually meant 'thank you.'

    Dog knows what happened there...
