Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Stupid thought of the day

Why hasn't Ron Jeremy done a cover of the Foo Fighter's 'Generator' renamed 'Penetrator'?


  1. He's got a big winky hasn't he, and he's able to keep it up for ages.

    Again, surprised he hasn't done a cover of 'Everlong' either! Ho ho ho!

  2. Well, I have a feeling that men would only watch to get Gentlemen's Envy, and most women would stay away from it due to the 'ew! too big'factor.

    Is it common practice for boys across the pond to watch porn together? Some silly boys here like the 'share' the comraderie of porn.... that's all I can say about that. It's confusing.

  3. People, people, PEOPLE! FILTH!

    Skillz - um, I don't know...! I'll take your word for that one!! Good call on 'Everlong' though - and thinking about it, Foo Fighters do have a lot of porn-stylee song titles; 'Monkey Wrench'? 'Walking after you'?? 'Gimme Stitches'?!?!

    Miss Haversham - Can't say I often settle down with my chums to watch 'In Diana Jones and the Temple of Poon,' but everyone to their own, I s'pose!!

    Straw poll: who watches pornography with their pals?

  4. Can I count myself as two people?

    Umm...no really the thought of sitting down with any friend watching porn is disgusting.

    On my own however, well that's a different story. Also does Queer as Folk count? It's very sexual and there is alot of nudity. And hot man action.

  5. Yeah, you can count yourself as two people if you want!

    I can't believe that no one invites their mates over, puts the kettle on, pops the top of some pringles, and whacks some porn on. Seems perfectly reasonable to m- actually, no, wait.

    It's INSANE.

    And no, Queer as Folk doesn't count. Because if it did, we'd also have to count Marissa's hot girl action in The OC.

    Hmmm... OK, yeah, we can!

  6. I've never watched porn without other guys in the room.

  7. Anonymous6:31 pm

    i don't think i'll ever be able to listen to "generator" again without singing penetrator instead...

    another good Foo song for rj to cover is "stacked actors"

  8. My mom has recently fallen in love with Tommy Lee, but she was scandalized when I told her he had a huge one. I don't even want to think of what would happen if I told her of Ron Jeremy.

  9. Skillz - now there's a troubling little Skillz factoid I wasn't really expecting. But, erm, y'know... Bravo!

    Missy & Chrisy - Nice! I'm beginning to wonder if Dave Grohl is just super smutty...?

    Dinah - Probably even more troubling... doesn't Tommy Lee have hepatitus? That dude's groin should have an exclusion zone round it or something...

  10. I think if he covered any Foo Fighters song it would have to be 'Big Me'.

  11. Also: I once watched porn with my friend Rick and some other guy. There was a point when I started to chat to the other guy, and Rick interrupted saying, "Guys, you need to watch this bit, it's important to the plot." Extraordinary.

  12. I'm beginning to think that we should encourage Ron to do a whole album of covers. I think that has the potential to be the best thing EVAH.

    I wonder if he has a Myspace page...

    Glad to hear that you're watching only the classiest porn. A plot. Blimey! That's more than some Hollywood movies have!

  13. Who the Hell's Ron Jeremy?

    * frantically Googles name *


    * comprehension has dawned *

    I'm unimpressed. And, watching porn with others: No. No, no no.

  14. I know - I tend to think it's a no-no as well!

  15. I'm glad Queer as Folk counts, but as for Marissa and her so called "am I gay??" period that is just a joke.

    But a sexy joke.

    Also classy porn - is there such a thing?

  16. I expect that's how Marissa would describe it: "Oh, yeah, it was my sexy joke phase."

    Oh, wait. She was killed when Ryan's crappy truck rolled over.

    And the message there? Enjoy your sexy joke, but always belt up kids!

    Classy porn? Of course! That's when they smear vasaline on the camera lens to give it that soft focus look.
