Tuesday, August 15, 2006

No-show Libre

Yaz and I went to see Nacho Libre today. And by 'went to see' I actually mean 'failed to see.' You see, just as we were about to buy our tickets we noticed that it was a subtitled screening. With words.

Now Yaz and I both work in editorial positions where a good portion of our lives are filled with reading all bloody day, so we really don't want to have to read at the cinema straight after work (unless we've gone to see a film that we know is going to be subtitled, in which case we'll have time to mentally prepare). We thought about going in. Even thought about bunging our ears up so we too could legitimately call ourselves 'hearing impaired' (when did we stop saying 'deaf'? It's not as if they can hear us...). In the end though I moaned that I'd probably be distracted by the big words blocking up the screen, although in hindsight the most irritating thing would probably have been a load of hearing impaired people chowing down on nachos, popcorn, and other assorted snacks of increased volume without the slightest consideration for those of us who were actually trying to listen.

Selfish bastards.

Anyway, so there we were, footloose and fancy-free in Shepherds Bush mall. What else to do but shop? And what a treat we had. You see, one of our mutual friends - El Deanio - has just become a dad (who's the daddy?! YOU the daddy!) for the first time, and I was wondering whether I should pick up some kind of gift... El Deanio is quite a fan of the labels, so I'm torn between baby's first Airmax and baby's first Converse...

Just looking at the baby trainers made me regret not getting Smudge the kitten. She would've looked awesome in two pairs of Converse.


  1. I say the cons. They have infinitely more street cred.

    Poor Smudge! She's missing out on all those good dressing-up-the-kitten times.

  2. I agree with Miss H. Cons are cooler...and you don't want to get an uncool gift do you????

  3. Anonymous9:26 am

    El Deanio would prefer Baby Prada.

  4. Miss Haversham - I know... poor Smudge is now with another family who no doubt won't be dressing her up as Battlecat from Masters of the Universe and making her run around with a He-Man figure strapped to her back. On the plus side, she won't be sprayed green either.

    Dora - Yeah, I think the Cons are cooler. I think I might head back there and ask to try them on, just to see what sort of expression the shop-jockey gives me!

    Mr. Chunt - Yeah, probably, but have you seen how much Baby Prada costs?! I'd need to take out another mortgage!

  5. Now you do have to get a cat....any cat and do the above mentioned to it. Then film it and put it on U-Tube. There is not enough stuff like that on U-Tube. I should know I was just there and it's full of crappy home movies from guys who want to be "Jackass". Cat! Cat! Cat!

    (Plus I really wanna see the He-Man figure strapped to it's back)

  6. Did someone just say "he man" and "strap on" in the same sentance??

  7. Dora - ohmygod! Yes! I'm just going to grab some random cat of the street and transform it into Battlecat! The owners will have a super-surprise when that little kitty comes running through their Battlecat-flap!

    Maybe I could add this to my roster of developing TV shows? Fantasy Make-over - transforming the mundane into characters from science-fiction and fantasy!

    Miss Haversham! Gosh - whatever do you mean!? We could always start talking about She-Ra!

  8. Anonymous12:57 pm

    Shoot it with your great... sword.

  9. Chunty... Erm, what am I shooting with my mighty sword?

    I just want to be 100% certain - I wouldn't want to have someone's eye out...

  10. Anonymous5:00 pm

    the er.. cat.

  11. You expect me to use my mighty sword on a cat!?

