Friday, October 20, 2006

Choose your own adventure

Since we had fun with testicles awhile back - and by that I mean the game that used the word 'testicles' - I've been trying to think of another way to shoe-horn an interactive element into Sparky Malarkey. And by gum, I think I've got it!

At least, I hope so...

Right kids, the basic idea is that I'm going to write a normal blog entry, but scattered throughout will be 10 numbers. At each number I want you to insert a word (or words) of your choosing that will make the entry amusing in some way - just list your 10 words in order as a comment. Hilarity WILL/SHOULD ensue. And yes, it basically gives me an excuse to write something dull, then get you to entertain me.

Here we go!


Today's been quite a cool day. Work was fun - I spent the morning planning [1], then got to flex my photoshop muscles by putting together a cover image.

I went to Starbucks at lunchtime, and when I got back I found that everyone else had gone to the [2], so I had the office to myself. A few hours later I left, only to be given a [3] on the way out, which was a nice surprise.

Having left work, I wandered down to Olympia where I was meeting Martin at the Ski and Snowboard Show. I'd promised my regular lady barista in Starbucks that I'd pick her up some [4] at the show, so I grabbed a big bag and started picking up everyone I could find. I eventually found Martin buying some boots, so left him be for a while. The show had plenty to see, and I entered a competition to win an [5] - which hopefully I'll get because it'll save me shelling out the money to buy one!

By the time we'd walked round the show a couple of times I was weighed down with brochures, and feeling the effects of perhaps a few too many [6]. I did briefly think about queuing for a free [7], but the last time I had one it really hurt, so I thought I'd give it a miss. Perhaps the only annoying point of the evening came when some random wench stepped on my [8] - clumsy bitch. I should've had words with her.

I left the show at about eight, jumped in my [9], and headed home. Now I'm watching the telly, although to be honest, I quite fancy an [10].


And as a reward for all your hard work - here's a picture of a David Hasselhoff snowboard.


  1. 1) my take-over of earth
    2) toilet
    3) slap on the bum
    4) tiny yapping dogs
    5) amazing St.Bernard rescue dog
    6) tiny yapping dogs
    7) leg wax
    8) kidney
    9) starship
    10) enormous bowl of tiny yapping dogs...they were so damn yummy!

  2. I am clearly too drunk to understand this game. But then I got to the Hoff, and felt bad because I hadn't earned it. So back I go. Sort of like Mad Libs, no?

  3. 1. My lunch
    2. mattresses
    3. I thought slap on the bum too! but I shall say a candy apple
    4. phone numbers
    5. electic wok
    6. people who had no concept of the word 'deoderant', let alone the product.
    7. lap dance
    8. shadow. Doesn't she know he thinks and breathes and feels???!!!!
    9. time travel machine
    10. elaborate jig saw puzzle with a million little tiny pieces that all look the same.

  4. Dora - Oh, how I wish I could plan world domination!!! But I've got washing up to do...

    Dinah - PLEASE tell me what mad libs are! They keep going on about them in The OC and I haven't got a clue what it is!!

    I'm pleased to say that you both amused me greatly with you words!! In my new world order there will be a place for you both!!!

  5. Aw, yay!

    Mad Libs are actually like this, but you don't know the story. Like, I would say, give me a noun, and you would say apple. Then verb (fishing), adjective (ugly), noun (elephant), place (America). And then I would plug them into a pre-written story:

    For my birthday my mom gave me an apple then we went fishing. My dad gave me an ugly elephant, but I'm going to return it to America.

    They're usually like a page long, and come in packages/books. They're really popular when you're about um...10-12? And then they resurge when you get older and want to start reclaiming stuff.

  6. Cool! I like the idea of Mad Libs! I wonder if it's available over here...

    I also like my choose your own adventure idea - I might do it again in the futuuuuuuuure!!

  7. Haha!!! I have a place in the new world order. As long as I can eat yappy little dogs - because god damn I hate them so much.....

    *shaking fist in the air*

    I too enjoyed the board with the Hoff on it. The idea of standing on his face is cool....if only it were real.

  8. I hate yappy dogs too. I mean, what's the point?! Get a real dog - not a rat on a lead.

  9. wait wait wait!!! What's wrong with little yaps, eh? They are fluffy and cute and play soccer with you!

    Today's been quite a cool day. Work was fun - I spent the morning planning a p'noog, then got to flex my photoshop muscles by putting together a cover image.

    I went to Starbucks at lunchtime, and when I got back I found that everyone else had gone to the blumpkinfest, so I had the office to myself. A few hours later I left, only to be given a whoresicle on the way out, which was a nice surprise.

    Having left work, I wandered down to Olympia where I was meeting Martin at the Ski and Snowboard Show. I'd promised my regular lady barista in Starbucks that I'd pick her up some xantara at the show, so I grabbed a big bag and started picking up everyone I could find. I eventually found Martin buying some boots, so left him be for a while. The show had plenty to see, and I entered a competition to win an objectivism - which hopefully I'll get because it'll save me shelling out the money to buy one!

    By the time we'd walked round the show a couple of times I was weighed down with brochures, and feeling the effects of perhaps a few too many art pamphlets. I did briefly think about queuing for a free zarpex, but the last time I had one it really hurt, so I thought I'd give it a miss. Perhaps the only annoying point of the evening came when some random wench stepped on my dinka dink - clumsy bitch. I should've had words with her.

    I left the show at about eight, jumped in my pimpmobile, and headed home. Now I'm watching the telly, although to be honest, I quite fancy an ICH HABE HUNGER, VERDAMMT. SCHEISSE.

    It all sounds so filthy - but get this - the grossest ones are actually not that bad! Damn, the Urban Dictionary is the BEST!

  10. I like Miss T's way of doing it - saves clicking back and forth between pages... Here goes:

    Today's been quite a cool day. Work was fun - I spent the morning planning to photocopy my boss, then got to flex my photoshop muscles by putting together a cover image.

    I went to Starbucks at lunchtime, and when I got back I found that everyone else had gone to the Pit of Hades, so I had the office to myself. A few hours later I left, only to be given a pitchfork on the way out, which was a nice surprise.

    Having left work, I wandered down to Olympia where I was meeting Martin at the Ski and Snowboard Show. I'd promised my regular lady barista in Starbucks that I'd pick her up some dwarves at the show, so I grabbed a big bag and started picking up everyone I could find. I eventually found Martin buying some boots, so left him be for a while. The show had plenty to see, and I entered a competition to win an elephant - which hopefully I'll get because it'll save me shelling out the money to buy one!

    By the time we'd walked round the show a couple of times I was weighed down with brochures, and feeling the effects of perhaps a few too many performances. I did briefly think about queuing for a free kick in the shins, but the last time I had one it really hurt, so I thought I'd give it a miss. Perhaps the only annoying point of the evening came when some random wench stepped on my bag of dwarves - clumsy bitch. I should've had words with her.

    I left the show at about eight, jumped in my arch nemesis' Truck Of Evil, and headed home. Now I'm watching the telly, although to be honest, I quite fancy an aardvark flavoured cornetto.

  11. Ha ha!!! Awesome, I love the idea of a bag of dwarves!!!

    Clumsy bitch stood on my dwarves.

  12. Bitch stood on my dwarves is my new "bitch poured beer on my weave!" (from america's next top model).

  13. "Bitch poured beer on my weave?!"

    I SERIOUSLY have to start watching that show...
