Sunday, September 10, 2006

Get cape, wear cape, die

Sweatband and I have been talking about the upcoming Hampton Court 10k, which is, ooo, three weeks away (yee gads!).

Anyway, Sweatband, being super-hardcore, is a bit worried that the event is going to be full of, and I quote "beginners," who will hold us up in our attempt to complete the run in super-quick times. I suggested that she could just shout "GET OUTTA MY F**KIN' WAY!!!" or wield an electric cattleprod in the general direction of any ditherers. I think she likes both ideas, to be honest.

We've also discussed ways to amuse ourselves while running. And that's when I mentioned that we could do the run in fancy dress (having just found what looks like an awesome fancy dress shop in Twickenham). I thought Sweatband would laugh this off, then poke me with her cattleprod and tell me to stop being so stupid. Thing is, she actually quite liked the idea.

And so we planned this a little bit more in-depth: I would be Superman (obviously), and she would be Supergirl (because she's a girl).

Sod the times, I thought, we'll have superhero fun instead!

Then I had a bit of an email conversation with Lee, who reminded me of the sequence of events in The Incredibles in which they reveal the fate of several caped superheroes.

And I decided that I'd make do with the traditional shorts and t-shirt combo. There's a reason it's an established athletic classic.

That said, I might just hire the Superman suit and wear it around the house. Or go to work in it.


  1. If you don't go for the Super costumes or the regular outfits, how about dressing up as Benny Hill characters and re-enacting one of those famous chase sequences? I mean, you'll be running anyway.

  2. Dude! Are you suggesting I dress as a sexy nurse or something? That's seriously messed up!!!!!!

    On the other hand, though, that's a quality suggestion. I'll talk to Sweatband, and see if iTunes have the Benny Hill theme tune so I can load it on my iPod...

  3. I'm not suggesting anything of the sort!

    Sweatband on the other hand...

  4. Ha ha ha!!! I'll, erm, pass the comment on...

    And if I'm bitch-slapped into next week we know who to blame!

  5. I only meant it as a compliment, not with any romantic inclinations in mind. I'm too short for love.

  6. Regardless, I think starting a conversation with the line "so have you thought about running as a saucy nurse" wouldn't be the wisest course of action for retaining my teeth.

    Or I could say "Skillz suggests..."

    Either way, one of us would definitely be seeing tweeting birds!

  7. OK, scrap that!

    How about dressing like Sarah Connor and Kyle Reese from Terminator?

    You could re-enact the "running away from the terminator" scene, with the added bonus that if you pass out she could shout out "ON YOUR FEET SOLDIER! MOVE IT!".

  8. OK, fair suggestion. Which one would I be?

    And she shouts that at me anyway; seriously, dude, come running with us and see what I mean! It's like Bad Lad's Army!!
