Sunday, September 17, 2006

All good things...

Well, this has been a weird couple of days. Weird good, not weird bad. I seem to have entered some sort of bizarre comfort zone/nostalgia spiral.

First of all, yep - I finished that last TNG issue on Friday; ran it close to the wire too. It was like the old Star Trek Fact Files days where we just about got everything finished at the same moment as the Fedex guy walked in the door to take it away. Of course, there are still little bits to tidy up here and there, but editorially I'm done. So that left me kind of relieved, exhausted, sad, and elated all at the same time. Thinking of the old Fact Files days. Thinking of how fast three years on TNG has gone by (my boss couldn't believe it either; "F**K! You still look 16," he said to me). Realising we've still got a LOT to do on the new TOS project. Maybe that's part of the nostalgia thing too. The original Star Trek has always been a bit of a comfort zone for me, and I'm looking now at potentially (all things going well) a years worth of work dedicated to it.

Then there's The OC. I love this show, and I've been mainlining the third season DVD boxset over the last couple of days. This is another comfort thing. Even if I'm in a bad mood (which I'm SO NOT!) The OC just takes my mind off it. Maybe it's the beautiful scenary. Maybe it's the bright colours and sunshine. Maybe it's Kirsten Cohen and Julie Cooper?

Next up is music. I got some free downloads from iTunes, so I spent an hour or so trawling around trying to find some decent songs to download; I thought about the new Killers track, because it's grown on me a hell of a lot. I even thought about Sexyback by J*st*n T*mb*rl*k* because I inexplicably liked his last album and this track. But what did I end up buying? Get Ready by Roachford because it's a cracking toon that reminds me of a family holiday we took to Cornwall years ago. Damn, I even almost downloaded Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm by the Crash Test Dummies!

And then there's Love and Rockets. I've made it quite obvious before that I love Love and Rockets, but I usually wait for the collected editions to catch up with what the characters are upto. But there I was in the comic shop on Thursday and there was the latest issue, and I just bought it. I haven't read it yet, and I doubt I'll understand much because it's probably mid-way through a story arc. But I just felt like checking in with Maggie and Hopey and all the other characters to see how they are doing. It's going to be a long time until the next book, y'see.

I also got in touch with an old mate I haven't seen in aaaaaaages. We're meeting for a bevvy later in the week.

And finally, I sorted out some bit 'n bobs to do with my aforementioned scheming, so fingers crossed on that front. I ran my half-formed plan past Sweatband the other day and rather than laugh in my face and slap my forehead repeatedly she actually thought it was quite good. See - even when I'm stuck in a comforting nostalgia zone I've still got one eye on the future...


  1. One eye on dudery in the future? Does this have something to do with angling to be a captain of a certain ship??

  2. Oh, and FIRST and SECOND.

    I'm no chump.

  3. Miss Haversham, everything I do in life is intended to set me on the course to being captain of a certain starship!

    Sad, huh?

    Whoa! First and second?! I might have to start firsting my own posts!!

    As it is... um, third...?

  4. Everyone has to have a dream. Mine is to become The One and start bending spoons before liberating humanity from being batteries.

    I think a well positioned arm chair and some remote controls for the tele go a long way in the whole captain's chair fantasy.


  5. You're a whore with a dream/stud-muffin with a plan, so you can look toward the future with your shoulders squared and your head up.

    Also, Julie Cooper is awesome.

  6. Haha! 6th and that ain't bad. It's also not that good - but I prefer to look on the bright side.

    So Tim, are you going to wear a full body lycra suit in this captain fantasy?

  7. Miss Haversham - I SO used to do that with the remote controls!! It was either that or pretend they were phasers...

    Dinah - Why thank you!! I don't quite know which category I currently fall in, but either will do! And Julie Cooper is awesome. Super awesome. I love her line to Charlotte in the third season: "There's only room for one manipulative bitch in this town."

    Dora - No full body lycra suit! It's all about the original series - so I will be wearing short trousers and knee high boots, bizarrely... Don't you just love the future?

  8. What do you mean you USED to do that with the remote? My opinion of your nerdiness might go down another notch if you admit to not doing that. There's not a day that goes by I don't threaten the pets with phaser fire.

    The poor little shits will probably get cancer from all the infra red rays I send their way.

    And don't pretend you didn't get a clamshell phone to be all "Captain's... log.... stardate...."

    Like my Shatner pauses?

    Nerds are cool.

    PS My clamshell phone has a flashing blue light. And other features that I haven't been botherd to figure out.

  9. Oh, I stopped doing that with the remotes when I bought a replica phaser. Damn thing won't change the channel though...

    And I *SO* got the clamshell phone for the Star Trek possibilities it offered. I even do a little flirtatious Kirk-like smile when I pop it back in my pocket - which probably looks a bit strange if I'm just standing in line at Starbucks...

    I also tried to get the same generic ringtone they have on The OC so I could pretend Julie Cooper was ringing.

    Phones do have a massive array of features these days, don't they? Apparently mine can also - get this - receive calls!!

    Nice... Shatner... pauses. You'veclearly ... been... practising!

    Now you just need to head out and double punch something!

  10. We had a phaser remote but it wouldn't change the channels. I don't know where it is now...

  11. So it was more like a ... a real phaser then? Ooo! Could you stun small animals with it!?!
