Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Hot hot heat

No, that's not how fast I was going; because if it was I would've a) been using my phone illegally while driving, and b) I probably wouldn't be writing this because that wall is *awfully* close.

Truth be told, that's the temperature that my car was reading when I got home this evening at around half six. Holy crappola! That's this evening?! What the hell was it registering during the day?! The answer to that is that I don't know, but I'm damned sure there aren't enough digits on the display to show it, whatever it was.

So what I'm, trying to say is that it's pretty darn hot in London today. I was down to my metaphorical bra and panties in the office today, although it must be said that as I was wearing a wifebeater and had greased up with rather a lot of suntan lotion, I probably looked a little look a rogue male stripper quietly biding his time until WOOSH, he catches some unsuspecting lady unawares.

But unlike a lot of other Londoners, I ain't having a winge. I'm loving this heat wave, and it's going to be a shame if the weather forecasts have got it right and we're going to have severe storms tomorrow. Hang on - storms!? I love a good storm. And on the plus side the rain will wash the bird poo off my car (how is it they can consistently land direct hits on such a small car anyway? I mean, really, what's that all about?).

So storms, yeah - bring it on!


  1. Very funny. I studied abroad in England Jan-June 2000. I think we had one sunny day where we could sit by the pool.
    :) Megan

  2. It's so hot, I poured McDonalds coffee in my lap to cool off!

  3. Blimey! You were lucky to get that!

    Seriously, it's been so long since we saw the sun that I thought we Brits were going to have to turn into squinty mole people...

  4. Skillz - that's hardcore man!

    And I don't mean that you poured coffee in your lap - I mean that you bought coffee in McDonalds!

    Seriously, dude ... Starbucks?

  5. Well I could have poured a Starbucks mocha frap, but the *shrinkage* risk wasn't worth it!

  6. Aaaah, yep, I see where you're coming from - good point!

  7. WTF? I didn't think the sun ever came out over there? Jeez, what is world coming to when you have the sun and we have the bloody freezing cold over here? Again, I say WTF!

  8. Neither did I! I've actually seen people kneeling down in the streets to worship this 'sun-god thing.'

    Many of us hope it will stay, but I fear the sun-god is a fickle thing and will desert us soon...
