Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Temporarily named Smudge of indeterminate gender

Let's tug those ol' heart strings!

All together now: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

This is the kitten I've been offered (which actually makes it sound like some sort of drug deal…). At the moment it is called Smudge. Lazy Smudge has yet to open its eyes, although I'm assured that's due to happen Any. Day. Now.

(Oh, and that isn't my hand. I do not have womanly hands)

Notice that I'm refering to Smudge as an 'it'? Yes, I know it's rude, but no one knows if Smudge has a pee-pee or a punani. I'm hoping for Smudge's sake that he/she is a girl, because it's really not going to do his self confidence any good if someone turns round in a year or so and says "we weren't sure if you were a boy or a girl because your pee-pee was freakin' tiny."

So I'm still not sure if I'm going to take ickle Smudge. Although if I were the list of names currently stands at Chairman Meow, Hopey, and Kodos the Executioner.

Alternatively, if anyone feels they can give Smudge a suitable home while I dither around, I'm sure we can pop him/her in a Fedex box.


  1. F-ing 'ell. I haven't heard "punani" in so long. Old school. Funny post. Cute cat.

  2. I know - I couldn't think of a 21st century equivalent that sounded funny alongside 'pee-pee!'

  3. Aww, that's the cutest little fucker I've ever seen. :D

    Whoa. Nails. I ain't mad atcha. Grrr. ;)

  4. It is pretty cool isn't it? D'ya want it?

    I'm assuming that's the hand of the woman who owns Smudge... And you're right! They are some serious nails! Don't mess with her!

  5. Get the cat! Get the cat! Get the cat! Get the cat! Get the cat!

    Any of those names you have chosen are bound to give the kitten some sort of complex. Chairman Miaow has my vote.

  6. I'm quite taken by Kodos the Executioner - can you imagine them calling THAT name out at the vets?

    That's a bad attitude kitten that would definitely be wearing a hardcore studded leather collar...

  7. ...and then you could stroke the kitten as it lay on lap all Dr. Evil style....wearing the eye patch....

    See! A whole new style for Tim is being created via the web...

  8. Kodos The Executioner is a pretty badass name, but maybe you should extend it a bit more?

    Idi Amin's full name was:

    "His Excellency President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea, and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular."

    Now that is a name!

  9. Dora and Tina - I'm loving this new style! All I need now is a "freakin' laser," some "magma," and a tiny clone of myself.

    Maybe I should call the cat Mr. Bigglesworth...?

    Skillz - Holy Hell! That is one cool name! Screw the cat, I'm keeping that one for myself! Except for the Idi Amin bit. And I never conquered the British Empire. But other than that, I'll be down the deed poll office if anyone needs me.
