Sunday, October 08, 2006

More You Tube...

... And two more reasons to bow down to the genius that is William Shatner.


  1. I love those. Basically anything with a kick-line of stormtroopers is comedy gold.

  2. He IS a genius! Wow! I think I've been converted.

  3. Dinah - I think it's a side-effect of the cloning process that allows the Stormtroopers to be so coordinated in their dance routines. Bless their little cloned cotton socks!

    Inexplicable Device - He is indeed a genius. Welcome to the church of Shat.

  4. Why thank you.

    On another note: Where is your Profile at? I think it's leaking...

  5. That first one is lovely, his timing is absolutely spot on. Lucas clearly doesn't have a fucking clue what's going on.

  6. Inexplicable Device - My... profile? Leaking...? Um... I'm not quite with you...

    Will - I don't think Lucas has much of a clue about anything these days. He was probably thinking about where he could CGI a superfluous womp-rat in or something.

  7. You know. Your Profile's where it's at. It seems to have insinuated itself in the other place...

  8. Nudge. My favourite part is that George Lucas doesn't look like he knows what the hell's going on. I think that, if you're faced with William Shatner in any particular circumstance, you should just go on the assumption that you're not going to be able to tell what comes next.

  9. I definitely agree - the man is an unpredictable force of nature!!!
