Sunday, August 06, 2006

Denny Crane!

As you all know by now, I'm a huge fan of William Shatner. Obviously I first became aware of the Shat as Captain Kirk in Star Trek, but I was also a fan of him because of TJ Hooker, which also starred Heather 'be thy name' Locklear. In fact, Hooker and I share the same initials, which I think was a stunning piece of forethought on the part of my parents. Go Mum and Dad!

The man is a genius.

Don't believe me?

"IT'S A CHEVY VAN" is my new favorite catchphrase, although it did piss Marcosy off a fair bit when we walked past the Chevy stand at the London Motor Show the other week and I JUST. KEPT. SAYING. IT.

Anyway, I'm off to a wedding-party thing on Wednesday night (do you think I can get away with jeans and a wifebeater?), and the Shat has once again come through as a major influence on my life, courtesy of his new show Boston Legal, which I've been watching a bit too much of recently.

Yes, I shall be dancing like this:

Though truth be told, probably not with James Spader.

And if you haven't seen Boston Legal, it's just like Ally McBeal but without Ally McBeal or the CGI fantasy sequences, and it's generally a bit dull unless Shatner and Spader are onscreen; when they are it's just sublime TV. Shatner's character just randomly says his name all the time, a habit I think I might take up...

Denny Crane!


  1. Denny Crane or Timmy from South Park? Either way, I am set up for the day now. But now I am left pondering...

    1) WHAT'S IN THE f****** BOX??
    2) Why did he play TJ Hooker as a bit 'special'?

  2. I do like to occasionally shout "TIMMEH!" but I think "Denny Crane" suggests a bit more seriousness...

    I wanted to hear Shatner's head sing more of Mr Tambourine Man - I have a bit of a soft spot for his musical forays.

    I don't know why Hooker was a bit special... but "IT'S A CHEVY VAN!"

    God love the man! I wish I could make a career of snogging green women.

  3. TIMMEH! I loved the ep where he got the turkey: GOBBLES!! But yes, you do want to repeatedly say your own name whilst giving people high fives during important meetings*. Much more mature.

    I did love the randomness of Mr Tamborine man. As for that making out with green women fetish, well, I suppose you could always stalk your local doctor's office around cold and flu season? Or the seasickness clinic.

    * I plan to do that tomorrow. I think I might just say my last name though, give it an air of orginality.

  4. Oh and:

    It's a CHEVY VAN!

  5. * sighs with pleasure *

    Listen to him sing...

  6. Miss Haversham - Aaaaw, I loved Gobbles with his little flexible neck! G-Gobbles? TIMMEH! I want to watch some South Park now...

    Not sure about hanging around doctor's offices - they're full of sick people. And old people. But I bet they'd all laugh if I spontaneously shouted out: IT'S A CHEVY VAN!

    Inexplicable Device - Ohmygod! Are... are you William Shatner, host of the hit series Rescue 911? You're a movie of the week, you're a f***in' t-shirt!

  7. "The Shat", I loal it...

  8. How can anyone NOT love the Shat? The man is a hero of our age!

    I demand Shatner statues - Shatues, if you will, in every major city!

  9. Sorry, that was meant to say "love". I guess his car is called the Shatmobile?

  10. Ha ha! I assumed it was something like 'LOL' - it took me ages to work out what the hell that meant!

    Aaaw, the Shatmobile would be cool; it would be pimped to the max!
