Saturday, September 09, 2006

Best go onesies people...

...'cos I'd hate you all to pee your undercrackers after watching this:


  1. Hahahaha...the bear hit the trampoline! Ah, America.

  2. Ohhh You Tube! What haven't you given us?

  3. How can he possibly be all right? Looks like he broke his neck! What were those people thinking? I've a good mind to go 'round there and clock them one. Grrr..

    * sputters of outrage and cruelty to animals fades out as a scraping noise can be heard. Sounds just like a trampoline being positioned under a cherry tree... *

  4. Dinah - I know! The land of the free, and bouncing bears! I just love the way his little paws wave around as he reaches his apex.

    Dora - You Tube is just the BEST THING EVAH!

    Inexplicable Device - No, seriously, the bear is fine - I saw a longer cut and they show him being released into the wild! No reports on whether he goes running back to the tree shouting "AGAIN!" though...

  5. How did he get up there?

  6. I would. "Again! Again!" Except that I'd make sure my landing was a little more coordinated.

  7. Skillz - I'd love to say that it was actually a trampoline accident that got him stuck up the tree in the first place... but sadly I think he just climbed!

    Inexplicable Device - yes he was all abit sixes and sevens upon landing, wasn't he. The Croatian judge says "5.5!"

  8. Yes, how did he get up there? And I would think he would do it again - I mean apart from the injuries, it looks like fun.

  9. Maybe he was looking for a big pot of honey? Or was suicidal ("I'll jump, I'll do it - don't try to stop me! It's never been the same since the circus fired me. Ooo, a trampoline!!").

    Either way we should encourage him to have another go. He needs to perfect his landing.
