Wednesday, September 13, 2006

A load of old balls - AKA: shameless thievery

Now, I'm not a massive fan of him in general, but there was a feature on Richard Bacon's Xfm radio show today that actually reduced me to tears of laughter.

The basic gist of it was that you had to insert the word 'testicals' or 'testes' into a the name of a well-known television show, the idea being that hilarity would ensue.

Thus, there were answers such as:

Faulty Testicals (towers)
Testicals or no Testicals (Deal or no Deal)
Teletesticals (Teletubbies)
One foot in the Testicals (One foot in the Grave)
America's Next Top Testical (model)

And so on.

Well, seeing as I found it so amusing, I thought you lot would too. So I've stolen the idea. Except let's do it with movie titles, because they're a bit more universal than TV shows.

I'll start you off with:

Desperately Seeking Testicals
The Testical Strikes Back
Testical Story
You, Me, and Testicals
Back to the Testical
Pirates of the Testicals
Sky Captain and the World of Testicals
The Good, the Bad, and the Testicals

Go crazy kids!


  1. I'm liking the Star Wars series (or the Testical Wars?)

    The Phantom Testical
    Attack of the Testical
    Revenge of the Testical
    A New Testical
    The Testical Strikes Back
    Return of the Testical

    Much like boobs a little while ago, it has now lost all meaning.

    And I'm loving A League of Their Testicals.

  2. Anonymous3:39 am

    dirty rotten testicals. lock, stock, and two smoking testicals. monty python and the holy testicals. goodness, we could play this game for HOURS!

  3. Priscilla: Queen of the Testes
    Murials Testical
    Artificial Testicals
    I, Testical
    The League of Extraordinary Testicals
    The Testes of Eastwick
    Flight of the Testical

    Need I go on? (I really want to!)

  4. Ha ha ha!!! Those are fantastic!

    Let's play on!!

    ET: The Extra Testical
    The Lion, the witch, and the testical
    Alien Vs Testical
    Nightmare on Testical Street
    Indiana Jones and the Testical of Doom

  5. Herbie goes Testicals
    The Little Testical
    THe Lion Testical
    Beauty and the Testical
    Testical and the Beast
    Singin' in the Testicals
    Gone with the Testicals
    Testical Act II: Back in the Testicals
    Testicals of Dogtown

  6. A testical to remember

  7. You've got Testicals!

  8. Charlie and the Testical Factory
    The Day the Testical Stood Still
    Testicals of Desire
    Down with Testicals
    Old Testical
    My Big Fat Testical Wedding

  9. My Big Fat Greek Testical?

    Ha ha! All these suggestions are cracking me up!!

    Breakfast at Testicals? Testicals at Tiffany's?
    Lethal Testical
    Robin Hood: Prince of Testicals

  10. Anonymous12:17 pm

    Harry Potter and the Goblet of Testicles

    March of the Testicles

    Look Who's Talking Testicles

  11. National Lampoon's European Testicals

  12. The Day of the Testicals

    Star Testical: The Testical of Khan
    ST: The Search For Testes
    ST: The Testical Home
    ST: The Final Testical
    Testical Trek: The Undiscovered Testical
    ST: Testicals
    ST: First Testical
    etc. etc...

  13. Oh, and:

    Bridget Jones' Testical

  14. The Muppets take Testicals
    A Testical called Wanda
    Bedknobs and Testicals
    Interview with the Testicles

    Damn! I've just realised I've been spelling Testicles wrong! I'm a rubbish proof-reader!!!

  15. Testicle vs. Testicle
    Bringing Up Testicles
    Say Testicles...
    Vanilla Testicles
    Dirty Testicle
    An Inconvenient Testicle
    Testicle in Love
    Testicle 13
    Testicle Confidential

  16. Assault on Testicle 13
    Die Hard with a testicle
    The Testicle club
    Testicle Academy
    Casper the little testicle
    Dances with testicles
    When Harry met testicles
    Romancing the testicle

  17. Groundhog Testicle
    Wayne's Testicle

  18. Testicles in Seattle
    Almost Testicles
    Strictly Testicles
    Testicle State
    Testicles on a Plane
    Testicle of the Jungle
    101 Testicles
    Dr. Testicle

  19. Lord of the Testicles
    Planet of the Testicles
    The Butterfly Testicle
    Team Testicle: World Police
    Mission: Testicle
    Close Encounters of the Testicle kind
    Lost in Testicles
    Mr and Mrs Testicle
    The Iron Testicle

  20. A Testicle in Paris
    The Sound of Testicles
    The Wizard of Testicles
    Rebel Without a Testicle
    Testicle Without a Cause
    Dude, Where's My Testicle?

  21. I am clearly having too much fun doing this.

  22. The Testicle in the water
    Testicle club
    Testicle come home!
    Batman and Testicle
    Sleepy Testicle

    I think we're all having too much fun with this!!

  23. I can't believe I too spelt testicle wrong. My excuse is that I was just copying everyone else!

    Went to the cinema last night and saw Little Miss Testicle. It was brilliant. Very funny, but very touching. Fantastically acted by all concerned. Although the beauty pageant girls (little more than toddlers, really) were truly grotesque!

    Dark Testicle
    The City of Lost Testicles
    Testicle Quest
    Photographing Testicles
    Very Annie Testicle
    A Testicle at the End of World

  24. I know! I can't believe I spelt it wrong. I pride myself on my speiling!

    I was thinking about seeing Little Miss Testicle - and based on your comment I might just do that! Damn - yesterday was Orange Wednesday!!

    Around the Testicle in 80 days

    (Ha ha! My word verification is sscab!)

  25. That would've been amazing. It has to come up at some point, right!?

    Nacho Testicle!

  26. Testicles of Fire
    Adams Family Testicles
    Me, Myself, and Testicles

  27. Teen Testicles
    Testicals came from outer space
    The day the testicles stood still

  28. Anonymous4:02 am

    Two and a half testicles
