Wednesday, July 05, 2006

They mostly come at night … mostly

HMV have got the uber-exclusive limited collector's edition of the Alien Quadrilogy on special offer - £199 down to £54!

Now - WOW! - that's a bargain my friends, but I'm excited by it for another reason altogether. Y'see, I reckon if you chucked out all the DVDs (I mean, who *hasn't* got them already?), you could probably pop it on your head.

And the idea of dressing like an alien with a big plastic head is quite appealing to me. Picture this: me donning my alien head and going out in the twilight hours to scare all those feral teenagers - you know, the ones who just hang around in intimidatingly large groups on street corners, and appear to have lost the ability to pull their trousers up OVER their arses, and instead let them hang UNDER their arses. My Mum would've never let me out the house with my undercrackers on show to all and sundry, let me tell you. And that's because I was raised properly.

Anyway, I digress. So yes, the idea of scaring people while dressed as an alien appeals greatly to my malarkey sensibilities. And I could even spray cillit bang on the really obnoxious teenagers (it's the closest I can think of to my alien brethren's acidic blood).

Thinking about it ... the pinnicle of this insane idea would be to jump out at an unsuspecting Sigourney Weaver... The look on her face would, I'm sure, definitely be worth the kick to the knackers that would undoubtedly follow!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. WAY FUCKING COOL!!!! I LOVE the Alien movies...and to have them come in an Alien head is just damned cool!

    You must buy this item and wear it on your head. You must. You must. You must!

    (This is take 2 in my attempt at getting the spelling of the word 'way' correct)

  3. I'm so tempted to do it - but I've got a nagging suspicion that I'll be shot with a tranquilizer dart if I run through the streets with it on my head...

    Or even worse - beaten up by Sigourney in a Powerloader!

  4. Or you could pull and Alien Vs Predator and put the head case on your arm like it is a sheild....

  5. In that case I should buy two - one for each arm!

    That would look hardcore...
