Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Naughty Dora

So I was browsing the interweb as I do, still reeling from Dora's snapshot of me, when what do I find on the always awesome Across-the-Board?

Dora... explain yourself!


  1. Dirty little pervert! Hand all over her bum, too!

  2. That might be the weirdest threesome I've ever seen. Might.

  3. Inexplicable Device - I know! This'll be front page news on a regional newspaper ... somewhere.

    Dinah - Just think of poor Minnie Mouse, sitting at home with a casserole on the stove, waiting for Mickey to return. And where is he? Off indulging his dirty passions with Dora and some young Aryan!

  4. Damn it! damn it! damn it! So much for "these will be such tasteful photos Dora". I knew I shouldn't have trusted Mickey Mouse. He's such a bastard!

    At least working out at the gym has paid off ;)

  5. Yeah, but you seriously need some conditioner - it must be a nightmare brushing those knots out!

    I've just realized... Mickey's right hand is poised for an ass-smack. He's such a perve.

  6. Yes, Mickey is a perving bastard. He can't wait for a bit of old fashioned arse-smacking to happen.

    And let's all be honest....either could I.

  7. Pure filth!!!!!

  8. I can't help it if Mickey can't control himself! I'm a whole lot of woman....with knees that bend back. It' a great feature.

    p.s. Had a hair cut today, so got rid of the frizzy mess.

  9. And arms...that are hung on wrong.

  10. Dora - Glad to hear that you've gotten rid of the frizzy monstrosity, and now you can get down to some serious business with the mouse. Why is he wearing gloves? Does he have some sort of germ allergy?

    Dinah - her arms are probably hot-swapable, perhaps even with her legs too. Oh, to be so versatile...!

  11. Mickey-Love's only wearing gloves for the inevitable glove-slap. One can never be too prepared for a duel!

  12. A glove-slap duel!? Gloves at dawn!?!?

    How exciting!

  13. I wouldn't be afraid to go up against Mickey. His gloves look like a pathetic polycotton blend, whereas mine, on the other hand (fnar fnar), are steel gauntlets!

  14. I don't check blogger for one day and every gets delusions of grandeur? Again?!!!???

    Ummm, why is that child licking barbie's boob?

    IDV, don't underestimate Mickie. He has that ho Minnie on his side. She fights dirrrrty, Xtina Aguilalrraalrlrssaaaa style.

  15. Inexplicable Device - Don't forget the mouse only has three fingers, so his gloves are going to be irregularly sized! I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing...

    Miss Haversham - in the words of Admiral Kirk in Star Trek III - that's what you get for missing staff meetings. Best speed to Genesis!

    Oh, wait, we're not going to the Genesis planet...

    Anyhoo, why is that child licking Dora's boob? To be honest, I don't know. Let's add that to the long list of questions we demand answers too: Why is the sky blue? Why does Robbie Williams still have a career? Why do I look so hot today?

    And are you comparing Minnie Mouse to Christina Slagulera? Ooo... now I'm picturing her in the Diiirty video... Hmmm...

  16. Robbie Williams still has a career?

    Like, a successful one?

  17. Horrifically, yes! I'm doing my very best to sow the seeds of discord among his fanbase, but they're really not seeing the light.

    I might have to resort to dispensing dry slaps.

  18. Robbie is a bit of a boob....and not all made of plastic and fantastic like mine.

    I just find his songs are starting to sound the same.

    Now perhaps if his shows had a giant set of lips (forty licks style) things may improve. Slightly.

  19. I hate Robbie Williams and wish he'd spontaneously combust under the explosive weight of his own ego.

    If you removed Robbie Williams from a Robbie Williams concert and replaced him with the inflatable lips singing anything but Robbie Williams songs I might think about going...

  20. A concert where giant lips are singing. I'd like to see that!
