Thursday, September 14, 2006

Bye bye Balok

You might've noticed that I've changed my profile picture. One of the reasons for this is that a lot of people found little Clint Howard a tad scary. My brother hasn't read this blog since I replaced The Brain with Clint.

My new pic is courtesy of comic book pal Graham; he whipped it up as a birthday card for me a few years back. Awesome innit? It's amazing what you can do with a dodgy photo of yours truly and a 'Captain Kirk Ken' (aside from putting him in naughty positions with 'Hailing Frequencies Open Barbie').

So it's bye bye Balok!

Lordy. That is a face only a mother could love.


  1. I kind of miss him. I'll get over it, sure, but there's something oddly comforting yet bizarre about that picture.

    Not that I don't like the new one - I do. Very nice.

  2. Oh, now I feel guilty about dropping him (the police ruled it to be an accident).

    Maybe he'll make a guest appearance every now and then; maybe I'm just saying that, and it'll never actually happen.

    I *JUST* don't know. Anyway, I'm going to return my Balok costume to the hire shop...

  3. I won't miss him that much. He was, as you say, a tad scary. Looks worse now, though...

    Captain Kirk in the giant's grasp is cool!

  4. Anonymous2:37 pm

    The freaky baby is outta there....YEAH!

    See, grinding down your will over time does work lil' bro....

  5. Inexplicable Device - It certainly seems that there was not much love for little Clint Howard and his vending machine teeth. I shall certainly miss the cheeky chappy. I wonder how long until they bring Gentle Ben out on DVD...?

    Big Bro! And just because you've said that, I think I might bring Clint back!!


  6. I did genuinely like him, but I was starting to picture you as him. So probably best that he's gone.

  7. Hmmm... then yes, it's probably best he's gone. Alas, I do not spend my days sitting on plump pink cushions wearing a silver costume and getting off my face on tranya.

    More's the pity...!
