Thursday, July 27, 2006


I'm a big fan of Freudian slips (and before anyone asks, no, it's not a new type of underwear).

Today, however, I almost made a Freudian slip that would either have made everyone laugh (it certainly managed that in the office), left a spanish lady utterly confused, or ended my career.

You see, I'm dealing with a spanish company on a new project I'm working on, and today I emailed the lady in charge at their end to introduce myself. In emails such as this I often use the phrase "I'm looking forward to working with you," because it shows a bit of enthusiasm on my part and makes the other person feel special (not in the window-licker sense of the word).

But today, for some inexplicable reason, I wrote "I'm looking forward to porking you," which I think you'll agree is a tad forward; I mean, usually I'd at least buy her dinner. Or a McDonald's Happy Meal.

Anyway, what that says about my thought processes today I don't know, but thank god I proof-read my emails.


  1. (snicker)

    Now THAT'S funny.

    It is a good thing you proof read.

  2. Part of me wishes I'd sent it though - might've brightened her day!

    Would certainly have made the working relationship interesting...

  3. Haha! You should have sent that, it probably would have made her day. But you might have got the sack, so perhaps it's best you didn't send it?

  4. Send it ... get sacked... send it ... get sacked...


    Swings and roundabouts really!

  5. Anonymous11:51 am

    That's awesome. :)

  6. It might not've been awesome if I'd sent it!

    My next post probably would've been a plea for money!!
