Friday, July 07, 2006

A change of direction

I've decided that I need to do something new and exciting.

So here we go:

No, I'm not starting a new career as a Gabrielle impersonator, but dreams can come true: I'm thinking of becoming a pirate - which may or may not have something to do with having just seen Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (which was great, by the way).

The major factor here is that the cinema was giving away free eyepatches, primarily for children, but I had no problem in taking one. Eyepatches are cool. In fact, I was going to wear my eyepatch while driving home, but Yaz sort of persuaded me not to. Something about 'depth perception...?' Yeah, I didn't know what she was on about either.

The only problem I can foresee in my new career is that I don't have a ship, cutlass, or crew, and I don't live near the sea. Arrr, but these are minor problems, I'm sure. Who'll sign up? There be treasure (or booty!) out thar!



  1. Arrrr! I am seeing Pirates tonight! I can only hope that they are giving out eye patches! Oh, and you completely freaked me out with the singer reference. We share the same first name, and for a moment there I was thinking "me... eyepatch???? great idea!"

  2. Avast, me hearty! You be enjoying the movie, I'm sure!

    Gabrielle (the singer) be another matter, tho'... a bit too arrrr 'n B for my liking! But we could make 'er walk the plank!

    Good luck with getting a patch!

  3. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum... Err... Gin, even. Whatever. Arrr...

  4. Arrr - there be special brew for all!

  5. Alas, no patches. But I enjoyed the patented Hollywood cliffhanger...

  6. No patches!? Damn! What about the rum?

    (I like the new profile pic!)

  7. Yes, I made my Southpark person have fantasy hair, but otherwise it is a pretty accurate rendition.

    No patches, but we did have curry afterwards. Was that piratey enough?

  8. If there was rum in the curry then it's all good!

    Is that Princess Leia hair?!

  9. No. And it wasn't even curry because I am such a wuss. But it was nice and warm it being winter here and all.

    Yes, it is Leia hair. I think I have just established my nerd credentials with that!

  10. But isn't winter there still really warm? I used to watch Neighbours, I know these things.

    Leia hair was the essential ingredient that was missing from the Star Wars prequels. And don't worry about the nerd credentials - I have a signed William Shatner/Patrick Stewart picture on my wall!
